Ребекка Дзанетти

Rebecca Zanetti

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Ребекка Дзанетти - циклы произведений

  • Hidden Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Hidden
    Дата написания: ~2018
    Первая публикация: September 25, 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Hide. That’s all Pippa can do to escape the terror chasing her. But now that she’s off the grid in a safe house, she finds plenty of interesting things to watch through the window. Like her new neighbor, with his startling green eyes, killer smile, and sexy bad-boy tattoo . . . Run. Malcolm West is fleeing the hell he unleashed in his last assignment as an undercover cop. A backwoods bungalow sounds like the perfect place to start over. Until he discovers he’s been set up . . . Fight. Someone’s gone to a lot of trouble to bring them together. No matter how much he resents that, and his own driving needs, Malcolm will have to dig deep and let loose the banished killer inside himself, or Pippa’s fears could come true faster than the flip of a bolt in a lock . . .
  • Taken Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Taken
    Дата написания: ~2019
    Первая публикация: April 30, 2019
    Язык: Английский
    Hunter Holt might be the most stubborn ex-soldier ever born, but when he’s called on to help find a lost foster kid, he jumps into action. Even if it means working with the woman who broke his heart five years ago—the woman who still haunts his dreams . . . Faye Smith has spent five long years trying to get her life back on track. She knows she should’ve turned toward Hunter and not away from him. But they both had too many demons to destroy. Maybe now they’ll get another chance—and save someone else’s life too . . . But first they’ll have to stop arguing long enough to trust the Deep Ops team. Hunter was a lost boy himself once. In fact, he ran away from the exact same man, their monster of a father. Now he and Faye will have to unite to find the brother he never knew—and maybe each other . . .
  • One Cursed Rose Ребекка Дзанетти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: One Cursed Rose
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Язык: Английский
    Alana. While my name means beauty, beneath that surface is a depth I allow very few to see. I’m sole heir to Aquarius Social, a media giant about to succumb to an unseen enemy. My father’s solution is to marry me off to the son of a competing family. My reaction? Not a chance. Now I have just a week before the wedding to change my fate. Who knew the unforeseen twist would be an assassination attempt on me and an unwanted rescue by Thorn Beathach, the head of the rival social media empire driving Aquarius under? The richest, most ruthless of them all, the Beast protects his realm with an iron rule: no one sees his face. When he shows himself to me, I know he’ll never let me go. Thorn may think he can lock me in his enchanted castle forever, but I’m not the docile Beauty he expects. If the Beast wants to tie me up, I’m going to take pleasure from every minute of it . . .and we’ll just see who ends up shackled.
  • Wicked Edge Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wicked Edge
    Дата написания: ~2015
    Первая публикация: November 10, 2015
    Язык: Английский

    Daire Dunne is more than ready to take a quick break from his duties as a Coven Nine Enforcer. When he spots a sexy blonde across a Titans of Fire party, it’s not long before she’s on the back of his Harley on the fast track to his apartment. Unfortunately, one overheated kiss in, the woman drugs Daire and steals valuable files that can’t fall into enemy hands. The second he comes to, the hunt is on... Now that Cee Cee Kyllwood has the information to take down an enemy that destroyed her family, she can implement her perfect plan for revenge. Nothing will stop her, not even a shockingly sexy enforcer barging into her life. Not even the…

  • Wicked Kiss Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wicked Kiss
    Дата написания: ~2017
    Первая публикация: July 4, 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Working as an informant for the DEA, Victoria Monzelle is used to living on the edge. But she’s not a big fan of getting kidnapped. And definitely not by a bunch of bad boy witches with fancy-colored fire to shoot at people. So when Adam Dunne shows up and claims to be a witch enforcer, she’s not going to put her life in his hands based on his word, no matter how smooth and smart and beautifully Irish his words sound. But on the run from a tribunal of witches, she isn’t going to make it far . . . Before she knows it, Adam’s word is all that stands between her and execution. Sophisticated, just-gotta-ruffle-him Adam has vowed to make her his one eternal mate, wild and unpredictable as she is—to save her from a sentence of certain death. But Tori isn’t interested in being anyone’s pity date. And if they think she’s unpredictable now, they should see what’s coming next . . .
  • Wicked Bite Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wicked Bite
    Дата написания: ~2017
    Первая публикация: August 1, 2017
    Язык: Английский
    As she hunts for a drug lord killing her fellow witches, all Nessa Lansa’s instincts point to the Grizzly motorcycle club. That might be because their leader, Bear, is the strong, silent shifter type: warm brown eyes and more muscle and alpha male than any woman can ignore. Which makes Nessa’s plan to seduce and betray him all the more dangerous . . .

    Bear doesn’t trust the curvy, blue-eyed witch. But Nessa can heal the injuries that sap his strength. And since he can’t stop thinking of her lush body and teasing smile, her plan to mate him to reclaim her own power is highly tempting. Just one problem. Once a desire this wild is loose, no one will ever control it . .
  • Забытые грехи Ребекка Дзанетти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Forgotten Sins
    Дата написания: ~2013
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский

    Перевод: Группа WonderlandBooK Его секреты могут её уничтожить Джоси влюбилась в сексуального и загадочного Шейна Дина с первого взгляда. Их страсть разгоралась и спустя пару недель, Шейн надел ей на палец кольцо. Казалось, что все мечты осуществились... пока ее муж не исчез бесследно. И теперь, спустя разбитое сердце и два года, Джоси шокировал звонок из больницы. Шейна нашли... на месте преступления и с полной потерей памяти. Её любовь может его спасти Шейн не помнит голубоглазого ангела - и даже себя не помнит - но знает, что что-то не так. У него острый слух, невероятная физическая сила, а желание защитить Джоси просто…

  • Sweet Revenge Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sweet Revenge
    Дата написания: ~2013
    Первая публикация: December 3, 2013
    Язык: Английский
    The One Man She Can't Have
    Matt Dean was born to fight…and kill. A member of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be the perfect soldiers with an expiration date. Now, with time running out, he's gone rogue in a relentless quest for the one person who can save them. His mission leads him to Charmed, Idaho…and to a beautiful woman with eyes like emeralds and a body made for pleasure. The One Woman He Can't Resist
    Laney Jacobs knows the mysterious, handsome stranger is trouble from the moment he walks into her bar, looking for a job. She's spent years running from her own past—the last thing she needs is a romantic entanglement. But Matt's strong arms offer her protection, and his gentle touch promises passion unlike anything she's ever known. As lethal forces surround them, revealing explosive secrets about Matt's past and putting everything—and everyone—he holds dear in danger, can he save them all before time runs out?
  • Blind Faith Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Blind Faith
    Дата написания: ~2014
    Первая публикация: May 6, 2014
    Язык: Английский
    A betrayal he couldn't forget . . .
    For Nate Dean, love is a four-letter word. As part of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be ruthless soldiers with an expiration date. They were loyal only to one another . . . until Nate laid eyes on the woman who stole his heart and blew his world apart. Now, years later, his family is still paying the price for his mistake. But as time runs out, there's only one person who can save his family: the very woman Nate swore he'd never trust again. A love she couldn't deny . . .
    The moment Audrey Madison spies Nate across a crowded ballroom, she can barely breathe. He's just as undeniably sexy as she remembers, yet there's an edge to him now that's as irresistible as it is dangerous. When he asks for her help, Audrey can't refuse. But she has secrets of her own--secrets that, if Nate ever discovers them, may cost them both their lives . . .
  • Total Surrender Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Total Surrender
    Дата написания: ~2015
    Первая публикация: March 31, 2015
    Язык: Английский
    A fight he must win...
    Piper Oliver knows she can't trust him. They warned her that the tall, dark, and sexy black-ops soldier Jory Dean would try to win her over with his steel-gray eyes and deadly charm, but she won't be conned by this man they call a traitor. All she has to do is figure out the science necessary to save his life, and she's done. Something isn't adding up, though, and she won't rest until she uncovers the truth-even if it's buried in his deep, dangerous kiss. A passion she can't resist...
    Jory will do anything to reunite with and save his brothers—even kidnap the gorgeous woman who's working to deactivate the deadly chip in their spines. But the forces determined to destroy his family won't let them go so easily. Keeping Piper alive is more than he bargained for—and so is his burning desire for her. But with every second bringing him closer to certain death, can he afford to lose himself in her hot and willing embrace?
  • Одиннадцать подснежников Ребекка Дзанетти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: You Can Run
    Дата написания: 2022
    Перевод: Сергей Николаевич Самуйлов
    Язык: Русский
    Лорел Сноу — профайлер с уникальным интеллектом и редким даже для профайлера объемом знаний. Она специалист не только по аномальной психике, но и по нейробиологии, теории игр, биоинформатике и обработке данных. ПОДОБНОЕ НЕВОЗМОЖНО ПРЕДСТАВИТЬ. НО ЭТО РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ… Увеселительная прогулка на горе закончилась для молодежной компании и для всего городка Дженезис-Вэлли диким кошмаром. Вызванная квадроциклами лавина снесла чье-то тайное захоронение. Одиннадцать задушенных молодых женщин — и это только те, чьи тела удалось найти посреди снежного обвала. Они убиты в разное время, последняя — всего неделю назад. И все жертвы — блондинки. НЕСОМНЕННО, ЭТО БЫЛО КЛАДБИЩЕ СЕРИЙНОГО УБИЙЦЫ… Для специального агента ФБР и опытного профайлера Лорел Сноу это дело с самого начала — личное. Не только потому, что Дженезис-Вэлли — ее родина. Но и потому, что подозреваемым оказался ее родной дядя Карл. Он работает могильщиком и старается избегать людей; многие боятся его из-за страшных шрамов на лице. Но племянница знает: Карл не способен на подобное. Используя свой уникальный ум и огромные знания, она старается создать максимально подробный профиль настоящего маньяка. В этом расследовании она столкнется с интеллектом… НИ В ЧЕМ НЕ УСТУПАЮЩИМ ЕЕ СОБСТВЕННОМУ.
  • Загнанные в угол Ребекка Дзанетти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Against the Wall
    Дата написания: ~2013
    Перевод: Любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский

    Для ландшафтного дизайнера Софи Смит осмотр возможного участка под элитное поле для гольфа должен был стать пустяковым делом. Но когда сексуальный ковбой верхом на лошади практически сбивает ее с ног, она понимает, что деревенская жизнь куда более интересна и насыщенна, чем ей казалось раньше. Адвокат по семейным делам Джейк Лодж отчаянно пытался препятствовать застройке. И если для этого нужно играть жестко, то так тому и быть. Однако Софи — неожиданность, которую он не учел. Безумие, будоражащее его кровь. Два разных мира. Две противоборствующие стороны. И когда они наконец поддадутся искушению, последствия перевернут их жизни.

  • Scorpius Rising Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Scorpius Rising
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: November 29, 2016
    Язык: Английский
    With a deadly disease spreading like wildfire across the country, microbiologist Nora Medina needs to focus all her energy on stopping the pandemic. Playing with dynamite—in the form of her way-too-hot ex—is the last thing she should be doing. ​But forced to work with Deacan McDougall against unexpected enemies with the seconds ticking by, she knows the explosion is coming...
  • Mercury Striking Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Mercury Striking
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: January 26, 2016
    Язык: Английский
    With nothing but rumors to lead her, Lynn Harmony has trekked across a nightmare landscape to find one man—a mysterious, damaged legend who protects the weak and leads the strong. He’s more than muscle and firepower—and in post-plague L.A., he’s her only hope. As the one woman who could cure the disease, Lynn is the single most volatile—and vulnerable—creature in this new and ruthless world. But face to face with Jax Mercury… Danger has never looked quite so delicious…
  • Shadow Falling Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Shadow Falling
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: August 30, 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Before the Scorpius Syndrome tore through North America and nearly wiped out the population, Vivienne Wellington was the FBI’s best profiler. The bacteria got her anyway. But she survived. She recovered. And when she woke up from a drug-nightmare of captivity, her skills as a hunter of men had gone from merely brilliant to full-on uncanny. Her mysterious rescuer wants her to put them to the test. But no matter how tempting he is, with his angel’s eyes and devil’s tongue, Vinnie knows she shouldn’t trust him. If the FBI were still around they would rate Raze Shadow as one of the bad guys. His military training can’t wipe out his association with the Mercenaries, the most feared gang in a thousand miles. His loyalties are compromised. He won’t even tell Vinnie his real name. But there’s no FBI in the new America of fear and firepower, only instinct and risk. And the way his arms wrap around Vinnie tells its own story. Whatever else Raze is concealing, he can’t hide his desire . . .
  • Justice Ascending Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Justice Ascending
    Дата написания: ~2017
    Первая публикация: January 31, 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Before surviving the Scorpius bacterium, Tace Justice was a good ole Texas cowboy who served his country and loved his mama. After Scorpius, the world became dark, dangerous, and deadly... and so did he. The Vanguard medic is stronger, faster, and smarter than before, but he's lost the line between right and wrong. His passion is absolute, and when he focuses it on one woman, there's no turning back for either of them. Sami Steel has been fighting to survive right alongside Tace, convincing the Vanguard soldiers she's one of them. In truth, Sami is a former hacker turned government agent who worked at The Bunker, where scientists stored both contaminants and cures. Only she knows the location, and she's not telling. Yet when sexual fire explodes between her and Tace, she'll face even that hell again to save him.
  • Обреченные Ребекка Дзанетти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Fated
    Дата написания: ~2011
    Перевод: Любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский

    Учёный и мать-одиночка Кара Полсен привыкла бороться за желаемое и защищать свою дочь Джейни всеми возможными способами. Но «все возможные способы» никогда раньше не подразумевали «выйти замуж по принуждению за опасного незнакомца». Тален, Мастер вампиров, утверждает, что он здесь, чтобы защитить Кару и Джейни. Но его представление о первой брачной ночи больше походит на инструкцию по укрощению – доминирование и жаркий зной. Вместе с союзниками-оборотнями они вынуждены воевать против злобной расы вампиров, которые научились выходить на солнце. Они сражаются, чтобы спасти Джейни… и всё человечество.

  • Claimed Rebecca Zanetti
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Claimed
    Дата написания: ~2011
    Первая публикация: October 25, 2011
    Язык: Английский
    A Daring Rescue Emma Paulsen is a geneticist driven by science. But she's also a psychic, so when a dark, good-hearted vampire frees her from the clutches of the evil Kurjans, she realizes he must be the man who's been haunting her dreams. But with a virus threatening vampires' mates, Emma may discover a whole new meaning of "lovesick". A Deadly Decision As King of the Realm, Dage Kayrs has learned to practice diplomacy. Still, it's taken three hundred years to find his mate, so he'll stop at nothing to protect her—even if it means turning his back on his own kind...
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