Кингсли Эмис

Kingsley William Amis

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Кингсли Эмис — библиография

  • Что же это было

    Рассказ из журнала «Англия», выпуск 107.

  • The Alteration
    Дата написания: 2022

    Hubert Anvil is a 10 year old boy blessed with the voice of an angel. The Church hierarchy decrees that Hubert should be turned into a castrato - an alteration that could bring Hubert fame and fortune, but would also cut him off from an adult world he is curious to discover. In a dystopian world where Martin Luther never reformed and where the Holy Office's power is absolute, where will Hubert turn if he decides to defy their wishes?

  • Difficulties With Girls Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2022

    In Kingsley Amis's Difficulties With Girls, Jenny Bunn and Patrick Standish have settled into London life with their troubled courtship long behind them. Patrick works in publishing and Jenny teaches sick children in a hospital. They have reached a certain level of maturity, or so they think. It is not long before they realize their respectability will be severely tested by seductive neighbours with a taste for whisky, the sexually confused Ted Valentine, and the literary set of Hampstead. In this funny and provocative study of a young couple growing up, Amis shows us that the difficulty with marriage is that it's so hard to preserve,…

  • Take A Girl Like You
    Дата написания: 2022

    In Kingsley Amis's Take A Girl Like You, twenty year old Jenny Bunn is supernally beautiful and stubbornly chaste, which is why Patrick Standish, an arrogant schoolmaster, wants her so much. This perceptive coming of age novel about a northern girl who moves south, wants to fit in and yet wants to preserve her principles, challenges our assumptions about the battle of the sexes and classes in Britain. It is a story about 'the squalid business of the man and the woman' and 'the most wonderful thing that had ever happened' to Jenny Bunn. Few twentieth century novelists have explored our preoccupation with sex like Kingsley Amis. The results…

  • That Uncertain Feeling Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2022

    In That Uncertain Feeling by Kingsley Amis, competition is stiff for the position of sub-librarian in Aberdarcy Library. For John Lewis, the situation is complicated by the attentions of daunting and desirable village socialite, Elizabeth Gruffyd-Williams, who is married to a member of the local Council. Pursuing an affair with her whilst keeping his job prospects alive is John's predicament, as he finds himself running down Welsh country lanes at midnight in a wig and dress, resisting the advances of local drunks and suffering the long speeches of a 'nut-faced' clergyman. At times tenderly satirical and at times riotously slap-stick, Amis…

  • Ending Up Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2011

    At Tuppenny-hapenny Cottage in the English countryside, five elderly people live together in rancorous disharmony. Adela Bastable bosses the house, as her brother Bernard passes his days thinking up malicious schemes against the baby-talking Marigold and secret drinker Shorty, while kindly George lies bedridden upstairs. The mismatched quintet keep their spirits alive by bickering and waiting for grandchildren to visit at Christmas. But the festive season does not herald goodwill to all at Tuppenny-hapenny Cottage. Disaster and chaos, it seems, are just around the corner ... Told with Amis's piercing wit and humanity, Ending Up (1974) is a…

  • The Old Devils
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Old Devils
    Дата написания: 2022

    Malcolm, Peter and Charlie and their Soave-sodden wives have one main ambition left in life: to drink Wales dry. But their routine is both shaken and stirred when they are joined by professional Welshman Alun Weaver (CBE) and his wife, Rhiannon.

  • Colonel Sun Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2022

    Discover Kingsley Amis's classic James Bond tie-in. First published in 1968, four years after Ian Fleming's death, this was the first Bond 'continuation' novel. Catch up on this new take on Bond before the release of No Time to Die 'A man in my line of business shouldn't work to a timetable' Lunch at Scott's, a quiet game of golf, a routine social call on his chief M - James Bond's life has begun to fall into a pattern that threatens complacency...until the sunny afternoon when M is kidnapped and his house staff savagely murdered. The action ricochets across the globe to a volcanic Greek island where, stripped of all professional aids, Bond…

  • The Riverside Villas Murder Кингсли Эмис
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Riverside Villas Murder
    Дата написания: 1973

    A mummy is stolen from a small town museum along with some Roman coins and a soaking wet man collapses in fourteen year old Peter Furneaux's living room bleeding from the head. What was a suspected student prank is followed by murder. At first it is impossible to see the connection, but the eccentric Colonel Manton does. With Peter's help the Colonel unravels a mystery that strikes fear into the heart of a genteel suburban neighbourhood and gives Peter rather more excitement than he bargained for at the tennis club social. This meticulously paced thriller shows Amis at his most subtle and daring.

  • I Want It Now Кингсли Эмис
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: I Want it Now
    Дата написания: 1968
    Первая публикация: 1968

    The quickest way to get rich is to marry someone rich, but how do you do this if you aren't yet rich? TV chat-show host Ronnie Appleyard is preoccupied with this question as he pursues wealthy heiress Simona Quick over two continents in the company of braying aristocrats, Greek shipping magnates, American dandies and the dreaded mother-in-law to be. But as he comes closer to his prize other questions present themselves. Is the androgenous Simona really worth it? Why doesn't she like sex? Is it possible to drink all day? With his unerring eye for absurdity and class satire Kingsley Amis shows us what happens when money meets naked ambition.

  • The Anti-Death League Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2012

    In this surreal comedy of soldiers and spies, Lieutenant James Churchill and his colleagues find themselves questioning their purpose. Are they for death or against it? These men of action will travel between the barracks, the lunatic asylum and the house of an aristocratic nymphomaniac in search of answers. For while few know the awful truth about Operation Apollo, the mission they are being trained for, fewer still understand the motives of the powerful psychiatrist Dr Best, who thinks he is surrounded by repressed homosexuals, and none know the identity of the secret agent among them. When the Anti-Death League is founded they are at…

  • One Fat Englishman Кингсли Эмис, Amis Kingsley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: One Fat Englishman
    Дата написания: 1963
    Первая публикация: 1963

    Brimming with gluttony, booze and lust, Roger Micheldene is loose in America. Supposedly visiting Budweiser University to make deals for his publishing firm in England, Roger instead sets out to offend all he meets and to seduce every woman he encounters. But his American hosts seem made of sterner stuff. Who will be Roger's undoing? Irving Macher, the young author of an annoyingly brilliant first novel? Father Colgate, the priest who suggests that Roger's soul is in torment? Or will it be his married ex-lover Helene? One thing is certain - Roger is heading for a terrible fall.

  • The Folks That Live On The Hill Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2012

    Harry Caldecote is the most charming man you'll ever meet, a convivial academic who devotes his life to others. He is on call when his alcoholic niece falls into strange hands, when his brother threatens to emulate Wordsworth, when his son's lesbian lodger is beaten up by her girlfriend. He endures misplaced seductions, swindles and aggressive dogs just to keep the peace at the King's pub in Shepherd's Hill. But when the Adams' Institute of Cultural and Commercial History in America offers him the opportunity to do 'whatever he wanted to do' in a picturesque lakeside town, he faces a choice between freedom or responsibility - and whether to…

  • Старые черти
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Old Devils
    Дата написания: 2022
    Первая публикация: 2011
    Перевод: И. Метлицкая

    Люди творчества. Люди искусства. Или просто - пожилые супружеские пары, осевшие в маленьком валлийском городке. Когда-то у них было все - и успехи, и поражения, и любовные интрижки, и бурные страсти... А теперь? Им остается либо искать утешение на дне бутылки, либо снова и снова переживать маленькие междоусобные войны далекого прошлого и пытаться - в шутку, не всерьез - продолжать их в настоящем. Кто кого любил - или не любил? Предал - или не предал? Изменил - или сохранил верность? День за днем. Год за годом. А напряжение копится - и однажды прорвется в совсем уже не шуточном противостоянии...

  • You Can't Do Both Кингсли Эмис
    Дата написания: 2004

    Robin Davies knows how to look after number one. Raised in a bland suburb of South London in the 1930s, Robin longs for the freedom to do what he wants. When he escapes to study in Oxford, he meets Nancy Bennett, a young woman even less worldly than himself. As Robin stumbles through his rites of passage to adulthood, involving rebellion, self-discovery, sex, war, seduction and the threat of commitment, we come to realise just how far he will go to have his cake and eat it.

  • Я хочу сейчас Кингсли Эмис
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: I Want it Now
    Дата написания: 1968
    Первая публикация: 1993
    Перевод: А. Фридман

    Известный тележурналист на великосветском вечере знакомится с девушкой наследницей баснословного состояния. Знакомство сулит массу удовольствий, телепройдохе уже мерещится шикарная свадьба, но непредвиденные обстоятельства ломают привычную схему: выясняется, что «невеста» испытывает непреодолимое отвращение к физической стороне любви. Герой ищет причины странной аномалии…

  • Зелёный человек Кингсли Эмис
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Green Man
    Дата написания: 1969
    Первая публикация: 1995
    Перевод: Е. Козова
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