Аврил Тремейн

Avril Tremayne

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Аврил Тремейн – лучшие книги

  • Тайная жизнь скромницы Аврил Тремейн
    ISBN: 978-5-227-06127-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Скромная ассистентка Кэтрин Норт - классический синий чулок. Старушечьи наряды, очки в тяжелой оправе, педантичность. Девушка производит впечатление зануды и ханжи. Так думал ее начальник Максимилиан Резерфорд, пока случайно не обнаружил среди файлов Кэтрин текст эротического романа. Причем главная героиня - вылитая Кэтрин, а герой подозрительно похож на самого Макса. Тайные фантазии подчиненной оказываются для начальника полной неожиданностью. Получается, он совсем ее не знал, но теперь очень хочет познакомиться поближе…
  • Солнечная девушка Аврил Тремейн
    ISBN: 978-5-227-06222-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Калеб и Джонатан решили пожениться. И хотя регистрация брака состоится п Нью-Йорке, они непременно хотят вернуться в Сидней, чтобы отпраздновать это событие с друзьями и близкими. Подготовку торжества они поручают брату Калеба - ресторатору Лео и давней подружке Джонатана по имени Солнышко. С первой же встречи Лео понимает, что сотрудничество будет непростым. Молодые люди ни в чем не могут прийти к общему мнению, однако их неудержимо влечет друг к другу. Как и Солнышко, Лео не стремится к серьезным отношениям и потому соглашается на четыре свидания, но вскоре убеждается, что испытывает к девушке не только страсть, но и более глубокие чувства. Чем ближе день торжества, тем острее Лео и Солнышко осознают, что настало время принять окончательное решение и, возможно, навсегда изменить себя и свою жизнь...
  • 8 Brand-New Romance Authors Лора Мартин
    ISBN: 9781474006774
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    8 BRAND-NEW ROMANCE AUTHORS – Fantastic new talented writers discovered in the So You Think You Can Write? CompetitionIF ONLY… by Tanya WrightAfter one tequila too many Micah O’Shea is suddenly seeing the world – and her best friend, firefighter Josh Taylor – in a new light! Surely a bit of Dutch courage is all she needs to see if he tastes as good as he looks…?A DEAL BEFORE THE ALTAR by Rachael ThomasGeorgina Henshaw will do anything to ensure her younger sister’s happiness—even marry the darkly enigmatic Santos Ramirez! She has just one condition: she’ll wear his ring, but she'll never share his bed!FALLING FOR HER CAPTOR by Elisabeth HobbesKidnapped heiress Lady Aline of Leavingham has surrendered any hope of rescue when a mysterious figure casts her assailant aside. But it’s soon clear Aline’s saviour, Sir Hugh of Eardham has no intention of setting her free… Worse—he’s sworn to deliver her to her family's enemy!HERE COMES THE BRIDESMAID by Avril TremayneCan organising her friend’s wedding be any harder?Sunshine Smart has only got two months until the big day!She has to include the grouchy, surly best man Leo Quartermaine—a top chef and her complete opposite!Said best man is extremely handsome and sexy—and knows it!And just a few days in she’s already slept with him…THE SURGEON’S CHRISTMAS WISH by Annie O’NeilLone wolf Dr Tara Braxton is finally back on track running a ski injury clinic. But her peaceful existence ends when she hires Dr Fraser MacKenzie. With his haunted sapphire eyes he simultaneously weakens her knees and presses all the wrong buttons!ALL’S FAIR IN LUST & WAR by Amber PageAfter a fling in Vegas that was so wild even she can’t believe it happened, copywriter Becky has finally got her mojo back. Time to get back to New York and win that promotion! But things veer catastrophically off course when her new co-worker Mark saunters in…and he’s much too familiar.THE PIRATE HUNTER by Laura MartinShipwrecked off the coast of Barbados, pirate hunter William Greenacre is ready to surrender to the seductive pull of the sea when an angelic figure dives to his rescue. Except this angel is none other than Mia Del Torres—and she’s a wanted woman!DRESSED TO THRILL by Bella FrancesFashion designer Tara Devine is the poster girl for behaving badly. It’s a total sham, but she’s always pulled it off…until Michael Cruz saunters into her life! One wild night later Tara realises that Michael’s bed is the only place she hasn’t faked it in years…
  • The Dare Collection: August 2018 Аврил Тремейн
    ISBN: 9781474085472
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Introduce yourself to Mills & Boon’s sexiest series yet!Close to the Edge by Zara CoxSome lines should never be crossed…unless it's wickedly worth itThe moment he meets sublime coding prodigy Lily Gracen, Caleb Steele knows his ‘never get involved with a client’ rule is going to be broken. But not until he stops her stalker. Caleb might be in charge of Lily’s safety, but when they're locked down in her Silicon Valley mansion she’s the master. For keeping his hands off Lily is bringing Caleb close to the edge of his control…Beddable Billionaire by Alexx AndriaHow do you resist the perfect guy? You don't.Journalist Lauren Hughes needs her job. And if that means writing a feature on Nico Donato—billionaire playboy and primo fantasy material for every straight woman with a pulse—so be it. All she has to do is not be charmed by him. Or tempted. Or invite this sexy, too-hot-to-be-true man into her real world… especially when he has the power to destroy it.Getting Lucky by Avril TremayneHe'll help her get lucky…And promises to deliver a whole lot more!With her fertility issues, it’s now or never for Romy Allen. Thankfully, her friend Matt Carter will help her research her options. But then the deliciously sexy entrepreneur tears up her IVF paperwork and presents a counter offer—the old-fashioned way or nothing! How can she refuse? Especially when multiple orgasms are offered as a tempting bonus…!Forbidden Pleasure by Taryn Leigh TaylorIn the boardroom or the bedroom…She gets what she wants!Emma has lusted after her steely-eyed boss Max Whitfield for years. When she quits her job she’s finally free to seduce him—leading to a red-hot night of passion on his desk. But a furious Max soon discovers that his company’s been hacked, and all signs point to his irresistible ex-employee. When Emma denies everything, his only option is a very hands-on investigation.
  • Wedding Party Collection: Once A Bridesmaid... : Here Comes the Bridesmaid / Falling for the Bridesmaid Gina Wilkins
    ISBN: 9781474069069
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    An irresistible man…

    Sunshine Smart is in charge of organising her best friend’s wedding, and that includes playing nice with the sexy and surly best man, Leo Quatremaine. The top chef may be Sunshine’s complete opposite but that doesn’t stop her from falling into his bed!

    Violet Huntingdon-Cross is always the bridesmaid, but when she meets attractive journalist Tom Buckley, she begins to think differently. The issue? Tom’s trying to expose her father, and while he tries to persuade her he’s different to the other guys, she’s not so sure…

    Cynical, yet handsome, Ethan Brannon refuses to believe in Aislinn Flaherty’s ‘gift’, but she knows she could reunite the Ethan with his long-lost brother. Yet taking the time to convince Ethan and denying the temptation he presents will be impossible.
  • Vyriška silpnybė Avril Tremayne
    ISBN: 978-609-03-0030-5
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Сваёню книгос
    Keturių knygų serija „Sidnėjaus geidžiamiausi“. Antra knyga.
    Neįpareigojančių santykių taisyklės: dvi naktys per savaitę; visiškas konfidencialumas; trukmė – vienas mėnuo.
    Tai buvo jo pasiūlymas, bet griežtoji teisininkė Keitė Kleri pareikalavo pasirašyti susitarimą! Skotas Naitas nepajėgia atsispirti aukštakulniams ir prisegamoms kojinėms, todėl vyrui teks vykdyti visus sutartyje nurodytus įsipareigojimus.
    Keitė netiki tvirtais santykiais – ji juk užsidirba pragyvenimui iš skyrybų! Seksualusis milijonierius architektas Skotas kietas riešutėlis. Bet tai Keitę tik dar labiau intriguoja. Ji pasiryžusi jį perkąsti, net jei reikės sulaužyti griežtą susitarimą!