Хавьер Мариас

Javier Marías Franco

  • 62 книги
  • 20 подписчиков
  • 557 читателей
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5 178
4 231
3 170
2 53
1 22

Хавьер Мариас — последние издания книг

  • Берта Исла Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 978-5-17-155570-2
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Corpus
    Язык: Русский

    Берта Исла и Томас Невинсон познакомились еще в школе и решили никогда не расставаться. Учебу Томас продолжил в Оксфорде, но был твердо уверен, что, получив диплом, вернется в Мадрид. И действительно вернулся, но это был уже не прежний Томас. Он занял хорошую должность в британском посольстве и женился на Берте. Однако ее тревожат частые отлучки мужа и перемены в его характере. И вдруг она случайно узнаёт, что Томас, завербованный британскими спецслужбами, ведет двойную жизнь… Хавьер Мариас (1951–2022) — один из самых известных испанских писателей, автор 17 романов, переведенных на 46 языков и изданных в 59 странах, член Испанской…

  • Tomas Nevinson Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241568613
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Hamish Hamilton
    Язык: Английский
    Spain in the 1990s is beset by a simmering campaign of terror from Basque separatists ETA, with periodic atrocities shattering an illusory calm. Against this backdrop, retired British Secret Service member Tomas Nevinson - now living a quiet life in his hometown Madrid - is approached by his sinister former handler, Bertram Tupra, with an offer to bring him back in from the cold, for one last assignment: a favour for Tupra, for old times' sake, which is also a favour for a powerful Spanish friend.
    His mission: to go back undercover, in a small Spanish town, to find out which of three women who moved there a decade ago is in fact an ETA terrorist, on loan from the IRA, now on the run and living there incognito.
    Everything about the assignment is shadowy - from who exactly Nevinson will be working for to the question of what 'justice' he may need to mete out if he is somehow able to unmask one of the three women. But, still in his forties and lured by the appeal of once again being on the inside, he accepts the job.
    As he gets closer to the three women, his task becomes ever harder. How - or who - to choose between these three? Intimately involved with each of them, as lover, colleague or friend, he can find no firm clue to resolve the question. But under increasing pressure from his paymasters, choose - and act - he apparently must . . .
    Charting a world where right and wrong, and good and evil, are irreparably blurred, Javier Marias takes us on a journey of rare and unforgettable suspense in this, the final novel written before his untimely passing in 2022.
  • Tomás Nevinson Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780593534588
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    Spain in the 1990s is beset by a simmering campaign of terror from Basque separatists ETA, with periodic atrocities shattering an illusory calm. Against this backdrop, retired British Secret Service member Tomas Nevinson - now living a quiet life in his hometown Madrid - is approached by his sinister former handler, Bertram Tupra, with an offer to bring him back in from the cold, for one last assignment: a favour for Tupra, for old times' sake, which is also a favour for a powerful Spanish friend.
    His mission: to go back undercover, in a small Spanish town, to find out which of three women who moved there a decade ago is in fact an ETA terrorist, on loan from the IRA, now on the run and living there incognito.

    Everything about the assignment is shadowy - from who exactly Nevinson will be working for to the question of what 'justice' he may need to mete out if he is somehow able to unmask one of the three women. But, still in his forties and lured by the appeal of once again being on the inside, he accepts the job.
    As he gets closer to the three women, his task becomes ever harder. How - or who - to choose between these three?

    Intimately involved with each of them, as lover, colleague or friend, he can find no firm clue to resolve the question. But under increasing pressure from his paymasters, choose - and act - he apparently must . . .

    Charting a world where right and wrong, and good and evil, are irreparably blurred, Javier Marias takes us on a journey of rare and unforgettable suspense in this, the final novel written before his untimely passing in 2022.
  • Madame du Deffand and the Idiots Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241339480
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    'She was bored and fought against her boredom, which only bored her still more.'
    Five sparkling, irreverent brief portraits of famous literary figures (including libertines, eccentrics and rogues) from Spain's greatest living writer.
    Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.
  • Tomás Nevinson Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 8806250892
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Einaudi
    Язык: Итальянский
    Due uomini, uno nella finzione e uno nella realtà, ebbero la possibilità di uccidere Hitler prima che questi scatenasse la Seconda guerra mondiale. A partire di qui, Javier Marías esplora il rovescio del comandamento «Non uccidere». Quegli uomini avrebbero fatto bene a sparare al Führer: è forse lecito fare lo stesso contro qualcun altro? Come dice il narratore di "Tomás Nevinson", «uccidere non è un gesto così estremo se si ha piena nozione di chi si sta uccidendo». Tomás Nevinson, marito di Berta Isla, cede alla tentazione di tornare nei servizi segreti dopo esserne uscito: gli viene proposto di andare in una città del nord-ovest della Spagna per identificare una persona che dieci anni prima aveva preso parte ad alcuni attentati dell'Ira e dell'Eta. Siamo nel 1997. L'incarico reca la firma del suo ambiguo ex capo Bertram Tupra, che già in precedenza, grazie a un inganno, aveva condizionato la sua vita. "Tomás Nevinson" è una profonda riflessione sui limiti di ciò che è lecito fare, sulla macchia che quasi sempre accompagna la volontà di evitare il male peggiore, e soprattutto sulla difficoltà di determinare quale sarà quel male. Sullo sfondo di episodi reali del terrorismo europeo, "Tomás Nevinson" è la storia di ciò che succede a un uomo al quale è già successo di tutto e al quale, apparentemente, non poteva succedere più nulla. Ma, finché la vita non finisce, tutto può accadere...
  • Tomás Nevinson Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9789897843518
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Alfaguara
    Язык: Испанский
    Dois homens - um deles na ficção, o outro na vida real - tiveram oportunidade de assassinar Hitler antes que ele desencadeasse a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Um mal menor teria impedido um mal maior. Se é legítimo pensar que aqueles dois homens deveriam ter disparado sobre o Führer para evitar a morte de milhões, até que ponto podemos decidir quem merece viver ou morrer?

    Tomás Nevinson, marido de Berta Isla, cai na tentação de regressar aos Serviços Secretos após uma temporada de ausência. Estamos no ano de 1997. Tomás é incumbido de se deslocar a uma cidade no Noroeste de Espanha para identificar uma pessoa que dez anos antes participara em atentados do IRA e da ETA. A missão é-lhe atribuída pelo seu ex-chefe, Bertram Tupra, figura ambígua que já anteriormente lhe atrapalhara a vida. Ambos são «anjos desagradáveis», que devem velar pela tranquilidade dos demais.

    Feito espião que sonda a verdade, Javier Marías constrói uma intriga inquietante, uma reflexão profunda acerca do alcance e das consequências das nossas acções. Quão longe podemos ir para evitar o triunfo do mal? E, num mundo de claro-escuro, como podemos estar certos do que é o mal?

    Tomás Nevinson é o retrato do que acontece a alguém a quem já tudo aconteceu, o retrato de um homem que tenta intervir na História e acaba desterrado do mundo.
  • Berta Isla Javier Marías
    ISBN: 9780241983553
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    'For a while, she wasn't sure that her husband was her husband. Sometimes she thought he was, and sometimes not...'

    Berta Isla and Tomás Nevinson meet in Madrid. Young and in love, they quickly decide to spend their lives together - never suspecting that they will grow to be total strangers, both living under the shadow of disappearances.

    Tomás, half-Spanish and half-English, has an extraordinary gift for languages and accents. Leaving Berta to study at Oxford, he catches the interest of a certain government agency, and its mysterious agent, Bertram Tupra. Tomás is determined to evade the agent's attentions but his fate is sealed by an escalating series of events that will affect the rest of his life - and that of his beloved Berta. Finishing his time at Oxford, he returns to Madrid to marry her, already knowing that the life they planned has been lost forever.

    Darkly gripping, Berta Isla examines a relationship condemned to secrecy and concealment, to pretence and conjecture, to resentment mingled with loyalty. With meticulous insight and understanding of the human soul, Marías examines the urge to change our destiny, and the hopeless exile we bring upon ourselves.
  • Берта Ісла Хав’єр Маріас
    ISBN: 978-617-09-3882-4
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский
    Ім’я одного з кращих іспанських прозаїків сучасності Хав’єра Маріаса в Україні відзначиться друком книги «Берта Ісла», яка, за словами самого автора є «умовним шпигунським романом, романом про очікування».

    Берта Ісла – молода жінка, яка закохується та виходить заміж за шпигуна Томаса Невінсона. Пара вперше зустрілася у часи диктатури Франко у Мадриді. Через вражаючі здібності до вивчення мов та імітації всіляких акцентів, на Томаса звертають увагу спецслужби, та звинуваченнями та залякуванням вербують його до шпигунства. Томас починає подвійне життя, видаючи себе за співробітника посольства і виховуючи сім'ю в Мадриді з Бертою та часто подорожує за кордон, щоб взяти участь в секретних операціях. Він не говорить Берті, і вона беззастережно приймає його відсутність, зовсім не знаючи про долю чоловіка. Якийсь час його навіть вважають загиблим. Це книга-дослідження про шпигунство, спецслужби, кохання та очікування дружиною свого чоловіка, який на довгі роки полишив родину та Батьківщину, але чи виправдається таке очікування? Хто він Томас Невінсон – герой, чи брехун?

    У романі Хав’єра Маріаса близько поєднані елементи мелодрами, іронії та філософської серйозності, історичні факти й гострий критичний погляд на наш час.
  • Your Face Tomorrow. Volume 2. Dance and Dream Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241288917
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Jacques Deza has been recruited into an undercover spy network by the inscrutable Bertram Tupra. But when he is forced to witness an act of horrifying brutality in a night-club, he finds himself falling apart, haunted by his own memories of the bloodshed of the Spanish Civil War. As Deza tries to disentangle himself from an increasingly disturbing world, the second volume in Javier Marias' magnificent trilogy explores violence, corruption and what we are capable of.
  • Your Face Tomorrow. Volume 1. Fever and Spear Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241288894
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Jacques Deza has been told he has a gift: he can see through people; guess just from their faces what will become of them. When he encounters the enigmatic Bertram Tupra at a party, Deza is persuaded to join a mysterious underground group. His task: to observe an assortment of people - politicians, celebrities, seemingly ordinary citizens - and predict their next move. But where will Deza's descent into this twilight world eventually take him? The first part of Javier Marias' masterly trilogy asks how well we truly know and understand those around us.
  • Your Face Tomorrow. Volume 3. Poison, Shadow and Farewell Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241338063
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Jacques Deza is back in London and once again working for the secret intelligence agency run by Bertram Tupra. Deza finds himself forced to watch Tupra's collection of incriminating videotapes of important public figures. The recordings document unconventional private lives - and horrific acts. The scenes enter him like a poison, contaminating everything good, yet he is powerless to counteract them. Set against a background of brutality, Poison, Shadow and Farewell asks whether violence can ever be justified and completes the extraordinary journey that has led us on a descent into hell and a re-emergence, not entirely unscathed, into life.
  • Berta Isla Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9780241343715
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Hamish Hamilton
    Язык: Английский

    Berta Isla and Tomás Nevinson meet in Madrid. Young and in love, they quickly decide to spend their lives together - never suspecting that they will grow to be total strangers, both living under the shadow of disappearances. Tomás, half-Spanish and half-English, has an extraordinary gift for languages and accents. Leaving Berta to study at Oxford, he catches the interest of a certain government agency, and its mysterious agent, Bertram Tupra. But Tomás resists the call of fate - until one foolish day he makes an avoidable mistake - setting in motion events that will affect the rest of his life, and that of his beloved Berta. Finishing…

  • Berta Isla Javier Marías
    ISBN: 9788420427362
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Alfaguara
    Язык: Испанский
    Muy jóvenes se conocieron Berta Isla y Tomás Nevinson en Madrid, y muy pronta fue su determinación de pasar la vida juntos, sin sospechar que los aguardaba una convivencia intermitente y después una desaparición. Tomás, medio español y medio inglés, es un superdotado para las lenguas y los acentos, y eso hace que, durante sus estudios en Oxford, la Corona ponga sus ojos en él. Un día cualquiera, "un día estúpido" que se podría haber ahorrado, condicionará el resto de su existencia, así como la de su mujer.

    "Berta Isla" es la envolvente y apasionante historia de una espera y de una evolución, la de su protagonista. También de la fragilidad y la tenacidad de una relación amorosa condenada al secreto y a la ocultación, al fingimiento y a la conjetura, y en última instancia al resentimiento mezclado con la lealtad.

    O, como dice una cita de Dickens hacia el final del libro, es la muestra de que "cada corazón palpitante es un secreto para el corazón más próximo, el que dormita y late a su lado". Y es también la historia de quienes quieren parar desgracias e intervenir en el universo, para acabar encontrándose desterrados de él.
  • Manana en la batalla piensa en mi Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 9788483461723
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Spanish Books
  • Mala Indole Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 978-84-9032-993-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Debolsillo
    Язык: Русский
    Segun el autor, aqui se reunen aquellos relatos de los que afirma que "todavia no se averguenza" y las narraciones de las que "se averguenza un poco, pero no demasiado". Podria decirse que los treinta cuentos que componen el libro, presentados cronologicamente, son los mas significativos de su trayectoria creativa. En la novela corta que da titulo al volumen, por ejemplo, se vislumbran las primeras andanzas de Ruiberriz de Torres -a quien reencontramos en Los enamoramientos- a la sombra de Elvis Presley. Otros tres relatos, hasta ahora no incluidos en ningun libro del autor, integran la parte novedosa de la edicion, que asimismo cuenta con la cabal e inquietante galeria de personajes de Mientras ellas duermen y Cuando fui mortal.
  • Así empieza lo malo Javier Marías
    ISBN: 978-8420416274
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Alfaguara
    Язык: Испанский

    Así empieza lo malo cuenta la historia íntima de un matrimonio de muchos años, narrada por su joven testigo cuando éste es ya un hombre maduro. Juan de Vere acaba de finalizar sus estudios y encuentra su primer empleo como secretario personal de Eduardo Muriel, un antaño exitoso director de cine, en el Madrid de 1980. Su trabajo le permite entrar en la privacidad de la casa familiar y ser espectador de la misteriosa desdicha conyugal entre Muriel y su esposa Beatriz Noguera. Un grupo de amigos visita habitualmente la casa de los Muriel: inteligentes, cultos, mundanos, ocultan entre sí un pasado de cuyas consecuencias el presente está preso.…

  • Los Enamoramientos Javier Marias
    ISBN: 9788499899718
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Debolsillo
    Язык: Испанский
  • A Heart So White Javier Marías
    ISBN: 9780307950765
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    Winner of the IMPAC Dublin Award, and widely considered Javier Marías's masterpiece, A Heart So White is a breathtaking novel about family secrets that chronicles the relentless power of the past.

    Juan knows little of the interior life of his father Ranz; but when Juan marries, he begins to consider the past anew, and begins to ponder what he doesn't really want to know. Secrecy--its possible convenience, its price, and even its civility--hovers throughout the novel. A Heart So White becomes a sort of anti-detective story of human nature. Intrigue; the sins of the father; the fraudulent and the genuine; marriage and strange repetitions of violence: Marías elegantly sends shafts of inquisitory light into shadows and onto the costs of ambivalence.
  • The Infatuations Javier Marías
    ISBN: 978-0307960726
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Alfred A. Knopf
    Язык: Английский

    From the award-winning Spanish writer Javier Marías comes an extraordinary new book that has been a literary sensation around the world: an immersive, provocative novel propelled by a seemingly random murder that we come to understand—or do we?—through one woman’s ever-unfurling imagination and infatuations. At the Madrid café where she stops for breakfast each day before work, María Dolz finds herself drawn to a couple who is also there every morning. Though she can hardly explain it, observing what she imagines to be their “unblemished” life lifts her out of the doldrums of her own existence. But what begins as mere observation turns…

  • Дела твои, любовь Хавьер Мариас
    ISBN: 978-5-17-077816-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Астрель, Corpus
    Язык: Русский

    «Романы Хавьера Мариаса, как и их герои, многолики, их можно прочесть в буквальном смысле слова по-разному. Что случилось на самом деле? Что из только что рассказанного героями правда, а что ложь? Что они на самом деле знают, а что просто не желают знать? Читателя не оставляют эти вопросы, и для достижения подобного эффекта Мариас прибегает к своему обычному стилю. Но в «Дела твои, любовь» напряжение чувствуется сильнее, чем в других его книгах, возможно, потому что тема здесь пронзительнее и горестнее»."

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