Джемма Файлс

Gemma Files

  • 9 книг
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  • 12 читателей
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Джемма Файлс - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • «Бедная растерянная девочка» Джемма Файлс
    Язык: Русский
    Когда-то давным давно жили-были две сестрицы в самой чаще леса, и не было у них ни отца, ни матери. Жили они в доме у своей бабушки, которая частенько отправлялась в долгие путешествия и оставляла их одних...
  • Нулевой год Джемма Файлс
    Язык: Русский
    Всё началось во время Французской революции, когда убили короля и выпили его кровь. И обнулили летосчисление. И 1793 год стал нулевым годом...
  • Each Thing I Show You Is a Piece of My Death Джемма Файлс
    Язык: Английский
    Somewhere, out beyond the too-often-unmapped intersection of known and forgotten, there’s a hole through which the dead crawl back up to this world: A crack, a crevasse, a deep, dark cave. It splits the earth’s crust like a canker, sore lips thrust wide to divulge some even sorer mouth beneath–tongueless, toothless, depthless. The hole gapes, always open. It has no proper sense of proportion. It is rude and rough, rank and raw. When it breathes out it exhales nothing but poison, pure decay, so bad that people can smell it for miles around, even in their dreams.
  • The Jacaranda Smile Gemma Files
    Язык: Английский
  • Spectral Evidence Gemma Files
    ISBN: 9781947654181
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Trepidatio
    Язык: Английский
    For almost thirty years, Shirley Jackson Award-winning horror author Gemma Files has consistently served up tale after tale celebrating monstrosity in all its forms: the imperfect, the broken, the beautifully alien and the sadly familiar. Her characters make their own choices and take their own chances, slipping from darkness into deeper darkness yet never losing their humanity—not even when they’re anything but.

    An embittered blood-servant plots revenge against the vampires who own him; a little girl’s best friend seeks to draw her into an ancient, forbidden realm; two monster-hunting sisters cross paths with an amoral holler-witch again and again, battling both mortal authorities and immortal predators. From the forgotten angels who built the cosmos to the reckless geniuses whose party drug unleashes a plague, madness, monsters and murder await at every turn. And in “The Speed of Pain,” sequel to the International Horror Guild award-winning story “The Emperor’s Old Bones,” we find that even those who can live forever can’t outrun their own crimes….

    Following in the footsteps of her critically praised Kissing Carrion, The Worm in Every Heart and We Will All Go Down Together, this is the first of two new Gemma Files collections from Trepidatio Publishing, bringing together nine of her best stories from the past ten years. So whether you’re returning to Files’s dark dreamlands or visiting for the first time, we advise you to get ready to review the—

  • Strangers Among Us. Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts Kelley Armstrong
    ISBN: 9780993969607
    There's a delicate balance between mental health and mental illness . . .Who are the STRANGERS AMONG US?We are your fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, friends and lovers. We staff your stores, cross your streets, and study in your schools, invisible among you. We are your outcasts and underdogs, and often, your unsung heroes.Nineteen science fiction and fantasy authors tackle the division between mental health and mental illness; how the interplay between our minds' quirks and the diverse societies and cultures we live in can set us apart, or must be concealed, or become unlikely strengths.We find troubles with Irish fay, a North Korean cosmonaut's fear of flying, an aging maid dealing with politics of revenge, a mute boy and an army of darkness, a sister reaching out at the edge of a black hole, the dog and the sleepwalker, and many more.After all, what harm can be done…AUTHORS:  Kelley Armstrong, Suzanne Church, A.M. Dellamonica, Gemma Files, James Alan Gardner, Bev Geddes, Erika Holt, Tyler Keevil, Rich Larson, Derwin Mak, Mahtab Narsimhan, Sherry Peters, Ursula Pflug, Robert Runté, Lorina Stephens, Amanda Sun, Hayden Trenholm, Edward Willett, A.C. Wise.Introduction by Julie E. CzernedaEdited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. LawPraise for Strangers Among Us"Strangers Among Us . . . is important, shining a much-needed spotlight on issues that get far too little attention.  A wonderful anthology, one of the major SF&F books of the year.  Bravo!"-- Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of Quantum Night"The writing is excellent throughout, and even the few not-as-strong stories make for a good read. This is a unique collection that should attract readers of all genres. -- Foreword Reviews"The stories in Strangers Among Us are as varied in tone and approach as their authors. The power of the collection derives from this variety; while each story can be read in isolation, the assemblage of outsiders feels, on a whole, exultant. There is, indeed, strength in numbers, when each individual is accorded space and respect." -- Quill & Quire"VERDICT: Mental illness is an exciting theme for an anthology, leaving plenty of room for variety" -- Library Journal The anthology is recommended in Kirkus Reviews as one of "The August 2016 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books You'll Want to Read.""Though this book has some shortcomings, readers who have mental illnesses may find themselves somewhere in these pages and as a result may no longer feel so alone or isolated."--School Library JournalAwards and Honorable Mentions2017 Aurora Awards Winner (Best Related Work)2017 Alberta Book Publishing Awards Winner (Speculative Fiction Book of the Year)2017 Aurora Awards Winner (Best Short Fiction) and 3 other Best Short Fiction finalists2017 Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic (Short Story category): one short story finalistThe Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 (edited by John Joseph Adams and Charles Yu): one honorable mentionThe Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection (edited by Gardner Dozois): six honorable mentionsWilde Stories 2017: The Year's Best Gay Speculative Fiction (edited by Steve Berman): one story included2016 Foreword INDIES Awards finalist (Anthologies) 
  • Старые кости императора Джемма Файлс
    Язык: Русский
    История, пронесенная сквозь годы — от Китая периода Второй мировой с жестокостью того времени до конца прошлого столетия с неимоверными тяжестями прожитых лет на душе. И неотступным желанием отведать единственное блюдо, уходящее корнями в давние эпохи и повергающее самых видных шеф-поваров в ужас.
  • In That Endlessness, Our End Джемма Файлс
    ISBN: 9780578759760
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Grimscribe Press
    Язык: Английский

    Heard the one about the Airbnb that eats your dreams or the iron-crowned king who preys on his own bloodline from the air, still smoldering centuries after being burnt alive? How about the cloudy antique bottle you can wish your excess rage inside, or that crooked alley down which something waits to replace your disappointing child with a far more pleasant facsimile? We all know the truth, especially in times like these-in an anxiety-ridden, sleepless world such as ours, it's only ever our very worst dreams that come true. Here streets empty out and people pull themselves apart like amoebas, breeding murderous doppelgangers from their own…

  • A Book of Tongues Volume 1 of the Hexslinger Series Gemma Files
    ISBN: 978-0981297866
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: ChiZine Publications

    Two years after the Civil War, Pinkerton agent Ed Morrow has gone undercoverwith one of the weird West's most dangerous outlaw gangs the troop ledby ""Reverend"" Asher Rook, ex-Confederate chaplain turned ""hexslinger,"" and hisnotorious lieutenant (and lover) Chess Pargeter. Morrow's task: get close enoughto map the extent of Rook's power, then bring that knowledge back to helpProfessor Joachim Asbury unlock the secrets of magic itself. Caught between apassle of dead gods and monsters, hexes galore, Rook's witchery, and theruthless calculations of his own masters, Morrow's only real hope of survivallies with the man without whom Rook cannot succeed: Chess Pargeter himself! ButMorrow and Chess will have to literally ride through Hell before the truth ofChess's fate comes clear the doom written for him, and the entire world,in A Book of Tongues.
  • Экспериментальный фильм Джемма Файлс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-159467-1
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель-СПб
    Язык: Русский

    Преподавательница Луиз Кернс растит сына-аутиста и подрабатывает кинокритиком, пытаясь связать концы с концами. Однажды на закрытом показе она находит странную пленку с обрывком немого фильма и связывает ее с личностью миссис Айрис Данлопп Уиткомб, светской дивы и собирательницы фольклора, которая таинственным образом исчезла из закрытого купе поезда в 1918 году. Надеясь упрочить свою академическую карьеру, Луиз решает доказать, что Уиткомб была первой женщиной в Канаде, ставшей кинорежиссером. Но чем глубже она погружается в исследование, тем больше понимает, что с историей экспериментального фильма тесно переплетена странная легенда о…
