takatalvi 5 мая 2015 г., 22:20 Пожаловаться The cause of someone's death, whether it is 'suicide' or not, may be a moot point, but it is scarcely more moot than whether someone is mad or not. Perhaps everyone is a bit mad. Suicide in the Middle Ages: Volume 1: The Violent Against Themselves Alexander Murray 3,0
takatalvi 24 апреля 2015 г., 14:08 Пожаловаться Where a Renaissance prince might have used poison, a late medieval king could use the inquisition. Suicide in the Middle Ages: Volume 1: The Violent Against Themselves Alexander Murray 3,0
takatalvi 24 апреля 2015 г., 11:48 Пожаловаться A nobleman who wished to die had no need to kill himself because it was only too easy to be killed. Suicide in the Middle Ages: Volume 1: The Violent Against Themselves Alexander Murray 3,0
takatalvi 24 апреля 2015 г., 10:48 Пожаловаться If someone is trying to kill you, you will be less likely to wish to kill yourself. Suicide in the Middle Ages: Volume 1: The Violent Against Themselves Alexander Murray 3,0