Лучшие книги Ная Мари Эйдт
- 5 произведений
- 6 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Темная сторона Хюгге (сборник) Питер Хёг, Шарлотте Вайце, Ида Йессен, Якоб Ведельсбю, Ная Мари Эйдт, Хелле Хелле, Йенс Блендструп, Роберт Золя Кристенсен, Дорта Норс, Ларс Фрост, Кирстен Хамманн, Ким Ляйне, Катрина Мария Гульдагер, Кристиан Химмельструп, Питер Хойруп, Адда Дьеруп, Каролина Альбертина Минор, Иб Микаель, Серен Ульрик Томсен, Мерете Прюдс Хелле, Якоб Скюггебьерг, Сидсель Фальсиг Педерсен, Николай Цойтен, Ки
ISBN: 978-5-17-122686-2 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский Единственная изданная в России антология современной датской прозы позволит вам убедиться, насколько высок уровень этой литературы, и прочувствовать, что такое истинно нордический стиль. Что же объединяет все эти — такие разные — тексты? С проницательностью и любовью к деталям, с экзистенциальной тревогой и вниманием к психологии, с тонким вкусом к мистике и приверженностью к жесткому натурализму, со всей самоиронией и летучей нежностью к миру 23 датских писателя свидетельствуют о любви, иллюзиях, утраченном прошлом, тяге к свету и саморазрушению, о балансировании на грани воды и воздуха, воды и кромки льда. И, конечно, о счастье и чувстве…
When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back: Carl's Book Ная Мари Эйдт
ISBN: 1787475379 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Quercus Язык: Английский "I raise my glass to my eldest son. His pregnant wife and daughter are sleeping above us. Outside, the March evening is cold and clear. 'To life!' I say as the glasses clink with a delicate and pleasing sound. My mother says something to the dog. Then the phone rings. We don't answer it. Who could be calling so late on a Saturday evening?"
In March 2015, Naja Marie Aidt's 25-year-old son, Carl, died in a tragic accident.
When Death Takes Something From You Give It Back is about losing a child. It is about formulating a vocabulary to express the deepest kind of pain. And it's about finding a way to write about a reality invaded by grief, lessened by loss.
Faced with the sudden emptiness of language, Naja finds solace in the anguish of Joan Didion, Nick Cave, C.S. Lewis, Mallarmé, Plato and other writers who have suffered the deadening impact of loss. Their torment suffuses with her own as Naja wrestles with words and contests their capacity to speak for the depths of her sorrow.
This palimpsest of mourning enables Naja to turn over the pathetic, precious transience of existence and articulates her greatest fear: to forget. The insistent compulsion to reconstruct the harrowing aftermath of Carl's death keeps him painfully present, while fragmented memories, journal entries and poetry inch her closer to piecing Carl's life together.
Intensely moving and quietly devastating, this is what is it to be a family, what it is to love and lose, and what it is to treasure life in spite of death's indomitable resolve. -
Baboon Ная Мари Эйдт
ISBN: 978-1931883382 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Two Lines Press Beginning in the middle of crisis, then accelerating through plots that grow stranger by the page, Naja Marie Aidt’s stories have a feel all their own. Though they are built around the common themes of sex, love, desire, and gender, Aidt pushes them into her own desperate, frantic realm. In one, a whore shows up unannounced at a man’s apartment, roosts in his living room, and then violently threatens him when he tries to make her leave. In another, a wife takes her husband to a city where it is women, not men, who are the dominant sex—but was it all a hallucination when she finds herself tied to a board and dragged back to his car? And in the unforgettable “Blackcurrant,” two young women who have turned away from men and toward lesbianism abscond to a farm, where they discover that their neighbor’s son is experimenting with his own kind of sexuality. The first book from the widely lauded Aidt to reach the English language, Baboon delivers audacious writing that careens toward bizarre, yet utterly truthful, realizations. -
Иностранная литература №7 (2010) (сборник) Меир Шалев, Иехудит Кацир, Тициано Скарпа, Мирча Кэртэреску, Миленко Ергович, А. Мередит Уолтерс, Отокар Бржезина, Ная Мари Эйдт, Панова Ольга Юрьевна
Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Иностранная литература Язык: Русский -
Bavian Ная Мари Эйдт
ISBN: 8702046628 Год издания: 2006 Язык: Датский Beginning in the middle of crisis, then accelerating through plots that grow stranger by the page, Naja Marie Aidt’s stories have a feel all their own. Though they are built around the common themes of sex, love, desire, and gender, Aidt pushes them into her own desperate, frantic realm. In one, a whore shows up unannounced at a man’s apartment, roosts in his living room, and then violently threatens him when he tries to make her leave. In another, a wife takes her husband to a city where it is women, not men, who are the dominant sex—but was it all a hallucination when she finds herself tied to a board and dragged back to his car? And in the unforgettable “Blackcurrant,” two young women who have turned away from men and toward lesbianism abscond to a farm, where they discover that their neighbor’s son is experimenting with his own kind of sexuality. The first book from the widely lauded Aidt to reach the English language, Baboon delivers audacious writing that careens toward bizarre, yet utterly truthful, realizations.