Кристофер Кларк

Christopher Clark

  • 12 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 11 читателей
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Кристофер Кларк - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Oxford Activity Books for Children: Book 1 Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 9780194218306
    Год издания: 1984
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский
    These creative activities for grammar and vocabulary practice, help develop reading and writing skills.
  • Unesk?ndijad: kuidas Euroopa 1914. aastal s?tta l?ks Кристофер Кларк
    28. juuni 1914 hommikul, kui ertshertsog Franz Ferdinand ja tema abikaasa Sophie Chotek saabusid Sarajevo raudteejaama, valitses Euroopas rahu. Kolmk?mmend seitse p?eva hiljem oli Euroopa s?jas. Nimetatud suvel alguse saanud konflikt n?udis ?le 20 miljoni inimese elu, h?vitas kolm impeeriumi ja muutis igaveseks maailma ajalugu. „Unesk?ndijad“ kirjeldab ?ksikasjaliselt, kuidas Esimese maailmas?jani viinud kriis arenes. Uutele allikatele toetudes n?itab tunnustatud ajaloolane Christopher Clark, kuidas Viinis, Berliinis, Peterburis, Pariisis, Londonis ja Belgradis s?ndmused kulgesid ning kuidas poliitikud neid hindasid. Juttu tuleb vastastikustest arusaamatustest ja v??rt?lgendustest ning tahtmatult saadetud signaalidest, mis viisidki m?ne n?dalaga s?jani. Kuidas juhtus nii, et Balkan – Euroopa t?htsamate keskuste vaatenurgast ikkagi ??remaa – osutus niisuguse enneolematu ulatusega draama p?hjuseks? Kuidas kujunesid Euroopas vastandlike huvidega riikide liidud ja kuidas need m?jutasid nende osaliste v?lispoliitikat? Autor n?itab, kuidas krooniliste probleemide k?es vaevlevad Euroopa liidrid, kes olid uhked oma poliitilise taibu ja praktilise meele ?le, juhtisid oma riike tegelikult ?hest kriisist teise ning j?udsid viimaks arusaamisele, et s?da ongi olukorrast ainus v?ljap??s. 536 lk
  • The Roots of Rural Capitalism: Western Massachusetts, 1780-1860 Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 0801496934, 9780801496936
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Cornell University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Between the late colonial period and the Civil War, the countryside of the American northeast was largely transformed. Rural New England changed from a society of independent farmers relatively isolated from international markets into a capitalist economy closely linked to the national market, an economy in which much farming and manufacturing output was produced by wage labor. Using the Connecticut Valley as an example, The Roots of Rural Capitalism demonstrates how this important change came about.

    Christopher Clark joins the active debate on the transition to capitalism with a fresh interpretation that integrates the insights of previous studies with the results of his detailed research. Largely rejecting the assumption of recent scholars that economic change can be explained principally in terms of markets, he constructs a broader social history of the rural economy and traces the complex interactions of social structure, household strategies, gender relations, and cultural values that propelled the countryside from one economic system to another. Above all, he shows that people of rural Massachusetts were not passive victims of changes forced upon them, but actively created a new economic world as they tried to secure their livelihoods under changing demographic and economic circumstances.

    The emergence of rural capitalism, Clark maintains, was not the result of a single transition; rather, it was an accretion of new institutions and practices that occurred over two generations, and in two broad chronological phases. It is his singular contribution to demonstrate the coexistence of a family-based household economy (persisting well into the nineteenth century) and the market-oriented system of production and exchange that is generally held to have emerged full-blown by the eighteenth century. He is adept at describing the clash of values sustaining both economies, and the ways in which the rural household-based economy, through a process he calls involution, ultimately gave way to a new order. His analysis of the distinctive role of rural women in this transition constitutes a strong new element in the study of gender as a factor in the economic, social, and cultural shifts of the period.

    Sophisticated in argument and engaging in presentation, this book will be recognized as a major contribution to the history of capitalism and society in nineteenth-century America.
  • Сомнамбулы: Как Европа пришла к войне в 1914 году Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 978-5-93255-662-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Издательство Института Гайдара
    Язык: Русский
    Опираясь на новейшие исследования, историк Кристофер Кларк предлагает свежий взгляд на Первую мировую войну, сосредотачивая внимание не на полях сражений и кровопролитии, а на сложных событиях и отношениях, которые привели группу благонамеренных лидеров к жестокому конфликту. Кларк прослеживает путь к войне, подробно рассматривая, как принимались ключевые решения в Вене, Берлине, Санкт-Петербурге, Париже, Лондоне и Белграде, и обращается к предшествующей истории, приведшей к событиям 1914 года, взаимному непониманию и непреднамеренным сигналам, всего за несколько недель вызвавшим полномасштабный кризис.
  • Revolutionary Spring: Europe Aflame and the Fight for a New World, 1848-1849 Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 9780525575207
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Crown
    Язык: Английский
    An epic history of the 1848 revolutions that swept Europe and the charismatic figures who propelled them forward, with deep resonance and frightening parallels to today--from a renowned Cambridge historian.

    Historically, 1848 has long been overshadowed by the French Revolution of 1789, the Paris Commune of 1870, and the Russian revolutions of the early twentieth century. And yet in 1848, nearly all of Europe was aflame with conflict. Parallel political tumults spread like brush fire across the entire continent, leading to more significant and lasting change than earlier upheavals. And they brought with them a new awareness of the concept of history; the men and women of 1848 saw and shaped what was happening around them through the lens of previous revolutions.

    Celebrated Cambridge historian Christopher Clark describes this continental uprising as "the particle collision chamber at the center of the European nineteenth century," a place where political movements and ideas--from socialism and democratic radicalism to liberalism, nationalism, corporatism, and conservatism--were tested and transformed. The insurgents asked questions that sound modern to our ears: What happens when demands for political or economic liberty conflict with demands for social rights? How do we reconcile representative and direct forms of democracy? How is capitalism connected to social inequality? As a result of the events of 1848, the papacy of Pius IX and even the Catholic Church changed profoundly; Denmark, Piedmont and Prussia issued constitutions; Sicily founded its own all-Sicilian parliament; the Austrian Chancellor Metternich fled from Vienna. The revolutions were short-lived, but their impact was profound. Public life, administrative cultures and political thought were all transformed by this mid-century convulsion. Those who lived through them were marked for life by what they had seen and experienced.

    Elegantly written, meticulously researched, and filled with a fascinating cast of charismatic figures, including the social theorist de Tochqueville and the troubled Priest de Lamennais, who struggled to reconcile his faith with politics, Revolutionary Spring is a new understanding of 1848 that offers chilling parallels to our present moment. "Looking back at the revolutions from the end of the first quarter of the twenty-first century, it is impossible not to be struck by the resonances," Clark writes. "If a revolution is coming for us, it may look something like 1848."
  • Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 0140293345, 9780140293340
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    In the aftermath of World War II, Prussia--a centuries-old state pivotal to Europe's development--ceased to exist. In their eagerness to erase all traces of the Third Reich from the earth, the Allies believed that Prussia, the very embodiment of German militarism, had to be abolished.

    But as Christopher Clark reveals in this pioneering history, Prussia's legacy is far more complex. Though now a fading memory in Europe's heartland, the true story of Prussia offers a remarkable glimpse into the dynamic rise of modern Europe.

    What we find is a kingdom that existed nearly half a millennium ago as a patchwork of territorial fragments, with neither significant resources nor a coherent culture. With its capital in Berlin, Prussia grew from being a small, poor, disregarded medieval state into one of the most vigorous and powerful nations in Europe. Iron Kingdom traces Prussia's involvement in the continent's foundational religious and political conflagrations: from the devastations of the Thirty Years War through centuries of political machinations to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, from the enlightenment of Frederick the Great to the destructive conquests of Napoleon, and from the "iron and blood" policies of Bismarck to the creation of the German Empire in 1871, and all that implied for the tumultuous twentieth century.

    By 1947, Prussia was deemed an intolerable threat to the safety of Europe; what is often forgotten, Clark argues, is that it had also been an exemplar of the European humanistic tradition, boasting a formidable government administration, an incorruptible civil service, and religious tolerance. Clark demonstrates how a state deemed the bane of twentieth-century Europe has played an incalculable role in Western civilization's fortunes. Iron Kingdom is a definitive, gripping account of Prussia's fascinating, influential, and critical role in modern times
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II. A Life in Power Кристофер Кларк
    ISBN: 9780141039930
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Christopher Clark's Kaiser Wilhelm II: A Life in Power is a short, fascinating and accessible biography of one of the 20th century's most important figures.
    King of Prussia, German Emperor, war leader and defeated exile, Kaiser Wilhelm II was one of the most important - and most controversial - figures in the history of twentieth-century Europe. But how much power did he really have?
    Christopher Clark, winner of the Wolfson prize for his history of Prussia, Iron Kingdom, follows Kaiser Wilhelm's political career from his youth at the Hohenzollern court through the turbulent decades of the Wilhelmine era into global war and the collapse of Germany in 1918, to his last days. He asks: what was his true role in the events that led to the outbreak of the First World War? What was the nature and extent of his control? What were his political goals and his success in achieving them? How did he project authority and exercise influence? And how did his people really view him?
    Through original research, Clark presents a fresh new interpretation of this contentious figure, focusing on how his thirty-year reign from 1888 to 1918 affected Germany, and the rest of Europe, for years to come.