Marcus Weeks
  • 13 книг
  • 6 читателей
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Marcus Weeks – лучшие книги

  • The Economics Book Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 978-1-4093-7641-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Dorling Kingsley Limited
    Язык: Английский
    From Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, to Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes, to the top economic thought leaders of today, The Economics Book is the essential reference for students and anyone else with an interest in how economies work.

    Easy-to-follow graphics, succinct quotations, and thoroughly accessible text throw light on the applications of economics, making them relatable through everyday examples and concerns.

    Employing DK's trademark visual approach, The Economics Book takes a frequently confusing subject and makes sense of it, clearly highlighting both historically important and emerging ideas in this critical field of science.


    "This entertaining and informative volume will make economics not only accessible but potentially even fascinating to a wide range of readers at and above a high-school reading level." – Booklist Editors'

    "[The Big Ideas Simply Explained books] are beautifully illustrated with shadow-like cartoons that break down even the most difficult concepts so they are easier to grasp. These step-by-step diagrams are an incredibly clever learning device to include, especially for visual learners." – Examiner.com

    "The Economics Book takes a unique approach to elucidating this often murky subject through well-written entries. The book's brilliance lies in its packaging of economic theory into easily digestible essays. Overall, this book will make economics not only accessible but potentially even fascinating to a wide range of readers at and above a high-school reading level." – Booklist


    2013 Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner

    Booklist Editors' Choice: Reference Sources, 2012

    Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) 2014 Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners list

    2014 The Mom's Choice Awards® Gold Award Winner
  • Psychology in Minutes Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 9781848667211
    Год издания: 2015
  • Psicología para mentes inquietas Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 9780241011980
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: DK Publishing
    Язык: Испанский
    Relaciones, estudios, trabajo: la vida está llena de grandes cuestiones, y psicología para mentes inquietas te ayudará con ellas. Todo está influido por la psicología: desde la música y la política hasta las relaciones familiares.
    Este libro es la introducción perfecta a la materia: cubre y explora los experimentos más controvertidos, las teorías principales y los pioneros más influyentes en psicología. Si quieres saber por qué la gente hace las cosas que hace, este libro es para ti.
  • What Would Nietzsche Do?: How the greatest philosophers would solve your everyday problems Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 9781844039265
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Firefly Books
    What Would Nietzsche Do? uses the key ideas of more than 80 philosophical thinkers, past and present, to shine new light onto today's everyday problems. Ever wondered if Schopenhauer could fix your broken heart? How Heraclitus might help you if you lost your phone? Given the chance, would Foucault leave the toilet seat up? With sections on Relationships, Self and Identity, How to Live, Art and Aesthetics, and Politics, there is an answer to each of modern life's questions here. Each section is comprised of a collection of questions, from 'Is Shakespeare better than the Simpsons?' to 'Should I get a takeaway tonight?'; from little niggling questions, to the great mysteries of human existence. With Marcus Weeks's illuminating commentary on each philosopher's answer to the question at hand, you'll be spouting Socrates and discussing Descartes before you know it. A guide to life, of sorts, and also a fantastic introduction to philosophy for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge of the subject.
  • Das Kunst-Buch Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 9783831035373
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Dorling Kindersley
    Kunst verstehen – so einfach geht’s! Das originelle Kunst-Buch stellt Kunstgeschichte aus aller Welt, ihre Theorien und Ideen so anschaulich dar, dass sie jeder versteht. Ob Gemälde, Zeichnungen oder Skulpturen, von der Antike bis zur Moderne werden über 100 Kunstwerke chronologisch aufgeführt, in ihren historischen und kulturellen Kontext eingeordnet und ausführlich erklärt. Das Kunst-Buch ist mit Diagrammen, Illustrationen und Fotos sowie Zitaten und Kurzbiografien wichtiger Künstler besonders abwechslungsreich gestaltet. Einprägsam und unterhaltsam!

    Noch nie war es leichter, sich einen Überblick über die Kunstgeschichte zu verschaffen als mit diesem Kunst-Buch, das große Ideen sehr verständlich erläutert. Interessierte, Studenten oder Oberstufenschüler lernen die ganze Welt der Kunst auf eine nachvollziehbare Art und Weise kennen – von den ersten prähistorischen Fruchtbarkeitsfiguren bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Videoinstallationen.

    Wie haben die alten Griechen ihr Schönheitsideal in der Kunst umgesetzt? Hat Farbe einen direkten Einfluss auf die Seele? Das Kunst-Buch bietet Antworten auf diese und andere Fragen, indem es Schlüsselmomente, wichtige Motive und Stilrichtungen untersucht. Jedes Kunstwerk wird vor seinem kulturellen Hintergrund betrachtet und die Absichten des Künstlers analysiert.

    Tauchen Sie in die Zeit der Renaissance, des Barocks oder der Romantik ein und verstehen Sie, was Botticelli, Rembrandt, Klimt, Matisse, Michelangelo und Picasso mit ihren Werken ausdrücken. Dieses Kunst-Buch ist mehr als eine Kunst-Galerie – es ist der lebendigste Museumsrundgang aller Zeiten!
  • The Art Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained Iain Zaczek
    ISBN: 978-0-2412-3901-8
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DK
    Язык: Английский
    What makes something a work of art? How did the ancient Greeks give form to ideal beauty? Does colour exert a direct influence on the soul? This book examines these questions and more be exploring key movements, themes, and styles of art through more than 200 works across a wide range of media.

    Written in plain English, The Art Book cuts through the jargon of art history and theory, and is packed with images of the world's greatest works of art and witty infographics that explore the ideas behind them. From prehistoric fertility figures to contemporary video installations, this is the perfect primer to world art.

    Whether you're a student of art or simply an avid gallery-goer, you'll find plenty of thought-provoking insights into old favourites and newly discovered gems here.
  • Philosophy in Minutes Marcus Weeks
    ISBN: 9781782066460
    Год издания: 2014