Liz Taylor
  • 5 книг
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Liz Taylor – лучшие книги

  • The Magic Computer Mouse Liz Taylor
    ISBN: 9788877544575
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Cideb, Black Cat Cideb
    Язык: Английский
    The fully-illustrated, original story takes into account the real-world interests of children in primary schools. It provides a wide range of stimulating activities, plus a picture dictionary of key vocabulary.
  • Zed The Magician Liz Taylor
    ISBN: 9788877546128
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Cideb, Black Cat Cideb
    Язык: Английский
    A lively mystery story involving a magician called Zed, some daring school children and a crime to be solved. Children practise their English as they read, following the clues to find who the mystery thief is.
  • International Express: Elementary: Workbook Пол Келли
    ISBN: 978-0-19-457414-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Русский
    This highly practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication. It addresses the needs of adults who use English in their professional lives, but who find that general coursebooks are too general, and Business English courses too specialized. The course makes full use of the experience, motivation and skills of working adult learners - units are topic-based with sophisticated international topics appropriate to adult learners. Students are encouraged to communicate confidently in a range of realistic professional situations, including socializing, making contacts and telephoning, and authentic contexts are used to present grammar structures using a discovery method. The workbook provides extra exercises on grammar, reading, writing and listening.