Peter Stephenson – лучшие книги
- 5 изданий на 2 языках
По популярности
From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line Peter Stephenson, Jerry Peek, Oliver Kiddle
ISBN: 1590593766 Год издания: 2004 Язык: Русский While Unix and Linux are slowly catching up to the more graphical Windows and Mac OS X windowing systems, the real power of Unix-like systems lie at the shell command-line. From the shell, you manage files, run commands, and maintain your system, -
Investigating Computer-Related Crime Peter Stephenson
ISBN: 0849322189 Язык: Русский Written by an experienced information security specialist, Investigating Computer-Related Crime is tailored to the needs of corporate information professionals and investigators. It gives a step-by-step approach to understanding and investigating -
Naked Leadership: Confronting the Truth About Leadership Peter Stephenson, Rob Balmer
ISBN: 1740095987 Язык: Русский A guide to deal with today's confronting leadership issues by implementing effective leadership techniques and methodologies. Gives every executive a way of looking at leadership which can be implemented in the real world. -
Introduction to Personal Computers: Self-Teaching Guide Peter Stephenson
ISBN: 047154714X Язык: Русский Offers complete, easy-to-read guidance on selecting, buying and getting started with your first personal computer. Presents in-depth coverage on such topics as printing; purchasing software; using modems; graphic user interfaces; plus an overview of