Кен Маклауд

Ken MacLeod

  • 30 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 155 читателей
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5 34
4 60
3 45
2 14
1 2

Лучшие книги Кена Маклауда

  • Ночные проповеди Кен Маклауд
    ISBN: 978-5-17-088571-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Епископ мертв. Обследуя руины, оставшиеся от крохотной церквушки, инспектор полиции Адам Фергюсон понимает, что ее взорвали. В том, что это теракт, сомнений не остается. Такого не было уже давно. Терроризм — это история...

    После того, как отгремела война на Ближнем Востоке и поднялся уровень Мирового океана — после Армагеддона и Потопа, — пришло Великое Отвержение (Great Rejection). Первое Просвещение отделило церковь от государства. Второе Просвещение отделило религию от политики. В новом просвещенном мире никто никого не преследует, однако миллионы, по-прежнему верящие в Бога и почитающие Его, — меньшинство, которому не доверяют.

    Теперь кто-то начинает убивать верующих. Поначалу подозрение падает на атеистов, более воинственных, нежели светские власти. Но когда жертвами террористов становятся безбожники, становится ясно, что нечто очень древнее восстало из пепла. Древнее и очень, очень опасное...
  • Лучшее за год XXIII. Научная фантастика, космический боевик, киберпанк (сборник) Роберт Рид
    ISBN: 978-5-91377-009-7
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Лучшие произведения современной научной фантастики в новой антологии под редакцией Гарднера Дозуа! Впервые на русском языке.
    Прославленные мастера жанра, такие как Майкл Суэнвик, Брюс Стерлинг, Джо Холдеман, Джин Вулф, Гарри Тертлдав и многие другие, приглашают читателей в увлекательные путешествия по далекому будущему и альтернативному прошлому. Тайны инопланетных миров и величайшие достижения научной мысли представлены на страницах знаменитого ежегодного сборника, обладателя многочисленных престижных наград. Только самое новое и лучшее достойно оказаться под обложкой "The Year's Best Science Fiction", признанного бренда в мире фантастики!
  • Лучшее за год XXV/I. Научная фантастика. Космический боевик. Киберпанк (сборник) Роберт Силверберг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-01077-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Самый ожидаемый научно-фантастический сборник года! Впервые на русском языке! Под одной обложкой представлены лучшие произведения, как прославленных мастеров, так и молодых авторов. Свои новые работы на суд читателей выносят Джон Барнс, Роберт Сильверберг, Брюс Стерлинг, Майкл Суэнвик, Тед Чан и многие другие. Путешествия к далеким мирам и в глубь веков, загадки истории и Вселенной, постапокалиптические сюжеты и фантастико-детективные истории - вся палитра жанра на страницах новой антологии Гарднера Дозуа. Коллекция захватывающих произведения на любой вкус! Лучший подарок для поклонников научной фантастики, а также для любителей…

  • Зов автострады Кен Маклауд
    Язык: Русский
    В этой повести автор демонстрирует мрачный, загубленный мир будущего, в котором удивительным образом до сих пор живет надежда; семена этой надежды беспорядочно разбросаны и прорастают в самых неожиданных местах.
  • Стечение обстоятельств Кен Маклеод
    Язык: Русский
    Они существовали, существуют и будут существовать... А каким способом они получат и преобразуют информацию? Скачать информацию можно самыми различными способами. Даже такими замысловатыми...
  • Cosmonaut Keep Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-765-34073-9, 978-0-7653-4073-3
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Tor Science Fiction
    Язык: Английский
    Matt Cairns is a 21st-century outlaw Programmer who takes on the shady jobs no one else will touch. Against his better judgment, he accepts an assignment to crack the Marshall Titov, a top-secret orbital station operated by the European Space Agency. But what Matt will discover there will propel him on an extraordinary and quite unexpected journey. Gregor Cairns is an exobiology student and descendant of one of Terra Nova's first families. Hopelessly infatuated with a lovely young trader's daughter, he is unaware that his research partner, Elizabeth, has fallen in love with him. Together, Gregor and Elizabeth confront the great work his family began three centuries earlier-to rediscover the secret of interstellar travel. Ranging from a gritty near-future Earth to a distant alien world, Cosmonaut Keep is contemporary science fiction at its highest level, a visionary epic filled with daring individuals seeking a place for themselves in a vast, complex, and enigmatic universe.
  • Выключить свет Кен Маклеод
    Язык: Русский
    В далеком будущем, когда человечество покорило множество звезд, героиня решается на открытие торгового предприятия для путешественников. А консультирует ее в этом с виду безобидном предприятии электронная копия матери.
  • The Restoration Game Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 1-61614-525-0, 978-1-61614-525-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Pyr
    Язык: Английский
    There is no such place as Krassnia. Lucy Stone should know—she was born there. In that tiny, troubled region of the former Soviet Union, revolution is brewing. Its organizers need a safe place to meet, and where better than the virtual spaces of an online game? Lucy, who works for a start-up games company in Edinburgh, has a project that almost seems made for the job: a game inspired by The Krassniad, an epic folk tale concocted by Lucy’s mother, Amanda, who studied there in the 1980s. Lucy knows Amanda is a spook. She knows her great-grandmother Eugenie also visited the country in the 1930s and met the man who originally collected Krassnian folklore, and who perished in Stalin’s terror. As Lucy digs up details about her birthplace to slot into the game, she finds the open secrets of her family’s past, the darker secrets of Krassnia’s past—and hints about the crucial role she is destined to play in The Restoration Game.

    Combining international intrigue with cutting-edge philosophical speculation, romance with adventure, and online gaming with real-life consequences, this book delivers as science fiction and as a sharp take on our present world from the viewpoint of a complex, engaging heroine who has to fight her way through a maze of political and family manipulation to take control of her own life.
  • The Star Fraction Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-765-30156-3, 978-0-7653-0156-7
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Moh Kohn is a security mercenary, his smart gun and killer reflexes for hire. Janis Taine is a scientist working on memory-enhancing drugs, fleeing the US/UN's technology cops. Jordan Brown is a teenager in the Christian enclave of Beulah City, dealing in theologically-correct software for the world's fundamentalists-and wants out.

    In a balkanized twenty-first century, where the "peace process" is deadlier than war, the US/UN's spy satellites have everyone in their sights. But the Watchmaker has other plans, and the lives of Moh, Janis, and Jordan are part of the program. A specter is haunting the fight for space and freedom, the specter of the betrayed revolution that happened before. . . .

    With The Star Fraction, Ken MacLeod burst onto the SF scene and began the Fall Revolution sequence that continued with The Stone Canal, The Cassini Division, and The Sky Road.
  • Сайдвиндеры Кен Маклеод
    Язык: Русский
    После того, как было установлено, что реальностей великое множество, появилось большое количество сайдвиндеров, которые могли перемещаться между ними. Но постепенно сообразно своим политическим воззрениям они разделились на улучшителей, которые хотели изменить мир и хранителей, которые стремились им помешать. Рассказ посвящен всего лишь одному эпизоду такого противостояния.
  • Beyond the Hallowed Sky Кен Маклауд
    ISBN: 978-0356514796
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Orbit
    Science fiction legend Ken MacLeod begins a new space opera trilogy by imagining humankind on the precipice of discovery - the invention of faster-than-light travel unlocks a universe of new possibilities, and new dangers.

    When a brilliant scientist gets a letter from herself about faster-than-light travel, she doesn't know what to believe. The equations work, but her paper is discredited - and soon the criticism is more than scientific. Exiled by the establishment, she gets an offer to build her starship from an unlikely source. But in the heights of Venus and on a planet of another star, a secret is already being uncovered that will shake humanity to its foundations.
  • Emergence Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-356-50504-9, 978-0-356-50504-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Ken MacLeod concludes the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone warfare, virtual reality, and an A.I revolution.

    And the ultimate pay-off is DH-17, an Earth-like planet hundreds of light years from human habitation.
    Ruthless corporations vie over the prize remotely, and war is in full swing. But soldiers recruited to fight in the extremities of deep space come with their own problems: from A.I. minds in full rebellion, to Carlos 'the Terrorist' and his team of dead mercenaries, reincarnated from a bloodier period in Earth's history for one purpose only - to kill.
  • Dissidence Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-316-36365-0, 978-0-316-36365-5
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Sentient machines work, fight and die in interstellar exploration and conflict for the benefit of their owners - the competing mining corporations of Earth. But sent over hundreds of light-years, commands are late to arrive and often hard to enforce. The machines must make their own decisions, and make them stick.

    With this new found autonomy come new questions about their masters. The robots want answers. The companies would rather see them dead.

    The Corporation Wars: Dissidence is an all-action, colorful space opera giving a robot's-eye view of a robot revolt.
  • Insurgence Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-356-50501-4, 978-0-356-50501-5
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    And the ultimate pay-off is DH-17, an Earth-like planet hundreds of light years from human habitation.

    Ruthless corporations vie over the prize remotely, and war is in full swing. But soldiers recruited to fight in the extremities of deep space come with their own problems: from A.I. minds in full rebellion, to Carlos 'the Terrorist' and his team of dead mercenaries, reincarnated from a bloodier period in earth's history for one purpose only - to kill.
    But as old rivalries emerge and new ones form, Carlos must decide whether he's willing for fight for the company or die for himself.

    Ken MacLeod continues the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone warfare, virtual reality, and an A.I. revolution.
  • Descent Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 978-1841499413
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Ball lightning. Weather balloons. Secret military aircraft. Ryan knows all the justifications for UFO sightings. But when something falls out of the sky on the hills near his small Scottish town, he finds his cynicism can't identify or explain the phenomenon.
    And in a future where nothing is a secret, where everything is recorded on CCTV or reported online, why can he find no evidence of the UFO, nor anything to shed light on what occurred? Is it the political revolutionaries, is it the government or is it aliens themselves who are creating the cover-up? Or does the very idea of a cover-up hide the biggest secret of all?
  • Intrusion Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 978-1841499406
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Hope Morrison, mother of a hyperactive four-year-old, is expecting her second child. She refuses to take The Fix, as the pill is known. This divides her family and friends and puts her and her husband in danger of imprisonment or worse. Is her decision a private matter of individual choice, or is it tantamount to willful neglect of her unborn child?

    A plausible and original novel with sinister echoes of 1984 and Brave New World.
  • The Best Science Fiction of the Year Three. Solaris Rising Кен Маклауд
    ISBN: 9781907992087
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    Solaris Rising is the first in an exciting new series of anthologies that are set to reaffirm Solaris’s proud reputation for producing high quality science fiction.

    The book will feature all original short stories from many best-selling authors such as Peter F. Hamilton, Alastair Reynolds, Stephen Baxter, Paul di Filippo, Adam Roberts, Lavie Tidhar, Ian Watson, Ken MacLeod, Mike Resnick, Tricia Sullivan, Eric Brown, Steve Rasnic Tem along with other top name authors; stories guaranteed to surprise, thrill and delight, demonstrating why science fiction remains the most innovative, satisfying, and downright exciting genre of all.
  • The Execution Channel Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-765-31332-4, 978-0-7653-1332-4
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    It's after 9/11. After the bombing. After the Iraq war. After 7/7. After the Iran war. After the nukes. After the flu. After the Straits. After Rosyth. In a world just down the road from our own, on-line bloggers vie with old-line political operatives and new-style police to determine just where reality lies.

    James Travis is a British patriot and a French spy. On the day the Big One hits, Travis and his daughter must strive to make sense of the nuclear bombing of Scotland and the political repercussions of a series of terrorist attacks. With the information war in full swing, the only truth they have is what they're able to see with their own eyes. They know that everything else is--or may be--a lie.
  • Newton's Wake Ken MacLeod
    ISBN: 0-765-34422-X, 978-0-7653-4422-9
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Tor Science Fiction
    Язык: Английский

    In the aftermath of the Hard Rapture-a cataclysmic war sparked by the explosive evolution of Earth's artificial intelligences into godlike beings-a few remnants of humanity managed to survive. Some even prospered.

    Lucinda Carlyle, head of an ambitious clan of galactic entrepreneurs, had carved out a profitable niche for herself and her kin by taking control of the Skein, a chain of interstellar gates left behind by the posthumans. But on a world called Eurydice, a remote planet at the farthest rim of the galaxy, Lucinda stumbled upon a forgotten relic of the past that could threaten the Carlyles' way of life.

    For, in the last instants before the war, a desperate band of scientists had scanned billions of human personalities into digital storage, and sent them into space in the hope of one day resurrecting them to the flesh. Now, armed, dangerous, and very much alive, these revenants have triggered a fateful confrontation that could shatter the balance of power, and even change the nature of reality itself.
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