Пэт Мэрфи

Pat Murphy

  • 19 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 74 читателя
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Лучшие книги Пэт Мэрфи

  • Город несколько лет спустя Пэт Мэрфи
    ISBN: 5-17-018656-8
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Сан-Франциско. Последний `островок свободы`, переживший страшную, уничтожившую едва ли не всех обитателей Земли `чуму будущего` - и ставший своеобразным `убежищем` для тысяч `людей контркультуры`, сумевших обрести в искусстве симбиоз с самой Душой Сан-Франциско… Город, на который вот-вот начнется атака нынешних `хозяев планеты` - ценителей и блюстителей `закона и порядка`… Смерть? Поражение? Вряд ли… Мы ж из серебра-золота, Что с нами станется? Ну а вы, кто останется, Молитесь за нас!

  • Норбит, или туда и обратно Пэт Мэрфи
    ISBN: 5-17-009876-6, 5-7921-0424-7
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: АСТ, Terra Fantastica
    Язык: Русский

    В земле была нора, а в норе жил хоббит... Ой, пардон! В астероиде была НОРА, а в норе жил НОРБИТ. Однажды хоб... пардон, норбит, плотно позавтракал и задумался, чем бы этаким заняться. И вдруг!!! И вдруг наш хоб... в смысле, норбит, сам не зная почему, начал говорить и делать веши совершенно невероятные. Пожалуй, после этого он потерял уважение соседей, зато приобрел... впрочем, приобрел ли он хоть что-нибудь, вы скоро узнаете. И отправился наш НОРБИТ в пещеру... ой, извините, в пространственно-временной тоннель! На поиски сокровищ... ой, черт возьми, артефактов. Вы хотите знать, что было потом? И кто был вместо эльфов,…

  • Стратегия регенерации в условиях мегаполиса Пэт Мэрфи
    Язык: Русский
    К её коллекции жестянок, оторванных пуговиц, сломанных зонтиков и крышек от пивных бутылок этим вечером добавился манипулятор от инопланетного корабля. Она нашла его в сточной канаве.
    © Ank
  • Неадекватное поведение Пэт Мэрфи
    Язык: Русский
    Очнувшись, Эван Коллинз понял, что он оказался на необитаемом островке. И единственная его компания и надежда на спасение — робот. Странный робот, который очень любит, чтобы ему рассказывали сказки...
  • Драконовы врата Пэт Мэрфи
    Язык: Русский

    На мать Аниты пало проклятье ледяных дев. Чтобы спасти ее необходимо три капли крови дракона. Отважная девушка в одиночку отправляется к Драконовым вратам...

  • Points of Departure (сборник) Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-553-28615-3, 978-0-553-28615-1
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: Bantam Spectra
    Язык: Английский
    "Points of Departure" is a collection of short stories about alternating between hope and despair. Pat Murphy's stories range from "Rachel in Love," which portrays a chimpanzee whose brain is implanted with the personality of a young girl who has died, to "His Vegetable Wife," the story of a farmer who grows a spouse from a packet of seed only to find that she is more quiet than docile. All but one of the 19 stories in this collection have been published previously in magazines and anthologies.
  • The Falling Woman Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-312-93230-8, 978-0-312-93230-5
    Год издания: 1986
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Elizabeth Waters, an archeologist who abandoned her husband and daughter years ago to pursue her career, can see the shadows of the past. It's a gift she keeps secret from her colleagues and students, one that often leads her to incredible archeological discoveries and the realization that she might be going mad. Then on a dig in the Yucatan, the shadow of a Mayan priestess speaks to her. Suddenly Elizabeth's daughter Diane arrives, hoping to reconnect with her mother. As mother, daughter and priestess fall into the mysterious world of Mayan magic, it is clear one will be asked to make the ultimate sacrifice.
  • Дикарки Пэт Мерфи
    Язык: Русский
    Порой человеку, пусть и маленькому, хочется отринуть всю его стандартную и нудную жизнь, нанести на лицо боевую раскраску, и вернуться назад, к «дикости». Пусть и ненадолго...
    © mastino
  • Любовь и секс среди беспозновночных Пэт Мэрфи
    Язык: Русский
    На Земле разразилась ядерная война. Те, кто не погиб сразу, ушли искать уцелевших родственников. А перед нами последние дни жизни одной женщины-учёной из пригорода Сан-Хосе. Понимая, что получила смертельную дозу радиации и жить ей осталось всего несколько дней, она решает остаться в Лаборатории и попытаться создать неких механических существ — роботов, созданий, кого угодно. Может быть, хоть они останутся после человечества. Как память...
    © ceh
  • Women Up to No Good (сборник) Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 1-61187-763-6, 978-1-61187-763-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Untreed Reads Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    What do women want? Well, if Pat Murphy is to be trusted (and we're not saying she is), women are looking for trouble. And in this collection of powerful stories, they find it-at an archeological dig in the Southwest, in urban alleys, in California suburbs, in the old West, in ironic fantasy settings.
    Pat Murphy's work is difficult to categorize, living on the boundaries between genres. But her characters are easy to recognize. They are troublemakers, every last one of them.
  • The Wild Girls Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-670-06226-X, 978-0-670-06226-3
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Viking Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    It is the early 1970s. Twelve-year-old Joan is sure that she is going to be miserable when her family moves from Connecticut to California. Then she meets a most unusual girl. Sarah prefers to be called ?Fox,? and lives with her author dad in a rundown house in the middle of the woods. The two girls start writing their own stories together, and when one wins first place in a student contest, they find themselves recruited for a summer writing class taught by the equally unusual Verla Volante. The Wild Girls is about friendship, the power of story, and how coming of age means finding your own answers?rather than simply taking adults on faith.
  • Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-312-86643-7, 978-0-312-86643-3
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Cruise into murder, mayhem, and alternate realities.

    Award-winning author Pat Murphy takes us aboard a luxury cruise ship and into the strange confluence of time and space known as the Bermuda Triangle, in an engaging science fiction romp that recalls the work of Kate Wilhelm.

    Susan Galina and her friend Pat have escaped their normal lives into the elegant, isolated world of the Odyssey, a luxury cruise ship heading from NY to Europe via Bermuda. Pat is working on her doctoral thesis in quantum physics, and Susan is recovering from a recent and unhappy divorce.

    To Susan's delight, she discovers that her favorite author, Max Merriwell, is also aboard ship, teaching writers' workshop. Susan's life becomes even more interesting when she meets Tom Clayton, the handsome chief of security. This cruise looks very promising indeed.

    But the pleasant shipboard vacation turns dark as the Odyssey passes into the Bermuda Triangle. Each year, Max Merriwell writes three novels: a science fiction novel under his own name, a fantasy novel under the pseudonym Mary Maxwell, and a mystery novel under the pseudonym Weldon Merrimax. The trouble begins when Max receives a threatening note that appears to come from Weldon Merrimax, Max's own pseudonym. Susan hears wolves howling in the night, the ship's passengers are seized with a dancing mania, and monsters lurk in the ship's corridors. An eyewitness reports a murder—but the victim of the crime is not on the passenger list and the body is nowhere to be found. While others struggle to understand these strange events, Pat seeks the explanation in quantum theory.

    Out of these elements, Murphy builds a suspenseful, funny, fast-paced novel of shifting and intersecting realities that is a joy to read.
  • Wild Angel Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-312-86626-7, 978-0-312-86626-6
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    This time, Murphy tells the ripsnorting tale of young Sarah, the Wild Angel of the Sierras. Sarah's parents were murdered, and she, only four years old, was left for dead in the wild mountains. But Sarah was rescued by a wolf who had lost her cubs, and accepted into the pack. There, against all odds, she thrived. Part Mowgli of the Jungle Books, part Tarzan of the Apes, Sarah's story is a delightful adventure for all ages.

    When she is not writing science fiction, Pat Murphy writes for the Exploratorium, San Francisco's museum of science, art, and human perception. Pat Murphy's second novel, The Falling Woman, won the Nebula for best novel published in 1987. Her most recent previous novel is There and Back Again.
  • Nadya Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-812-55188-5, 978-0-8125-5188-4
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Tor Fantasy
    Язык: Английский
    Growing up on the edge of Missouri wilderness in the 1830s, Nadya knew she was not like other girls. But when she became a woman and the change came, she discovered just how different she was. For Nadya was a shapechanger, a werewolf like her mother and father before her...
  • A Flock of Lawn Flamingos Pat Murphy
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Tachyon Publications
    Язык: Английский
    Live Oak Estates was a pleasant little townhouse development in a pleasant little California town...until anthropologist and world-adventurer Joan Egypt moved in with her boxes of Tibetan Dance masks and boxes of shrunken heads. As she decorates her lawn in an unorthodox (and distinctly unapproved) manner, will she turn the town upside down?
  • Rachel in Love Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 1-56146-548-8, 978-1-56146-548-4
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Pulphouse Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Rachel has the mind of a teenage girl, but the body and the innocent heart of a young chimp. Sometimes when she looks at her gnarled brown fingers, they seem alien, wrong, out of place. She remembers having small, pale, delicate hands with painted fingernails. Memories lie upon memories, layers upon layers, like the sedimentary rocks of the desert buttes.

    Aaron Jacobs, the man Rachel calls father, was a neurologist who discovered how to capture the electrical pattern of a living brain’s thoughts and memories. When his daughter died unexpectedly, the grieving father imposed the electrical pattern of the girl’s brain on a young chimp, creating Rachel, a chimp he recognizes as his daughter.

    Rachel knows that she is a real girl – but when Aaron Jacobs dies, she must make her way in a world that treats her as nothing but an animal.
  • The Shadow Hunter Pat Murphy
    ISBN: 0-445-04730-5, 978-0-445-04730-3
    Год издания: 1982
    Издательство: Popular Library
    Язык: Английский
    On a moonlit night 30,000 years ago, a young Neanderthal boy dreamed the spirit of a cave bear commanded him to follow her. Transported to the distant future, to a time beyond our own, he entered a strange world, inhabited by people who did not know the nature spirits or even understand the spirits of their own technology.
  • Dead Men on TV Pat Murphy
    Язык: Английский
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