Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел

Emily St. John Mandel

  • 30 книг
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Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • The Lola Quartet Emily St. John Mandel
    ISBN: 9781447280071
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    How far would you go for someone you love? The Lola Quartet: Jack, Daniel, Sasha and Gavin, four talented musicians at the end of their high school careers. On the dream-like night of their last concert, Gavin's girlfriend Anna disappears. Ten years later Gavin sees a photograph of a little girl who looks uncannily like him and who shares Anna's surname, and suddenly he finds himself catapulted back to a secretive past he didn't realise he'd left behind. But that photo has set off a cascade of dangerous consequences and, as one by one the members of the Lola Quartet are reunited, a terrifying story emerges: of innocent mistakes, of secrecy and of a life lived on the run. Filled with love, music and thwarted dreams, Emily St. John Mandel's The Lola Quartet is a thrilling novel about how the errors of the past can threaten the future.
  • The Singer's Gun Emily St. John Mandel
    ISBN: 1447280059, 9781447280057
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    After shaking off an increasingly dangerous venture with his cousin, Anton Waker has spent years constructing an honest life for himself. But then a routine security check brings his past crashing back towards him. His marriage and career in ruins, Anton finds himself in Italy with one last job from his cousin. But there is someone on his tail and they are getting closer . . .

    The Singer's Gun follows Anton, Alex Broden - a detective on the trail of a people trafficker, and Elena, caught up in the investigation against her will. Taut and thrilling, it is a novel about identity and loyalty, and the things we are willing to sacrifice for love.
  • Стеклянный отель Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел
    ISBN: 978-5-04-192967-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    На берегу острова Ванкувер, повернувшись лицом к океану, стоит фантазм из дерева и стекла – невероятный отель, запрятанный в канадской глуши. От него, словно от клубка, тянутся ниточки, из которых ткется запутанная реальность, в которой все не те, кем кажутся, и все не то, чем кажется. Здесь на панорамном окне сверкающего лобби появляется угрожающая надпись: "Почему бы тебе не поесть битого стекла?" Предназначена ли она Винсент – отстраненной молодой девушке, в прошлом которой тоже есть стекло с надписью, а скоро появятся и тайны посерьезнее? Или может, дело в Поле, брате Винсент, которого тянет вниз невысказанная вина и зависимость от наркотиков? Или же адресат Джонатан Алкайтис, таинственный владелец отеля и руководитель на редкость прибыльного инвестиционного фонда, у которого в руках так много денег и власти?
  • Last Night in Montreal Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел
    Lilia has been leaving people behind her entire life. Haunted by her inability to remember her early childhood, and by a mysterious shadow that seems to dog her wherever she goes, Lilia moves restlessly from city to city, abandoning lovers and friends along the way. But then she meets Eli, and he's not ready to let her go, not without a fight.
    Gorgeously written, charged with tension and foreboding, Emily St. John Mandel's Last Night in Montreal is the story of a life spent at the centre of a criminal investigation. It is a novel about identity, love and amnesia, the depths and limits of family bonds and - ultimately - about the nature of obsession.
  • The Lola Quartet Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел
    How far would you go for someone you love?
    The Lola Quartet: Jack, Daniel, Sasha and Gavin, four talented musicians at the end of their high school careers. On the dream-like night of their last concert, Gavin's girlfriend Anna disappears. Ten years later Gavin sees a photograph of a little girl who looks uncannily like him and who shares Anna's surname, and suddenly he finds himself catapulted back to a secretive past he didn't realize he'd left behind.
    But that photo has set off a cascade of dangerous consequences and, as one by one the members of the Lola Quartet are reunited, a terrifying story emerges: of innocent mistakes, of secrecy and of a life lived on the run.
    Filled with love, music and thwarted dreams, Emily St. John Mandel's The Lola Quartet is a thrilling novel about how the errors of the past can threaten the future.
  • The Singer's Gun Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел
    After shaking off an increasingly dangerous venture with his cousin, Anton Waker has spent years constructing an honest life for himself. But then a routine security check brings his past crashing back towards him. His marriage and career in ruins, Anton finds himself in Italy with one last job from his cousin. But there is someone on his tail and they are getting closer…
    The Singer's Gun follows Anton, Alex Broden - a detective on the trail of a people trafficker, and Elena, caught up in the investigation against her will. Taut and thrilling, it is a novel about identity and loyalty, and the things we are willing to sacrifice for love.
  • Станция одиннадцать Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел
    ISBN: 978-5-04-159846-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Языки: Английский, Русский

    Кирстен Реймонд вместе с маленькой театральной труппой "Дорожная симфония" прибывает в Сент-Дебора. Двадцать лет назад разрушительная эпидемия едва не уничтожила здесь всю цивилизацию. В крошечных поселениях выживших Кирстен видит останки культуры. И вспоминает последнюю роль Артура Линдера, умершего прямо на сцене, во время постановки "Короля Лира"…

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