Томас Дэвенпорт

Thomas Hayes "Tom" Davenport, Jr.

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Лучшие книги Томаса Дэвенпорта

  • О чем говорят цифры. Как понимать и использовать данные Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 978-5-00057-118-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский
    О чем эта книга
    Неважно, чем вы интересуетесь, в какой сфере работаете и каких размеров ваша компания - цифры и аналитика сегодня повсюду, и всем приходится иметь с ними дело. Чтобы принимать эффективные решения, нужно уметь анализировать данные и извлекать из них смысл. В этом вам поможет данная книга, которая в доступной форме объясняет, как:
    - формулировать гипотезы и проверять их на основании данных;
    - интерпретировать и формулировать результаты анализа;
    - эффективно взаимодействовать с аналитиками в вашей компании;
    - развить количественное мышление.
    Цифровые данные и аналитика оказывают все большее влияние на современный мир, и если вы не хотите отставать, прочтите эту книгу.

    Для кого эта книга
    Для тех, у кого нет специального бизнес-образования или для тех, кто чувствует себя неуверенно, сталкиваясь со статистикой и количественными данными, но осознаёт их важность.

    Почему мы решили издать эту книгу
    Потому что грамотное использование аналитики дает реальное конкурентное преимущество.

    Фишки книги
    Три этапа количественного анализа, разбитые на шесть шагов. Каждый проиллюстрирован двумя подробными примерами - один из сферы бизнеса, а второй из сферы общественных или личных отношений.
  • Внедрение искусственного интеллекта в бизнес-практику. Преимущества и сложности Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-3952-6
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    Ажиотаж вокруг искусственного интеллекта и его применения в классическом бизнесе не утихает, но многие компании до сих пор не понимают, какую реальную выгоду принесет им внедрение новых технологий в их бизнес-процессы. Эксперт в области аналитики и больших данных, преподаватель в Гарвардской школе бизнеса Томас Дэвенпорт в своей книге покажет, как можно эффективно интегрировать ИИ и когнитивные технологии в текущую бизнес-стратегию предприятия, чтобы сделать продукты привлекательнее, процессы совершеннее, а компанию успешнее. Он подробно рассматривает преимущества и сложности внедрения различных видов технологий: статистическое…

  • Аналитика как конкурентное преимущество. Новая наука побеждать Джоан Харрис
    ISBN: 978-5-91171-020-0
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: BestBusinessBooks
    Язык: Русский
    В мире, где традиционные источники конкурентного преимущества уже во многом исчерпаны, трудно помочь своей компании выделиться из толпы конкурентов. Используйте аналитику, чтобы принимаемые вами решения были правильнее, а бизнес-процессы шли максимально эффективно.
    В книге "Аналитика как конкурентное преимущество. Новая наука побеждать" Том Дэвенпорт и Джоан Хар-рис утверждают, что рамки использования данных значительно расширились. Ведущие компании не просто собирают и складируют большие объемы информации. Они целиком выстраивают свою конкурентную стратегию на знаниях, получаемых благодаря данным, и эта стратегия, в свою очередь, приносит им щедрые плоды.
    В чем их секретное оружие? В аналитике - современных методах количественного и статистического анализа и прогнозного моделирования, используемых при сильной поддержке со стороны сведущих в информационной науке руководителей и мощных информационных технологий. Зачем конкурировать на основе аналитики? Во времена, когда компании во многих отраслях предлагают схожие товары и применяют схожие технологии, последним оставшимся отличием могут послужить уникальные бизнес-процессы. Многие предшествующие основы конкуренции, такие как географическое преимущество или льготы со стороны регулятивных органов, размыты глобализацией. Авторские технологии быстро копируют, а создавать революционные новшества в товарах и услугах становится все труднее.
    Поэтому в качестве основы для конкуренции остаются три вещи: эффективное исполнение, принятие умных решений и способность извлекать всю возможную ценность из бизнес-процессов до последней капли - и всего этого можно добиться, тонко и профессионально применяя аналитику.
  • Thinking for a Living: How to Get Better Performances And Results from Knowledge Workers Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 1591394236, 978-1591394235
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Harvard Business Review Press
    Язык: Английский

    Knowledge workers create the innovations and strategies that keep their firms competitive and the economy healthy. Yet, companies continue to manage this new breed of employee with techniques designed for the Industrial Age. As this critical sector of the workforce continues to increase in size and importance, that's a mistake that could cost companies their future. Thomas Davenport argues that knowledge workers are vastly different from other types of workers in their motivations, attitudes, and need for autonomy--and, so, they require different management techniques to improve their performance and productivity. Based on extensive…

  • Information Ecology. Mastering The Information and Knowledge Environment Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 9780195111682
    Год издания: 1997
    According to virtually every business writer, we are in the midst of a new "information age," one that will revolutionize how workers work, how companies compete, perhaps even how thinkers think. And it is certainly true that Information Technology has become a giant industry. In America, more that 50% of all capital spending goes into IT, accounting for more than a third of the growth of the entire American economy in the last four years. Over the last decade, IT spending in the U.S. is estimated at 3 trillion dollars. And yet, by almost all accounts, IT hasn't worked all that well. Why is it that so many of the companies that have invested in these costly new technologies never saw the returns they had hoped for? And why do workers, even CEOs, find it so hard to adjust to new IT systems?
    In Information Ecology , Thomas Davenport proposes a revolutionary new way to look at information management, one that takes into account the total information environment within an organization. Arguing that the information that comes from computer systems may be considerably less valuable to managers than information that flows in from a variety of other sources, the author describes an approach that encompasses the company's entire information environment, the management of which he calls information ecology. Only when organizations are able to combine and integrate these diverse sources of information, and to take them to a higher level where information becomes knowledge, will they realize the full power of their information ecology. Thus, the author puts people, not technology, at the center of the information world. Information and knowledge are human creations, he points out, and we will never excel at managing them until we give people a primary role. Citing examples drawn
    from his own extensive research and consulting including such major firms as A.T. & T., American Express, Ford, General Electric, Hallmark, Hoffman La Roche, IBM, Polaroid, Pacific Bell, and Toshiba Davenport illuminates the critical components of information ecology, and at every step along the way, he provides a quick assessment survey for managers to see how their organization measures up. He discusses the importance of developing an overall strategy for information use; explores the infighting, jealousy over resources, and political battles that can frustrate information sharing; underscores the importance of looking at how people really use information (how they search for it, modify it, share it, hoard it, and even ignore it) and the kinds of information they want; describes the ideal information staff, who not only store and retrive information, but also prune, provide context, enhance style, and choose the right presentation medium (in an age of work overload, vital
    information must be presented compellingly so the appropriate people recognize and use it); examines how information management should be done on a day to day basis; and presents several alternatives to the machine engineering approach to structuring and modeling information. Davenport makes explicit what many managers already know in their that useful information flow depends on people, not equipment. In Information Ecology he paves the way for all managers to build a more competitive, creative, practical information environment for their companies.
  • Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 9781422168165
    When the term “big data” first came on the scene, bestselling author Tom Davenport ( Competing on Analytics , Analytics at Work ) thought it was just another example of technology hype. But his research in the years that followed changed his mind.

    Now, in clear, conversational language, Davenport explains what big data means—and why everyone in business needs to know about it. Big Data at Work covers all the bases: what big data means from a technical, consumer, and management perspective; what its opportunities and costs are; where it can have real business impact; and which aspects of this hot topic have been oversold.

    This book will help you understand:
    • Why big data is important to you and your organization
    • What technology you need to manage it
    • How big data could change your job, your company, and your industry
    • How to hire, rent, or develop the kinds of people who make big data work
    • The key success factors in implementing any big data project
    • How big data is leading to a new approach to managing analytics

    With dozens of company examples, including UPS, GE, Amazon, United Healthcare, Citigroup, and many others, this book will help you seize all opportunities—from improving decisions, products, and services to strengthening customer relationships. It will show you how to put big data to work in your own organization so that you too can harness the power of this ever-evolving new resource.
  • Analytics at Work Томас Дэвенпорт
    Most companies have massive amounts of data at their disposal, yet fail to utilize it in any meaningful way. But a powerful new business tool – analytics – is enabling many firms to aggressively leverage their data in key business decisions and processes, with impressive results.In their previous book, Competing on Analytics, Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris showed how pioneering firms were building their entire strategies around their analytical capabilities. Rather than «going with the gut» when pricing products, maintaining inventory, or hiring talent, managers in these firms use data, analysis, and systematic reasoning to make decisions that improve efficiency, risk-management, and profits.Now, in Analytics at Work, Davenport, Harris, and coauthor Robert Morison reveal how any manager can effectively deploy analytics in day-to-day operations—one business decision at a time. They show how many types of analytical tools, from statistical analysis to qualitative measures like systematic behavior coding, can improve decisions about everything from what new product offering might interest customers to whether marketing dollars are being most effectively deployed.Based on all-new research and illustrated with examples from companies including Humana, Best Buy, Progressive Insurance, and Hotels.com, this implementation-focused guide outlines the five-step DELTA model for deploying and succeeding with analytical initiatives. You'll learn how to:· Use data more effectively and glean valuable analytical insights· Manage and coordinate data, people, and technology at an enterprise level· Understand and support what analytical leaders do· Evaluate and choose realistic targets for analytical activity· Recruit, hire, and manage analystsCombining the science of quantitative analysis with the art of sound reasoning, Analytics at Work provides a road map and tools for unleashing the potential buried in your company's data.
  • Keeping Up with the Quants Томас Дэвенпорт
    ISBN: 9781422187265
    Издательство: Ingram
    Язык: Английский
    Why Everyone Needs Analytical SkillsWelcome to the age of data. No matter your interests (sports, movies, politics), your industry (finance, marketing, technology, manufacturing), or the type of organization you work for (big company, nonprofit, small start-up)—your world is awash with data.As a successful manager today, you must be able to make sense of all this information. You need to be conversant with analytical terminology and methods and able to work with quantitative information. This book promises to become your “quantitative literacy" guide—helping you develop the analytical skills you need right now in order to summarize data, find the meaning in it, and extract its value.In Keeping Up with the Quants, authors, professors, and analytics experts Thomas Davenport and Jinho Kim offer practical tools to improve your understanding of data analytics and enhance your thinking and decision making. You’ll gain crucial skills, including:• How to formulate a hypothesis• How to gather and analyze relevant data• How to interpret and communicate analytical results• How to develop habits of quantitative thinking• How to deal effectively with the “quants” in your organizationBig data and the analytics based on it promise to change virtually every industry and business function over the next decade. If you don’t have a business degree or if you aren’t comfortable with statistics and quantitative methods, this book is for you. Keeping Up with the Quants will give you the skills you need to master this new challenge—and gain a significant competitive edge.