Lesley Thompson
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  • 12 читателей
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Lesley Thompson – лучшие книги

  • Reigate Bulmacası Артур Конан Дойл
    ISBN: 9786057478061
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: The Kitap
    Язык: Турецкий
    Dünyanın en ünlü dedektifi Sherlock Holmes ve ev arkadaşı Dr. Watson’ın maceraları Reigate Bulmacası ile devam ediyor.

    Dr. Watson, dava koşturmalarından yorgun düşen Holmes’u dinlenmesi için ikna edip onu arkadaşının kır evine götürür. İlginç bir hırsızlık, gizemli bir cinayet ve yarım kalan bir şifrenin peşine düşen Holmes kendini olayların tam ortasında bulur. Acaba macera Holmes’un peşini bırakacak mıdır?
    Yazar Conan Doyle bu davada Sherlock Holmes'un çalışmalarına uluslararası bir kapsam getiriyor ve önceki davalardan farklı olarak Londra dışında gerçekleşen bir davayı çözmeye çalışıyor. Birleşik Krallık sınırları içerisindeki Reigate şehrinde işlenen gizemli suçları ortaya çıkarmak ve bir suçu çözmeye çalışmak için bizi başka bir zaman Sherlock Holmes dünyasına götürüyor.

    12’ye çeyrek kala
    ve belki…
  • V is for Vampire: Level 2 Lesley Thompson
    ISBN: 978-0-19-424983-6
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Русский
    "He's great, Vera," said Angie. When Viktor Sarav takes a job at Ballantine's, Angie and her brother Don - the young owners of the New York fashion company - are pleased. But Angie and Don's parents died in an unusual plane accident, and other strange deaths in the company follow. Is there a vampire at work at Ballantine's? Vera Donato, a company director with secrets to hide, is against Viktor. But Ed Valdemar, the company lawyer, trusts him. Who is right? And what happens to Viktor, Angie, Don, and Vera in the end?
  • Lisa's Song Lesley Thompson
    ISBN: 9780194639019
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Al Brown plays the guitar in a band with friends. He writes songs, too. "Our boy can't live without music", his parents say. But when Al's baby sister, Lisa, arrives from hospital, his life is suddenly different. Now his father and mother have no time for him, and he has no time for school work - or the band. Then Al's sister gets ill. And grandad tells him, "Write a song for Lisa!" But why, and how can this help?
  • Zombie Attack! Starter Lesley Thompson
    ISBN: 978-0-19-424986-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Русский
    "Professor Clark's work usually helps people. But this is something new." Clark's helper - Tasha Kiara - is telling Chaz - a local TV reporter about the Professor's new serum. Then an earthquake hits Clark's California lab, and his serum brings dead bodies in the cemetery alive. Soon the zombies attack! What happens to Professor Clark? How can Tasha and Chaz stop the zombies? Who lives and who dies? Read this story and see.
  • The Real McCoy & Other Ghost Stories Lesley Thompson
    ISBN: 0194247678, 9780194247672
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Oxford University Press, USA
    'Are you scared, Gordon?' asks Heather.
    Four friends talk of ghosts in a hotel in Scotland. That night Gordon sees and hears something strange in his room. But is it really the ghost of Lord McCoy?
    These six stories tell of ghosts - friendly, sad, and bad - from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, America - and Egypt!
  • Zombie Attack! Starter (+ CD-ROM) Lesley Thompson
    ISBN: 978-0-19-424959-1
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Русский
    Dominoes are full colour readers with extensive Activities and Project pages.
    Quick Starters are the same level as Starter with shorter, simpler stories.
    They are suitable for students who need more support in their reading than is provided by traditional readers. The Activities and Projects can be used either in class or as homework.