Лучшие книги Джессики Анны Редмирски
- 12 произведений
- 23 издания на 5 языках
По популярности
По дороге к любви Джессика Анна Редмирски
ISBN: 978-5-389-10463-1 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус Язык: Русский Иногда водоворот жизни может захватить вас. Кэмрин Беннетт исполнилось двадцать лет, и она распланировала свою жизнь на много лет вперед. Но однажды после безумного загула в ночном клубе она решается на поступок, который удивляет всех, в том числе и ее саму. Кэмрин решает бросить все и отправиться по стране на поиски смысла жизни, на поиски самой себя. И Кэмрин находит… Находит Эндрю Пэрриша, молодого красивого юношу, живущего так, будто завтра не наступит никогда. И вскоре он становится центром новой жизни Кэмрин, и она совершает поступки, которые никогда не позволила бы себе раньше. Но в жизни Эндрю есть тайна, которая способна сплотить их еще больше или разлучить навеки… -
По дороге в вечность Дж. А. Редмирски
ISBN: 978-5-389-07943-4 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус Язык: Русский По дороге в вечность водоворот жизни может неожиданно захватить вас, особенно если вы бросили все и отправились по стране на поиски смысла жизни и самого себя.
И этот водоворот соединил Кэмрин Беннетт и Эндрю Пэрриша. Кажется, что теперь, найдя смысл существования друг в друге, они навсегда будут вместе. Но в душе Кэмрин растет страх, она боится, что Эндрю, как и все близкие ей люди, покинет ее. Однако Эндрю уверен, его любви хватит на двоих, он никогда не покинет Кэмрин. И чтобы вырвать любимую из лап депрессии, он решает отправиться с ней в новое путешествие, полное надежды и страсти...
Впервые на русском языке! -
Песня светлячков Дж. А. Редмирски
ISBN: 978-5-389-08313-4 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус Язык: Русский Правда даст им свободу!
Брей была строптивой с малых лет. Ее необузданный и беззаботный характер приводил в замешательство всех вокруг. Единственным человеком, который по-настоящему понимал девушку, был ее лучший друг Элиас. И хотя Брей всем сердцем желает вечно быть с рядом с Элиасом, ей нестерпима сама мысль, что он узнает всю правду о ней. Она старается держать его на расстоянии, а потом решает бежать. Но Брей понимает, что в разлуке с любимым ей только хуже, и возвращается домой. Казалось, теперь они счастливы, но события одной меняют все…
В страхе Брей и Элиас бегут куда глаза глядят, но от судьбы не спрятаться…
Впервые на русском языке! -
Убийство Сэрай Джессика Анна Редмирски
Язык: Русский Сэрай было лишь четырнадцать, когда ее мать выгнала ее, чтобы жить в Мексике с печально известным наркобароном. Со временем она забыла, что значит жить нормальной жизнью, но она никогда не оставляла надежд сбежать из особняка, где ее удерживали на протяжении девяти лет.
Виктор – хладнокровный убийца, который, как Сэрай, знал только смерть и жестокость со времен, когда был маленьким мальчиком. Когда Виктор приезжает в особняк, чтобы получить детали и оплату за заказное убийство, Сарай видит его лишь как возможность сбежать. Но все идет не по плану, и вместо того, чтобы найти транспорт до Таксона, она обнаруживает себя свободной от одного опасного мужчины и пойманной в лапы другого.
В бегах Виктор отторгает свою обычную натуру, когда поддается зову совести и принимает решение помочь Сарай. В то время как они становятся ближе, он обнаруживает в себе желание рискнуть всем, чтобы помочь ей остаться в живых; даже его отношениями с его преданным братом и любовницей, Никлас, которая теперь, как и все остальные, желает Сэрай смерти.
Пока Виктор и Сэрай постепенно выстраивают доверительные отношения, различия между ними уменьшаются, и малообещающее влечение усиливается.
Это их история... -
Reviving Izabel: Volume 2 (In the Company of Killers) J.A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1494297527 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Язык: Английский Determined to live a dark life in the company of the assassin who freed her from bondage, Sarai sets out on her own to settle a score with an evil sadist. Unskilled and untrained in the art of killing, the events that unfold leave her hanging precariously on the edge of death when nothing goes as planned. Sarai's reckless choices send her on a path she knows she can never turn back from and so she presents Victor with an ultimatum: help her become more like him and give her a fighting chance, or she'll do it alone no matter the consequences. Knowing that Sarai cannot become what she wants to be overnight, Victor begins to train her and…
The Swan and the Jackal: Volume 3 (In the Company of Killers) J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1496123725 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Язык: Английский Fredrik Gustavsson never considered the possibility of love, or that anyone could ever understand or accept his dark and bloody lifestyle--until he met Seraphina, a woman as vicious and blood-thirsty as Fredrik himself. They spent two short but unforgettable years together, full of lust and killing and the darkest kind of love that two people can share.
And then Seraphina was gone.
It's been six years since Fredrik's lover and sadistic partner in crime turned his world upside-down. Seraphina went into hiding and has eluded him ever since. Now, he's getting closer to finding her, and an innocent woman named Cassia is the key to drawing Seraphina from the shadows. But Cassia--after sustaining injuries from a fire that Seraphina ignited--suffers from amnesia and can't give Fredrik the information he desperately seeks. Having no other choice, Fredrik has been keeping Cassia locked in his basement as he not only tries to get her to recall her past--because she and Seraphina share it--but also to protect her from Seraphina, who clearly wants her dead.
But Cassia is a light in the darkness that Fredrik never believed existed. After a year subjected to her kindness and compassion, he finds himself struggling with his love for Seraphina, and his growing feelings for Cassia--because he knows that to love one, the other must die.
Will light win out over darkness, or will something more powerful than either further destroy an already tortured soul? -
The Edge of Always J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1455549009 Год издания: 1960 Издательство: Forever Язык: Английский New Adult Romance
Five months ago, Camryn and Andrew, both dealing with personal hardships, met on a Greyhound bus. They fell in love and proved that when two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way to make it happen.
Now, in the highly anticipated sequel to The Edge of Never, Camryn and Andrew are pursuing their love for music and living life to the fullest as they always swore to do. But when tragedy befalls them, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. As Camryn tries to numb her pain, Andrew makes a bold decision: To get their life back on track, they'll set out on another cross-country road trip. Together they find excitement, passion, adventure-and challenges they never could have anticipated. -
Seeds of Iniquity: Volume 4 (In the Company of Killers) J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1502392572 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Язык: Английский Victor Faust's new Order is growing. Business is good as there is no rest for the wicked in an underground world of hardcore criminals and contract killing. Relationships among the operatives have changed little over the past year--but things are about to change now, and all six high-ranking members of the new Order will be blindsided by an unlikely enemy. Loved ones whose only ties to Victor's organization are their relationships with its members, are abducted. The price to get them back safely--the six must confess their deepest, darkest secret to this mysterious young woman named Nora, who is as deadly as she is beautiful, and who…
The Mayfair Moon: The Darkwoods Trilogy J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1468185522 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
What People Are Saying: "The twists and revelations almost made me faint. It was that good." - Book Whales YA Book Reviews "...It went well beyond what I would have expected from a first-in-a-series novel. To be completely frank, I had a hard time putting this book down!" - A Tale of Many Reviews "I adored J.A. Redmerski's ability to tell a unique and extremely put-together story. Her writing style was imaginative and descriptive, weaving together love, lies and danger in a way that had me completely hooked." - Sizzling Reads "The Mayfair Moon is truly an unforgettable book with an unforgettable story, line of characters and gripping conflicts." - Bornean Bookworm Reads DESCRIPTION: After a nightmarish encounter with a werewolf, seventeen-year-old Adria Dawson loses her sister, but gains the love of a mysterious young man and his legendary family. Strange and tragic things begin to happen in the small town of Hallowell, Maine: residents come down with an unexplainable ‘illness’ and some disappear. In the midst of everything, Isaac Mayfair is adamant about keeping Adria safe, even from her sister whom he has warned her to stay away from. As unspeakable secrets unfold all around Adria, impossible choices become hers to bear. Ultimately, no matter what path she takes, her life and the lives of those she loves will be in peril. As she learns about the werewolf world she also learns why her place in it will change the destinies of many. -
Kindred: The Darkwoods Trilogy: 2 J A Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1478244394 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Isaac Mayfair is hiding a dark secret. And just when Adria Dawson thinks the worst of her life among the werewolf world is over, she learns the secret that can rip her and Isaac’s love apart. Adria must come to terms with what the truth means for her. What it means for her life and how much time she has left to live it. She must choose between two different fates, neither of which can offer life as a certainty. As if Isaac’s betrayal isn’t enough, Adria learns that there are things out there older and more powerful than werewolves could ever be. An archaic entity known only to few as the Praverian, unlike anything Adria has ever known or heard of. As Adria struggles with her own fateful dilemmas, she must also try to find out why the Praverian is so interested in her and do everything in her power to stay out of its way. -
The Ballad of Aramei: The Darkwoods Trilogy: 3 J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1480264526 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Язык: Английский
Everything about Adria Dawson’s life has changed in unimaginable ways: the shattering betrayal of her mother, the fight for her life and sanity…the loss of her humanity. But now Adria must face the ultimate challenge and risk not only her life, but the lives of everyone she loves at the wrathful hands of Isaac Mayfair’s father. Determined to help unravel a mysterious message deeply rooted in an unhinged mind, Adria becomes obsessed with traveling into Aramei’s turbulent past to see the truth of how the relationships and betrayals between the Mayfair and Vargas bloodlines were formed. Meanwhile, Adria and the Mayfairs are doing everything they can to smoke out and trap the Praverian traitor. A trip to Providence uncovers not only an old family line who are enemies of the Praverians, but also raises questions about the Praverian’s true agenda. But the traitor will be caught. People will die. And Adria’s destiny to be the cause of a war will come to pass. But what could a kind and simple girl like Adria Dawson ever do that could be considered an act of war? The landscape of the werewolf world will be forever changed in the climactic conclusion to The Darkwoods Trilogy. -
Scorching Summer Reads 3 Books in 1: The Edge of Never, Wait For You, Rule (сборник) J. Lynn, J.A. Redmerski, Jay Crownover
ISBN: 9780007542949 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Harper Язык: Английский The hottest reads of the summer: THE EDGE OF NEVER by J.A. Redmerski; WAIT FOR YOU by J. Lynn; and RULE by Jay Crownover. Meet your new #bookboyfriend…
THE EDGE OF NEVER is a NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL and USA TODAY bestseller. When tragedy strikes her life, Camryn boards the next bus leaving town, destination unknown. On a journey of self-discovery, she meets another lost soul, Andrew Parrish, who harbours his own dark secrets… Will it push them together – or tear them apart forever?
WAIT FOR YOU shows you that some things are worth waiting for… Away from home for the first time and finally free from her past, Avery Morgansten wants to keep her first year of college low key. The one thing she didn’t plan on was capturing the attention of the hottest guy on campus…Getting involved with Cam is dangerous, but ignoring their scorching tension is impossible. When the devastating truth of her past comes out, will Cam be there to help her or will she have to face it alone?
In RULE, opposites in every way… except the one that matters. Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won’t listen. To a rebel like Rule, Shaw lives by other people’s rules. He doesn’t have time for a good girl like her – even if she’s the only one who can see the person he truly is. But too many birthday cocktails and spilled secrets lead to a night neither can forget. Now, Shaw and Rule have to figure out how a girl like her and a guy like him are supposed to be together without destroying their love… or each other. -
The Moment of Letting Go J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1455531530 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Forever Язык: Английский You can follow the rules or you can follow your heart...
Sienna Murphy never does anything without a plan. And so far her plans have been working. Right after college, she got a prestigious job and gained the stability she'd always craved--until work takes her to the sun-drenched shores of Oahu and places her in the path of sexy surfer Luke Everett. For the first time, she lets her heart take control. Drawn to his carefree charm, she makes a spontaneous and very un-Sienna-like decision to drop everything and stay in Hawaii for two more weeks.
Luke lives fast and wild. When he meets Sienna, he's convinced that some no-strings-attached fun is just what she needs. As their nights quickly turn from playful to passionate, Luke can't deny the deep connection he feels. But there's a reason Luke doesn't do long-term. He can't promise Sienna forever, when the enormity of his past has shown him just how fragile the future can be. -
The Black Wolf: Volume 5 (In the Company of Killers) J. A. Redmerski
ISBN: 978-1514775035 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Язык: Английский Since devastating secrets were uncovered by Nora Kessler, Niklas Fleischer and Victor Faust have been divided as business partners and brothers. Ultimately Niklas is persuaded to lead a mission to Italy, and he sees it as an opportunity to set in motion forgiveness--or retribution--for his brother's betrayal. The mission: play the role of a wealthy German investor and kidnap a beautiful, notorious madam named Francesca Moretti.
No stranger to these types of roles, Niklas is the best man for the job, but this time the risks will be much greater as he will not be doing it alone. Izabel Seyfried, still fresh out of a life of imprisonment and sex slavery, could be negatively affected by the things she will see in Moretti's mansion, and Niklas must keep her in line so she does not blow their cover and get them killed.But Niklas isn't the only one who must play a role--Nora takes on the humiliating task of playing Niklas's slave, and Izabel must play the role of his lover.On one hand, Niklas couldn't be enjoying himself more. On the other hand, the emotions that continue to rage inside of him may be too much for him to control, and it may be Niklas--not Izabel--who needs to be kept in line. He cannot forget what Victor has done, and this mission may just be the beginning of his downward spiral.
Can the blood bond that Niklas and Victor share as brothers be stronger than resentment? Or will vengeance dig the blade so deep that their bond be eternally severed? -
Izabeli taassünd Джессика Анна РедмирскиVõtnud nõuks elada sünget ja rasket elu palgamõrvari seltskonnas, kes päästis ta Mehhiko narkoparuni vangistusest, tahab Sarai õiendada arved vastiku sadisti Arthur Hamburgiga. Tapmiskunstis aga oskamatu ja kogenematu, väljuvad sündmused tema kontrolli alt ning ta on suuremas ohus kui iial varem. Sarai hooletud valikud seavad ta olukorda, kust tagasiteed ei ole. Tema päästja on taas Victor, kelle tunded Sarai vastu pole lahtunud. Kuid mõlemad mõistavad, et pääsemine on kõigest ajutine. Teades, et tüdruk võib astuda mõtlematuid samme, nõustub Victor teda välja õpetama. Aga Arthur Hamburgi parem käsi Willem Stephens ei ole mees, kes kaotusega lepiks. Ta seab endale eesmärgiks Sarai leida ja ta tappa, ning vahendeid ta selleks valima ei pea. Temaga lööb mesti Ordu, kellel on Sarai ja Victoriga omad arved õiendada. Algab kassi ja hiire mäng, kus loota saab vaid iseendale. Victori partner on salapärane rootslane Fredrik, kellega Sarai on korra juba kohtunud. Kas teda võib usaldada? Kelle heaks ta tegelikult töötab? Ja on veel Victori vend Niklas, kes ootab võimalust, et Saraile kätte maksta. “Tapjate seltskonnas” on raamatusari, mis räägib kahest isepäisest palgamõrvarina töötavast vennast ning keerulise saatusega tüdrukust, kelles on samuti tapjaverd. Temast saab neid ühendav lüli. Koos mehega, kelle piinamis- ja ülekuulamismeetodid külvavad kriminaalses allilmas hirmu, võtavad nad enda kanda keerulise ülesande: kõrvaldada maailma vanima ja suurima palgamõrvarite grupeeringu juht ning võtta üle tema äri. Ülipõnev ja dramaatiline, ootamatuid pöördeid ja vastuolusid tulvil sari kompab inimloomuse piire, kirjeldab tegelaste ohtlikku elu kuritegevuse, iha, pettuste, mõrvade ja armastuse võrgustikus.