Конрад Уильямс

Conrad Williams

  • 4 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 17 читателей
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Конрад Уильямс - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Стадо Конрад Уильямс
    Язык: Русский

    Старый Мальпас жил один и зарабатывал на жизнь изготовлением чучел птиц. Они всегда пользовались спросом. Но сегодня человек, который всегда с охотой брал чучела на продажу, сообщил, что больше ничего брать не будет. Перед Мальпасом встал вопрос, на что жить дальше.

  • Кровные линии Конрад Уильямс
    Язык: Русский
    Наим, молодая журналистка, приезжает в тюрьму особо строгого режима, чтобы взять интервью у Гиорси Салавария, преступника, державшего всю Англию в ужасе в течение пяти лет своими жуткими деяниями. Салавария расскажет Наим, что подтолкнуло его на сей страшный путь...
  • Сова Конрад Уильямс
    Язык: Русский
    Супружеская пара покупает загородный дом. Жена ждет ребенка, муж собирается приводить дом в порядок. Но понемногу у них начинаются разногласия, а мужем овладевают мысли, связанные со странностями этого места.
  • Машина Конрад Уильямс
    Язык: Русский
    Под таинственным пляжем есть механизм, построенный давно и кем-то чуждым. Он реагирует на просьбы тех, кто потерял или теряет. Нужна только капелька крови. Но возвращает ли он потерю или делает нечто иное?
  • 68° 07' 15'' северной широты, 31° 36' 44'' западной долготы Конрад Уильямс
    Язык: Русский
    Капитан Лоу потерял свой корабль и команду после налета пирата Феттера. Отныне цель его жизни – настигнуть злодея и отомстить ему. Он будет преследовать Феттера от Плимута до Португалии, от Бреста до Берингова моря, везде и всюду ему будут мерещиться его следы.
  • The Scalding Rooms Conrad Williams
    The Eyes is a brutal place to work, let alone die. Many lives have been lost there over the years, sometimes due to faulty machinery, sometimes because of disease, and occasionally when the trapped animals turn on their executioners. But it remains the only employer for most of the people who live in and around the town of Red Meadows. The alternatives include alcohol, random violence and suicide. Some might say those were vastly more attractive. Junko Cane would disagree. Having clawed his way back from a grim life of gang warfare, he is happy with his job, despite the ogreish abattoir boss, Max Grappen. The work, though unpleasant and treacherous, puts food on the table for his wife and child. Life, such as it is, has its comforts. The shadowy past that Junko has tried to leave behind won't give him up so easily, though. When he stumbles across Max Grappen's key card Junko's curiosity gets the better of him and he uses it to access the hidden world of his employer. But he is not the only person investigating Grappen's past. The enigmatic Boa Cleethe, injury analyst, is also suspicious of the abattoir chief. And Junko's nemesis, crime lord Krave Wheaste, is breathing down his neck. What Junko and Boa discover together will not only put the wider population of Red Meadows into terrible danger, but will menace Junko's fragile family and expose the shocking, insane and murderous secrets of The Eyes.
  • Use Once, Then Destroy: Stories Конрад Уильямс
    ISBN: 1892389673, 9781892389671
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Night Shade
    Язык: Английский
    A serial killer is removing victims' hands in a Venice shackled by winter.

    A woman at the end of her tether finds a terrible release on holiday in the fens of East Anglia.

    A man is haunted by graffiti, and finds that his road to discovering the perpetrator leads to death. and worse.

    A husband trying to comfort his terminally ill wife seeks help in a forbidden zone from his childhood, where blood is the price of perfection.

    In this spellbinding collection of his best stories from the last ten years, award-winning writer Conrad Williams offers the kind of horrors that move subtly into you, like pain, or love, or regret. They are stories that explore the scarred outposts of desperation and desire, sickness and death, sex and decay.

    Within these pages you will also find the acclaimed novella Nearly People (nominated for awards by the International Horror Guild and the British Fantasy Society), in which a woman's search for food in a nightmarish city brings her attention from an enigmatic man known as The Dancer, and a host of terrible epiphanies.
  • One Conrad Williams
    ISBN: 9780753518106
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    This is the United Kingdom, but it's no country you know. No place you ever want to see, even in the howling, shuttered madness of your worst dreams. You survived. One man. You walk because you have to. You have no choice. At the end of this molten road, running along the spine of a burned, battered country, your little boy is either alive or dead. You have to know. You have to find an end to it all. One hope. The sky crawls with venomous cloud and burning red rain. The land is a scorched sprawl of rubble and corpses. Rats have risen from the depths to gorge on the carrion. A glittering dust coats everything and it hides a terrible secret. New horrors are taking root. You walk on. One chance.
  • The Unblemished Conrad Williams
    ISBN: 978-0753513514
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский

    The Unblemished artfully interweaves the stories of a serial killer who believes he is the rightful son and heir to an ancient dynasty of flesh-eating monsters, and a mother determined to protect her only daughter from the stuff of nightmares. The fate of each of them and the survival of the entire human race depends on one man, Bo Mulvey, who possesses the ancient wisdom the blood thirsty evil needs to achieve its full and horrifying potential.
