Angel Martinez
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Angel Martinez – лучшие книги

  • Prisoner 374215 Angel Martinez
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Mischief Corner Books
    Язык: Английский
    While the cell is sparse and cold, at least this one has a bed. The figure resting there is too thin; too still, the prominent bones the result of long starvation, the stillness the product of too much anguish and abuse. He watches, though. An anxious, intelligent mind still occupies this frail and failing body, one that watches and wonders about the new guard occupying his cell each night.
  • Gravitational Attraction Angel Martinez
    ISBN: 978-1614955146
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Silver Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A mysterious distress call draws the crew of the Hermes to what appears to be an empty, drifting ship. Empty that is, except for the blood and gore-spattered corridors and one lone survivor locked in a holding cell. Drawn to the handsome, traumatized man, the crew's comm officer, Isaac Ozawa, makes Turk his personal responsibility, offering him the kindness and warmth he needs after the horror he experienced. Turk longs for Isaac, a desperate, hopeless ache he knows he'll always carry with him. But Turk harbors dangerous secrets, his brain a military experiment gone wrong. When an amoral, power-hungry admiral kidnaps Isaac and uses him to convince Turk to become the cataclysmic weapon he's hungered for, it will take Turk's strength, the ingenuity of the Hermes crew, the help of the enigmatic Drak'tar, and Isaac's own stubborn will to save them.
  • Boots Angel Martinez
    ISBN: 1786514966
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pride Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Newly expanded version!

    Willem’s lost his job and his boyfriend, and now possibly his mind when his cat calls him a nitwit.

    Willem’s father never approved of his artistic talents, his choices in life, or the fact that he’s gay. When the only thing Horst leaves to Willem is the family cat, he thinks it’s his father’s last insult from the grave. That is, until the cat starts talking to him.

    Though Willem’s lost his boyfriend, his home, and his job, Kasha, who claims to be a magic cat, reassures him that all will be well. All he needs is Willem’s trust and a good pair of boots. But giving boots to a talking cat has unexpected consequences when odd events ambush Willem at every turn, such as the appearance of a handsome stranger in his arms at night. While he begins to suspect Kasha’s plans might be dangerous for all involved, how can he distrust such a charming kitty in cowboy boots?
  • Gelatina Al Lime E Altri Mostri Angel Martinez
    Kyle Monroe, il suo irritante nuovo partner e i loro compagni freak del 77° Distretto devono imparare a lavorare assieme per fermare un crudele assassino che potrebbe perfino non essere umano. L’incontro con una strana creatura gelatinosa in un vicolo lascia Kyle Monroe segnato per sempre, svelando strane abilit? che vorrebbe non avere e facendogli ottenere la riassegnazione a un distretto in cui tutti i poliziotti hanno abilit? paranormali difettate. L’incontro con una strana creatura gelatinosa in un vicolo lascia Kyle Monroe segnato e cambiato per sempre, svelando strane abilit? che vorrebbe non avere e facendogli ottenere la riassegnazione a un distretto in cui tutti i poliziotti hanno abilit? paranormali difettate. Proprio quando sta iniziando ad abituarsi ai suoi disadattati compagni di squadra, arriva il suo nuovo partner. Alto, fisicamente perfetto e a suo dire senza alcun talento psichico malfunzionante, Vikash Soren irrita Kyle in ogni modo possibile. Ma, per quanto gli piacerebbe odiarlo, Kyle si ritrova stranamente attratto da lui, e le loro non-abilit? si intersecano in modi inattesi. Se riusciranno a imparare a lavorare insieme, potrebbero essere in grado di fermare il misterioso assassino che ha lasciato corpi mutilati lungo le rive dello Schuylkill.
  • Vidas cruzadas Angel Martinez
    ISBN: 9788494575730
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Язык: Испанский