Кортни Коул

Courtney Cole

  • 15 книг
  • 17 подписчиков
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Кортни Коул — новинки

  • Різдвяна сукня Кортни Коул
    ISBN: ISBN : 9786178012823
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: #книголав

    Романтична історія про магію Різдва. Меґан Джулліард працює у модному журналі в Нью-Йорку і мріє стати дизайнеркою одягу. Але все змінюється в одну мить, вона змушена повернутися до Чикаго, свого рідного міста і перейняти на себе управління багатоквартирним будинком, чим займався її покійний батько. Меґґі дуже засмучена, відчуває, що її планам побудувати кар’єру у модній індустрії – кінець. А ще їй щодня доводиться вирішувати величезну кількість проблем – у будинку постійно щось ламається, незадоволені орендарі скаржаться, а ще сумні спогади з дитинства виринають і присутність симпатичного майстра бентежить. Різдво наближається, а настрій…

  • Люмен Кортни Коул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-103767-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский
    Меня зовут Калла Прайс и я окончательно потеряла себя. Осколки реальности ускользают от меня в тот момент, когда я отчаянно пытаюсь собрать их воедино. Но я не одна: мой брат-близнец Финн и возлюбленный Дэр готовы защищать меня ценой своих жизней.

    Древнее проклятие завладело моей душой? Или же я просто схожу с ума? Я не знаю. Лишь одна истина не вызывает сомнений: тьма душит меня. Но скоро я освобожусь. А все вопросы найдут свои ответы. Так было предначертано.

    Не бойся… Ужасайся!
  • Верум Кортни Коул
    ISBN: 9785041032364
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский
    Меня зовут Калла Прайс.

    Мир вокруг меня превратился в бескрайний океан, тайны которого затягивают все глубже.

    Могу ли я доверять кому-то?

    Я не знаю ответа, потому что вокруг одна ложь.

    И даже Дэр, человек которого я люблю, скрывает нечто темное за закрытыми дверями своего фамильного поместья.

    Я потонула во тьме, но верю, что истина меня освободит. Вот только у нее есть клыки, которыми она готова разорвать мой разум в клочья.

    Вы напуганы? Я очень.
  • Ноктэ Кортни Коул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-100995-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Меня зовут Калла Прайс. Мне восемнадцать лет, и у меня есть брат-близнец Финн. Он не в себе. Я люблю его больше жизни, даже несмотря на то, что боюсь лишиться души рядом с ним. Однако никто не сможет помочь ему, кроме меня. Дэр ДюБрэй. Он моя надежда и мой кошмар. С ним я могу быть собой, но у него есть все шансы уничтожить меня. Я не могу одновременно спасти Финна и остаться с Дэром. Почему? Это тайна. Тайна, которую даже мне сложно понять. И вам это тоже вряд ли удастся.

  • My Peace Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 978-1542483766
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    You only thought Pax Tate was an asshole before…

    Pax Tate used to be a drug-addicted jerk, but you’d never know it now. He’s got a sexy pregnant wife, their own little family, a cozy home, and a successful career.

    Everything is perfect.

    Until someone from his past shows up.

    Pax doesn’t hesitate to bring all the fury of hell with him in order to protect his family.

    You thought he was an asshole before?

    Just wait until you see him now.
  • Dare Me Кортни Коул
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский
    Dare Me is a hotshot novella based on the character Dare DuBray from the Nocte Trilogy.

    They say she’s crazy.
    She’s not.
    They don’t know the truth.
    She knows the truth. The problem is, she just doesn’t always remember it.
    But I do.
    My name is Dare DuBray.
    I’m in love with a girl who is is erratic and beautiful, and a little bit mad.
    But that’s ok.
    We’re all a little mad, aren’t we?
  • Lux Кортни Коул
    ISBN: 9780692567906
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский

    My name is Calla Price and I’m broken.

    My pieces are all around me, floating on the wind, even as I desperately try to grasp them.

    Who is dead? Alive? Insane?

    What is the truth?

    I don’t know.

    I do know this: The darkness is strangling me. With every breath, I choke on another lie.

    My mind has protected me, but that shield will soon be lowered.

    All will be revealed.
    Every answer to every question.

    It’s all been leading to this.

    Don’t be afraid.
    Be terrified.
  • Verum Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 9780692375242
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский

    The truth shall set you free. My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning. My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets. Can I trust anyone? I don’t know anymore. The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me. I’m entangled in the darkness. But the truth will set me free. It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me. Are you scared? I am.

  • Initium Courtney Cole
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский
    I never knew what the consequences would be.
    I say that like it’s a defense, an excuse.
    It’s not. It’s simply the truth.
    I never knew what he would become to me.
    Through everything, he’s become everything.
    My rock, my air, my love.
    My everything.
    And then….
    Things changed.
    Because it was wrong.
    Because sometimes, our sons must pay for the sins of their fathers.
    Or their mothers.
    I’m afraid that I’m lost,
    that I’m damned.
    After you read this, you’ll probably agree.
    Really, it doesn’t matter.
    All that matters is that I save him.
    Because he shouldn’t pay for my sin.
    Judge me if you like.
    But keep reading.
    This is our beginning.
    This is where the darkness truly starts.


    This is a NOCTE Trilogy novella, with a preview of LUX at the end.

    Series reading order:
  • Until We Fly Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 9780692255629
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Ex-Army Ranger, Brand Killien, has always been good.

    A good friend, a good soldier, a good everything. .
    The problem is, good hasn’t gotten him anything but a crushed heart.

    So after licking his wounds, he decides to move on. And moving on doesn’t include being good anymore.

    Bad sounds so much better.

    Jaded and detached, Brand is determined to never open himself up to anyone again. It’s not worth the pain. Instead, he becomes closed, hardened, aloof.

    But then he’s called back home for a family emergency… a family that he is estranged from. A family that he put out of his mind a long time ago for very good reasons…reasons that involve secrets and pain. Reasons he tried hard to forget.

    But home is where the heart is, and it just might be where Brand finds his again.

    Why? Because home is where Nora Greene is. A fiery, red-headed spitfire, Nora is a thing from his past. A beautiful, feisty thing. When Brand left, she was away at boarding school.

    But she’s back now.

    And she wants Brand, scars and all.
  • Before We Fall Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 9781455550869
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Sometimes before we fall . . . we fly.

    One dark moment was all it took to turn twenty-four-year-old Dominic Kinkaide's world black. On the night of his high school graduation, a single incident changed him forever, and he became a hardened man-famous in the eyes of the world, but tortured inside. Now all he cares about is losing himself in the roles that he plays.

    At twenty-three years old, Jacey Vincent doesn't realize how much her father's indifference has affected her. She is proof that sometimes it isn't one specific moment that wrecks a person, but an absence of moments. She tries to find acceptance in the arms of men to fill the void-a plan that has worked just fine for her, until she meets Dominic.

    When jaded Dominic and strong-willed Jacey are thrown together, the combination of his secrets and her issues turns their attraction into the perfect storm. It could change their lives for good-if it doesn't tear them both apart . . .
  • If You Leave Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 9781455550838
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Ex-Army Ranger Gabriel Vincent is a badass hero. Or he used to be. Home from Afghanistan, Gabe can't stop thinking about that one horrible night on the battlefield, a night that changed his life forever. He knows he's messed up, but with the help of a little beer and a lot more women, he's keeping it together. Until he meets Madison Hill.

    Madison is happily single-or so she thinks. After the tragic death of her parents, she took on the responsibility of running the family restaurant, and that's just about all she has time to worry about. Until she meets Gabriel Vincent.

    Though they don't realize it at first, Gabe and Maddy will soon develop a weakness: each other. But Gabe has a secret, a hidden monster that he's afraid Maddy could never overcome. And Maddy is dealing with issues she fears Gabe won't understand. They quickly realize they need each other to be whole, but they have demons to fight-and the problem with demons is that they never die quietly. Can they find a way to heal the past . . . before they lose each other?
  • Nocte Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 0692305696, 9780692305690
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский

    My name is Calla Price. I'm eighteen years old, and I'm one half of a whole. My other half-- my twin brother, my Finn-- is crazy. I love him. More than life, more than anything. And even though I'm terrified he'll suck me down with him, no one can save him but me. I'm doing all I can to stay afloat in a sea of insanity, but I'm drowning more and more each day. So I reach out for a lifeline. Dare DuBray. He's my savior and my anti-Christ. His arms are where I feel safe, where I'm afraid, where I belong, where I'm lost. He will heal me, break me, love me and hate me. He has the power to destroy me. Maybe that's ok. Because I can't seem to…

  • Until We Burn Courtney Cole
    Год издания: 2013
    Dominic Kinkaide does bad, bad things.

    As a 24-year old actor with the world on a string, not many women tell Dominic no. In a life where no doesn’t exist, he stretches the boundaries between what is right, what is wrong and what is downright depraved. Dark and damaged, Dom wants no commitments.

    He wants no attachments.

    He only wants to disappear into the taboo, into a place where he feels something.


    But when the aching need to disappear into the darkness is the only thing he has left, Dominic flounders. In a world that is hollow and sexual, without a guiding light or a reason to breathe, Dominic is lost and broken. He knows he’ll never be fixed. So he makes a decision.

    If he’s going to hell, he might as well make it worth it.

    UNTIL WE BURN is a novella (book 2.5 in the Beautifully Broken series) intended to introduce Dominic Kinkaide, to enhance the reading experience of BEFORE WE FALL (Book 3). Please note that because Dom's lifestyle is wild, this novella contains graphic content and adult material.
  • If You Stay Courtney Cole
    ISBN: 2940016249308
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Lakehouse Press
    Язык: Английский

    24-year old Pax Tate is an asshole. Seriously. He’s a tattooed, rock-hard bad-boy with a bad attitude to match. But he’s got his reasons. His mother died when Pax was seven, leaving a hole in his heart filled with guilt although he doesn’t understand why. What he does know is that he and his dad are left alone and with more issues than they can count. As Pax grew up, he tried to be the kid his father always wanted; the perfect golden boy, but it didn’t work. His dad couldn’t overcome his grief long enough to notice and Pax couldn’t keep up the impossible perfect façade. So he slipped far, far from it. Now, he uses drugs and women to…
