Скотт Спенсер

Scott Spencer

  • 7 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 234 читателя
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1 17

Лучшие книги Скотта Спенсера

  • Анатомия любви Скотт Спенсер
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07468-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Один из наиболее знаменитых романов своего времени, «Анатомия любви» остается, пожалуй, самым сильным произведением о первой любви. Завораживающая, прекрасно написанная, поражающая своей чувственностью история рассказывает о Дэвиде Аксельроде и его поглощающей страсти к Джейд Баттерфилд. Дэвид и Джейд не могут налюбоваться друг другом, и желания молодых людей заводят их гораздо дальше, чем они это осознают. И когда отец Джейд запрещает Дэвиду бывать у них дома, юноша решает, что получит прощение, если спасет семью Джейд от беды. Он решает устроить «безопасный» пожар на крыльце их дома. Но все оборачивается кошмаром. Любовь…

  • A Ship Made Of Paper Scott Spencer
    ISBN: 0099471256
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    After a shattering incident of violence in New York, Daniel has returned to the town where he grew up. There, along with Kate and her daughter, Ruby, he settles into the kind of secure and comfortable family like he longed for during his emotionally barren childhood. But then he falls helplessly in love with Iris, the black woman whose son is Ruby's best friend - the beginning of an affair that eventually imperils all their relationships, Daniel's profession, their children's emotional well-being, and their view of themselves as essentially good people.
  • Men in Black Scott Spencer
    ISBN: 978-0425166062
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Berkley Trade
    Язык: Английский
    "Darkly comic...satirical... lyrical...remarkable." --The New Yorker
    "Once every few years a novel will fill me with an almost magical joy...Everything in Spencer's latest book--his slightly surreal plot, stunningly drawn protagonist, and brilliant use of language--produces in me that feeling of deep personal gratification. Men in Black is narrated, for the most part, by Sam Holland, a literary novelist with a sideline of writing quickie, pseudonymous books (An Intelligent Woman's Guide to Pro Football, Traveling With Your Pet) to pay the bills. When Holland writes Visitors from Above no one suspects that this is largely made-up primer on UFOs will become an enormous bestseller. At bottom, Men in Black is the story of one man trying to tell the truth, but it is also the story of a marriage, an angry kid, media hype, and a country whose identity has become hopelessly fractured...Profound ideas are interwoven with a story that is not only thoroughly engrossing, but very funny as well."--Los Angeles Times Book Review
  • The Best American Essays 2023 (сборник) Вивиан Горник
    ISBN: 9780063288843
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Язык: Английский
    In her introduction to this year’s The Best American Essays, guest editor Vivian Gornick states that her selections “contribute materially to the long and honorable history of the personal essay by way of the value they place on lived experience.” Provocative, daring, and honest at a time when many writers are deliberately silencing themselves in the face of authoritarian and populist censorship movements, the twenty-one essays collected here reflect their authors’ unapologetic observations of the world around them. From an inmate struggling to find purpose during his prison sentence to a doctor coping with the unpredictable nature of her patient, to a widow wishing for just a little more time with her late husband, these narratives—and the others featured in this anthology—celebrate the endurance of the human spirit.

    The Best American Essays 2023 includes Ciara Alfaro • Jillian Barnet • Sylvie Baumgartel • Eric Borsuk • Chris Dennis • Xujun Eberlein • Sandra Hager Eliason • George Estreich • Merrill Joan Gerber • Debra Gwartney • Edward Hoagland • Laura Kipnis • Phillip Lopate • Celeste Marcus • Sam Meekings • Sigrid Nunez • Kathryn Schulz • Anthony Siegel • Scott Spencer • Angelique Stevens • David Treuer