Брайан Солис

Brian Solis

  • 9 книг
  • 45 читателей
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Брайан Солис – лучшие книги

  • Жизнь на 100%. Система максимальной самореализации Брайан Солис
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-2542-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский
    Цифровая эпоха перенасыщает нас информацией. С одной стороны, мы расширяем границы своего мира, с другой — разучились концентрироваться, а неудовлетворенность и упадок сил, неврозы и вечный недосып стали нашими постоянными спутниками.

    Мы можем сформулировать, что такое «успех» и «счастье», но никак не можем их достичь: нас слишком многое отвлекает.

    Эта книга познакомит вас с методикой избавления от распространенных отвлечений, связанных с цифровым миром: нескончаемого потока обновлений, лайков, прилипчивых приложений и вечного скроллинга, поможет пробудить вдохновение и желание творить.
  • Макротренды в бизнесе. Как стать компанией новой волны, создавая эмоции, привлекающие клиентов Брайан Солис
    ISBN: 978-5-91657-918-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский
    О чем эта книга
    Эта книга не просто исследует существующие тенденции и теории, она открывает читателю новый путь к трансформации бизнеса. Ставя на одну ступень потребительский опыт и инновационное лидерство, Брайан Солис подробно объясняет, как повысить эффективность бизнеса и степень вовлеченности потребителей, а также достичь желаемых взаимоотношений между компанией и ее клиентами.
    В его книге вы найдете ответ на вопрос, почему потребительский опыт имеет столь огромное значение, и какое влияние он может оказать на будущее бизнеса в целом.

    Для кого эта книга
    Для предпринимателей, владельцев бизнеса и топ-менеджеров, которые хотят узнать, какое влияние потребительский опыт оказывает на их бизнес, и как можно его использовать для значительного увеличения своих доходов.

    "Фишка" книги
    В своей книге Брайан Солис структурирует и описывает процесс принятия потребительских решений, выделяя в нем четыре ключевых точки, или "момента истины" - четыре этапа, на каждом из которых клиенты выбирают вашу кампанию или проходят мимо.

  • What's the Future of Business? Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences Brian Solis
    ISBN: 978-1-118-45653-8, 978-1-118-45714-6, 978-1-118-45718-4, 978-1-118-45719-1
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: John Wiley and Sons
    Язык: Английский
    Rethink your business model to incorporate the power of "user" experiences.
    What's the Future of Business? will galvanize a new movement that aligns the tenets of user experience with the vision of innovative leadership to improve business performance, engagement, and relationships for a new generation of consumerism. It provides an overview of real-world experiences versus "user" experiences in relation to products, services, mobile, social media, and commerce, among others. This book explains why experience is everything and how the future of business will come down to shared experiences.
    - Aligns the tenets of user experience with the concepts of innovative leadership to improve business performance and engagement and to motivate readers to rethink business models and customer and employee relationships.
    - Motivates readers to rethink business models, products and services, marketing, and customer and employee relationships with desired experiences in mind.
    - Brian Solis is globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media, and is the author of Engage! and The End of Business as Usual!
    Discover how user experience design affects your business, and how you can harness its power for meaningful revenue growth
  • Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life Брайан Солис
    ISBN: 978-1-119-53586-7
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Wiley
    Somewhere along the way, we got distracted. As much as we multitask, love our devices and feel like we’re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attention spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction.

    It’s time to reclaim our lives. It’s time to take control.

    Lifescale is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It’s about getting back into balance and remastering our destinies. Author Brian Solis knows first-hand. He struggled with distraction and all of its ill-effects. To get his life back, he developed a set of techniques, exercises, and thought experiments designed to tame the chaos, and positively and productively navigate our day-to-day lives. Instead of falling victim to the never-ending cycle of newsfeeds, Likes, addictive apps, and boredom scrolling (aka the endless scroll), we can learn to manage our time and inspire our own lives in a way that will bring meaning back—without sacrificing the benefits that our devices bring us.

    In Lifescale, Brian has done the legwork to pull together scientific findings and practical tools into one book. Readers—especially those who are distracted—will connect with the humor, pathos, and inspiration inside. Using this book’s simple but powerful lessons, we can:

    Identify sources of distraction and turn attention toward creativity and productivity
    Understand and resist the manipulative techniques that turn us into digital addicts
    Find meaning and purpose to guide our time in more meaningful ways
    Visualize future success to successfully dive into deep work and stop procrastinating
    Break bad habits, establish rituals, and establish routines that help you achieve goals
    Nurture imagination and learn to express ourselves more artistically
    Maximize productivity with simple but effective strategies
    Focus for extended periods and make breaks more restorative
    Foster a strong sense of purpose in life and identify the steps needed to bring it to life every day
    Smile more and build self-esteem
    With the renewed perspective Lifescale offers, we can finally learn to prioritize what matters, and live our digital and physical lives with intention and true happiness.
  • X: The Experience When Business Meets Design Брайан Солис
    ISBN: 978-1-118-45654-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
  • Engage Brian Solis
    ISBN: 978-1-118-00376-3
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: John Wiley and Sons
    Язык: Английский
    Engage! thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how to effectively use social media to succeed in business—one network and one tool at a time. It leads you through the detailed and specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing, managing, and measuring a social media program. The result is the ability to increase visibility, build communities of loyal brand enthusiasts, and increase profits.
    Covering everything you need to know about social media marketing and the rise of the new social consumer, Engage! shows you how to create effective strategies based on proven examples and earn buy-in from your marketing teams. Even better, you'll learn how to measure success and ROI.
    - Introduces you to the psychology, behavior, and influence of the new social consumer;
    - Shows how to define and measure the success of your social media campaigns for the short and long term;
    - Features an inspiring Foreword by actor Ashton Kutcher, who has more than 5 million followers on Twitter;
    - Revised paperback edition brings the book completely up to date to stay ahead of the lightning fast world of social media.