yasnochloe 7 мая 2014 г., 16:36 Пожаловаться As Eagleton points out, this is not another theory of alienation, because the concept of alienation suggests the possibility of some more authentic state from which one might be distanced. 'Those flattened surfaces and hollowed interiors are not "alienated" because there is no longer any subject to be alienated and… Развернуть Identity Crisis: Modernity, Psychoanalysis and the Self Stephen Frosh 0,0
yasnochloe 7 мая 2014 г., 12:22 Пожаловаться This image of the self as an illusion suggests that the dissolution of the personality evident in some psychotic states should be seen as the purest expression of the human condition; or, at least, it makes psychosis a metaphor for contemporary experience. Just as the psychotic feels her or his self to be fragmented and… Развернуть Identity Crisis: Modernity, Psychoanalysis and the Self Stephen Frosh 0,0
yasnochloe 7 мая 2014 г., 11:51 Пожаловаться If you are narcissistic, it is claimed, you are struggling to preserve a shaky selfhood through the grandiose gratifications achieved by manipulating others; you also protect that self by avoiding dependency and real interpersonal relationships. Narcissism is not simple self-aggrandisement born out of an overvaluation of… Развернуть Identity Crisis: Modernity, Psychoanalysis and the Self Stephen Frosh 0,0