Стаффорд Бир

Anthony Stafford Beer

  • 14 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 20 читателей
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Стаффорд Бир - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Designing Freedom Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 047195165X
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Wiley
    Язык: Русский
    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the worlds most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system I know." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for Interactive Management, Pennsylvania, USA. "If…anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandably readable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer … everyone in management … should be grateful to him for using clear and at times elegant English and … even elegant diagrams." The Economist Based on the Massey Lectures, this book examines the reasons why the institutions of our society may well be failing, and opens a discussion as to what could be done. Drawing on the science of effective organization, which is his definition of cybernetics, Stafford Beer explains key cybernetic principles in words and pictures that all can understand. He concludes that our society commits more and more resources to plastering over the cracks in the system—which simply reappear—while freedom itself is increasingly eroded. The institutions must be redesigned, and returned to the people, to whom the scientific tools for doing this ought to belong.
  • The Heart of Enterprise Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 0471948373
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Wiley
    Язык: Русский
    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the world’s most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system I know." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for Interactive Management, Pennsylvania, USA. "If…anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandably readable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer…everyone in management… should be grateful to him for using clear and at times elegant English and … even elegant diagrams." The Economist This is the companion volume to Brain of the Firm and addresses the nature of viable systems, those capable of surviving. It does not use the neurophysiological basis elucidated in brain, but develops the same theory from first principles. This book declares that every enterprise is a system, and in particular must be a viable system. Viability is not just a matter of economic solvency; we need laws that govern the capacity of any enterprise to maintain independent existence. The Heart of Enterprise is full of examples (actual, author-generated examples) taken from management practice. "I consistently find that Stafford Beer provides the most useful analytical framework for understanding and managing an enterprise—public or private. Heart of The Enterprise offers a demanding but rewarding exposition of his approach and applications." Sir Douglas Hague. CBE
  • Decision and Control: The Meaning of Operational Research and Management Cybernetics Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 0471948381
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Wiley
    Язык: Русский
    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the worlds most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system I know." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for Interactive Management, Pennsylvania, USA. "If…anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandably readable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer … everyone in management…should be grateful to him for using clear and at times elegant English and … even elegant diagrams." The Economist Awarded the 1966 Lanchester Prize by the Operations Research Society of America for the best work published in 1966 in the field of management science this book has been regarded as a ‘Classic ever since. "in the literature of management there is nothing to be compared with it…" Operational Research Quarterly "This superb book is one of the very best I have ever read on management science." Management Science "A brilliant book… which rose far above the ruck of jargon-ridden ephemera. This is a study—profound, wide ranging, witty, graceful and self-critical of the working of managerial systems…" The Sunday Times "The sheer scale and scope of Beers book would rate it management text of the year in any list" The Statist "Decision and Control is a major work, both elegant and erudite." The Guardian "Beers imagination and enthusiasm stimulate those with whom he works to seek and cause improvements…" The Director
  • Platform for Change Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 0471948403
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Wiley
    Язык: Русский
    The Stafford Beer Classic Library "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the worlds most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system I know." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for Interactive Management, Pennsylvania, USA. "If…anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandably readable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer…everyone in management…should be grateful to him for using clear and at times elegant English and…even elegant diagrams." The Economist This is a highly original book both in content and format. It presents thirteen ‘arguments for change’, these are linked by a personal commentary, and by a deeper, ‘metalinguistic’, commentary. Platform for Change is completely self-contained, does not deal at all with the nature of viable systems, but is directed towards the hope that our planet may yet remain viable — and the human race survive.
  • Diagnosing the System for Organizations Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 0471951366
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Wiley
    Язык: Русский
    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the worlds most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system I know." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for Interactive Management, Pennsylvania, USA.
    "If … anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandably readable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer … everyone in management ..should be grateful to him for using clear and at times elegant English and…even elegant diagrams." The Economist
    In Brain of the Firm and The Heart of Enterprise Stafford Beer worked out the scientific laws that govern any viable system. They constitute the basis for this book which is concerned solely with the application of those laws to the understanding of any particular enterprise. In the form of a Handbook or Managers Guide, Diagnosing the System deals with the fundamental problem of management—how to cope with complexity itself. It shows you how to design (or redesign) an enterprise in conformity with the laws of viability, and will help you to diagnose faults in your organizational structure.
  • Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 0471944513
    Язык: Русский

    Over the last forty years, Stafford Beer has published a steady stream of books and papers in which he has applied cybernetic science to organizational problems. In all of these he has explained underlying principles and developed new theories and

  • Brain of the Firm (Classic Beer Series) Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 047194839X
    Язык: Русский
    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the world?s most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he records his thinking with a flair that is unmatched. His writing is as much art as it is science. He is the
  • Кибернетика и менеджмент Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 5-484-00434-9
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: КомКнига
    Язык: Русский
    Эта книга не является ни научной монографией, ни учебником, а представляет собой краткий очерк основ кибернетики. Она дает представление о содержании, целях и методах кибернетики как единой науки. Автором затронуты все ключевые проблемы кибернетики.
  • Наука управления Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 978-5-382-01183-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Издательство ЛКИ
    Язык: Русский
    В предлагаемой читателю книге крупнейшего специалиста в области исследования операций Стаффорда Бира (1926--2002) популярно изложены основные положения науки управления и некоторые методы исследования операций применительно к решению задач, возникающих при управлении производством. Книга написана очень легко, что не мешает автору излагать в ней глубокие и нетривиальные идеи. Перевод был сокращен и адаптирован для российского читателя.
    Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, работающих в различных областях знаний --- от математиков до управленцев и организаторов производства --- и интересующихся вопросами применения методов исследования операций.
  • Кибернетика и управление производством Стаффорд Бир
    Год издания: 1963
    Издательство: Государственное издательство физико-математической литературы
    Язык: Русский
    Пора самых горячих "кибернетических" споров, казалось бы, миновала. Образ яростного отрицателя кибернетики уже успел стать одиозным. Но нет-нет и дискуссия вспыхивает с новой силой, хотя теперь она сосредоточена главным образом на философских и методологических проблемах кибернетики. Однако главным в этой новой науке, пережившей столь бурный период становления, является не это. Кибернетика - точная естественная наука, призванная решать самые сложные практические задачи, возникающие в повседневной деятельности людей. Отнюдь не отрицая полезности обсуждения философских и методологических основ кибернетики при условии, что такое обсуждение ведется на подлинно научном уровне, следует обратиться прежде всего к тем проблемам кибернетики, решение которых должно удовлетворять насущные потребности нашего общества, строящего коммунизм.
  • Мозг фирмы Стаффорд Бир
    ISBN: 978-5-397-00156-4
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Издательство ЛКИ
    Язык: Русский

    Книга всемирно известного английского ученого посвящена проблеме управления большими системами, в частности управлению промышленной фирмой. Сегодня подготовка управляющих решений требует от администраторов знания науки управления и владения вычислительной техникой как инструментом, способствующим успешной реализации принимаемых решений. Современная фирма характеризуется огромным разнообразием возможных состояний, поэтому управление ею должно строиться иерархически, что показано в первой части. Лучшим аналогом требуемой системы как жизнеспособного организма является центральная нервная система человека, созданная за миллионы лет…
