Чарльз М. Шульц

Charles Monroe Schulz

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Лучшие книги Чарльза Монро Шульца

  • Ночь была тёмная и ненастная, Снупи Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 978-5-904662-16-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Zangavar
    Язык: Русский
    Что будет, если нарисовать двенадцать детей, полдюжины жёлтых птичек и одного смышлёного пса? Получится, пожалуй, самый известный комикс на планете! Мы с радостью открываем для читателей Peanuts - творение художника Чарльза М.Шульца. Это название сложно перевести на русский язык. То ли дело в том, что круглоголовые герои внешне похожи на арахис в скорлупе, то ли в том, что они маленькие, то ли это намек на то, что не надо искать в этом слове особый смысл... Жизнь в заповедной галактике Снупи, Чарли Брауна и их друзей - это череда неспешных событий, очаровательных глупостей и затягивающей атмосферы добра и шуток. Школьники обмениваются колкостями и валяют дурака, мучаются на уроках и пытаются играть в бейсбол. И за всем этим коловращением персонажей зорко наблюдает пёс породы бигль. Снупи не разговаривает, но его мысли оформлены в "пузырях". В своём богатом воображении он имеет множество альтер эго: писатель, шпион, авиатор-ас времён Первой мировой войны, искушённый танцор, вожатый скаутов, профессиональный скейтер и много кто ещё. И если он не философствует на своей красной будке, то непременно найдёт чем себя занять. Например, пообщается со своими пятью братьями. Или потребует у своего хозяина Чарли Брауна добавку к обеду.
  • Эта собачья жизнь, Снупи Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 978-5-904662-18-9
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Zangavar
    Язык: Русский
    Чарли Браун и его друзья: Снупи, Пепперминт Патти, Марси, Лайнус, Люси, Шрёдер, - вновь с нами!
    Настоящая дружба длится всю жизнь, и нет ничего её крепче. Для настоящего друга ты ринешься и в огонь и в воду, а он придёт тебе на помощь и днём и ночью. А вот что такое дружба человека и собаки? Можно ли проверить её на прочность? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы получите, прочитав очередную книгу комиксов о знаменитом псе Снупи.
  • Мир не тесен, Чарли Браун Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 978-5-904662-20-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Zangavar
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь редко поворачивается светлой стороной к Чарли Брауну. Неприятности буквально преследуют героя: катастрофой оборачивается запуск воздушного змея, в почтовом ящике ни единой "валентинки", карьера тренера бейсбольной команды не заладилась... Но, к счастью, его всегда готовы приободрить Снупи, Лайнус, Пепперминт Патти и остальные друзья! А это значит, что в итоге всё будет хорошо и мир ему улыбнётся. Издательство Zangavar продолжает выпуск комикс-антологии Peanuts о самом знаменитом псе на планете - Снупи, его хозяине Чарли Брауне и прочих обитателях весёлого и уютного мира, созданного художником Чарльзом М.Шульцем.

  • The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 (Vol. 1) Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 978-1-56097-589-2
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Fantagraphics Books
    Язык: Английский

    This first volume, covering the first two and a quarter years of the strip, will be of particular fascination to Peanuts aficionados worldwide: Although there have been literally hundreds of Peanuts books published, many of the strips from the series' first two or three years have never been collected before — in large part because they showed a young Schulz working out the kinks in his new strip and include some characterizations and designs that are quite different from the cast we're all familiar with. (Among other things, three major cast members — Schroeder, Lucy, and Linus — initially show up as infants and only "grow" into their…

  • The Complete Peanuts: 1950-2000 Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 9781782119739
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: A&U Canongate
    Язык: Английский
    While the 50-year run of the Peanuts newspaper strip is obviously the heart and soul of Charles Schulz's career, he also created a large amount of Peanuts material that didn't run in the strip. This bonus 26th volume of The Complete Peanuts collects all of Schulz's non-strip related Peanuts art: storybooks, comic book stories, single-panel gags, advertising art, book illustrations, photographs and even a recipe.

    With close to 1,000 Peanuts images included, all created by Schulz himself, no true Peanuts library would be complete without this final, celebratory volume of The Complete Peanuts. As a fitting end to the volume - and the series - Schulz's widow, Jeannie Schulz, provides an emotional afterword to the volume as well.
  • The Complete Peanuts: 1955 to 1956 Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 9781847670755
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: A&U Canongate
    Язык: Английский
    The third volume in Canongate's acclaimed series arrives with a specially commissioned introduction from The Simpsons' Matt Groening. This beautiful new edition takes us into the mid-1950s as Linus learns to talk, Snoopy begins to explore his eccentricities, Lucy's unrequited crush on Schroeder takes final shape, and Charlie Brown becomes. Well, even more Charlie Brownish.
  • The Complete Peanuts 1953-1954 (Vol. 2) Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 1-56097-614-4
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Fantagraphics Books
    Язык: Английский
    Our second volume is packed with intriguing developments, as Schulz continues to create his tender and comic universe. It begins with Peanuts' third full year and a cast of eight: Charlie Brown, Shermy, Patty, Violet, Schroeder, Lucy, the recently-born Linus, and Snoopy. By the end of 1954, Pigpen and his dust cloud join the crowd. Linus, who still doesn't speak, begins to emerge as one of the most complex and endearing characters in the strip: garrulous and inquisitive yet gentle and tolerant. And, in this volume, he acquires his security blanket! Charlie Brown is becoming his best-known self, the lovable, perpetually-humiliated round-headed loser, but he hasn't yet abandoned his brasher, prankish behavior from Volume One. And, Lucy, this book's cover girl, has grown up and forcefully elbowed her way to the center of the action, proudly wearing her banner as a troublemaker, or, in Schulz's memorable phrase, a "fussbudget". For readers unfamiliar with the early years of the strip, Snoopy's appearances here may come as the biggest surprise: he behaves, for the most part, like a dog! But, although he doesn't yet walk upright, sleep on top of his doghouse, or possess a fantasy life, Snoopy has started thinking for himself and his evolution continues its fascinating course within these pages. If you watch carefully, you'll catch his very first shark impression. The vast majority of the daily and Sunday strips collected here are not currently available in any in-print Peanuts collection. Dozens of them have not been reprinted since their initial appearance in newspapers over 50 years ago.
    PEANUTS © Peanuts Worldwide
  • Peanuts: The Art of Charles M. Schulz Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 0375714634, 978-0375714634
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Pantheon
    Язык: Русский
    This beautiful album will dazzle fans of Charles M. Schulz and his art, providing an unprecedented look at the work of the most brilliant and beloved cartoonist of the twentieth century. Here is the whole gang–Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Snoopy, Peppermint Patty, Schroeder, Pig-Pen, and all the others from the original Peanuts strips.

    More than five hundred comic strips are reproduced, as well as such rare or never-before-seen items as a sketchbook from Schulz's army days in the early 1940s; his very first printed strip, Just Keep Laughing; his private scrapbook of pre-Peanuts Li'l Folks strips; developmental sketches for the first versions of Charlie Brown and the other Peanuts characters; a sketchbook from 1963; and many more materials gathered from the Schulz archives in Santa Rosa, California.

    The art has been stunningly photographed by Geoff Spear in full color, capturing the subtle textures of paper, ink, and line. The strips–which were shot only from the original art or vintage newsprint–reveal how, from the 1950s through 2000, Schulz's style and the Peanuts world evolved. The book features an introduction by Jean Schulz and has been designed and edited by renowned graphic artist Chip Kidd, who also provides an informed and appreciative commentary.

    This celebration of the genius of the most revered cartoonist of our time is a must for anyone who has ever come under the spell of Peanuts.
  • Security is a Thumb and a Blanket Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 1933662093
    Год издания: 1963
    Издательство: Cider Mill Press
    These collector’s editions perfectly recreate the original look and feel of the best-loved Peanuts books—their paper, their ink, even their lamination. And of course, the heartwarming content that charmed the world, sold millions, and launched the career of Charles M. Schulz remains untouched. On every spread there’s a tiny tidbit of wisdom from one of the gang, along with one of Schulz’s irresistible drawings. It’s a trip down memory lane that every Peanuts fan will cherish.
  • The Complete Peanuts: 1971 to 1972 Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 9780857864079
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: A&U Canongate
    Язык: Английский
    Peanuts surges into the 1970s with Schulz at the peak of his powers and influence: a few jokes about Bob Dylan, Women's Liberation and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex aside, these two years are as timeless as Peanuts ever was. Sally Brown elbows her way to center stage, at least among the humans, and is thus the logical choice for cover girl .and in her honour, the introduction is provided by Broadway, television and film star Kristin Chenoweth, who first rose to Tony-winning fame with her scene-stealing performance as Sally in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.

    Two long Summer-camp sequences involve Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty, who has decided that Charlie Brown is madly in love with her, much to his clueless confusion. Snoopy shows up at camp as well, as does Peppermint Patty's new permanent sidekick, the one and only Marcie. The eternally mutable Snoopy mostly shakes off his World War I Flying Ace identity and turns into Joe Cool, college hipster extraordinaire. He writes a fan letter to his favourite author, Miss Helen Sweetstory, then goes on a journey to meet her, and finally enlists Charlie Brown's help when her latest opus, The Six Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out, falls afoul of censors.

    Also, Woodstock attends worm school, falls in love with a worm (perhaps the most doomed unrequited Peanuts love story ever!), and is nearly eaten by the neighbours' cat .Peppermint Patty is put on trial for another dress code violation. Snoopy turns Linus's blanket into not one but two sportcoats. Lucy hits a home run and the birth of one Rerun Van Pelt!
  • The Wisdom of Woodstock Charles M. Schulz
    ISBN: 978 1 78211 310 2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Canongate
    Язык: Английский
  • The Philosophy of Snoopy Charle M. Schulz
    ISBN: 978 1 78211 1139
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Canongate
    Язык: Английский
    The world's most beloved beagle shares his philosophy on life in this beautifully produced gift book for all generations. In his inimitable style, Snoopy spends his days extolling the virtues of dancing, hanging out with his best bird friend Woodstock, pursuing a full supper dish and giving his owner - our favourite lovable loser, Charlie Brown - the run-around. For the millions of faithful Charles Schulz fans, and those who fondly remember the joyful dog with the wild imagination, this is the first in a new series to cherish that will see the beguiling Peanuts gang share their sentiments on everything from food to friendship.
  • Charlie Brown and Friends Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 9781449449704
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Charles Schulz's Peanuts is one of the most timeless and beloved comic strips ever. Now AMP! helps carry on that legacy with new collections of Peanuts classics focused around topics sure to resonate with middle-grade readers. Kicking off the series is Charlie Brown and Friends. Whether it's the curious relationship between a bird, Woodstock, and a dog, Snoopy, or the never-ending crush that Peppermint Patty has on Charlie Brown, the gang's interactions are what make Peanuts resonate with kids.
    First published in 1950, the classic Peanuts strip now appears in more than 2,200 newspapers in 75 countries in 25 languages. Phrases such as "security blanket" and "good grief," which originated in the Peanuts world, are now part of the global vernacular, and images of Charles Schulz's classic characters- Charlie Brown kicking the football, Lucy leaning over Schroeder's piano-are now universally recognized.
    Together these books will introduce a new generation of kids to the lovable cast in time for the new animated Peanuts movie, which hits theatres in 2015!
  • Snoopy. Cannonball! Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 9781524875596
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Join Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang as they delight in the outrageous antics of Snoopy, the funniest, most popular beagle in history. This colorful collection of classic Peanuts comics has been specially selected for children ages 7 to 11.
    Look out, below! Whether he’s playing football, howling for his dinner, or writing on his typewriter, Snoopy always makes a splash. Along the way, his brother Marbles pays a visit, Sally goes to beanbag camp, Marcy is recruited for the school safety patrol, and Charlie Brown hopes his baseball team can finally win a game — or at least avoid getting rained on while they lose. Dive in and join the Peanuts gang in this thrilling collection of comics selected especially for young readers and presented here in color for the very first time.
  • It's Springtime, Snoopy! Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 9781534481756
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: S&Sch USA
    Join Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang in this super chubby springtime-themed board book that celebrates all of the joys of the season! It's been a long winter, and the Peanuts gang can't wait to enjoy springtime--by having picnics in the park, flying kites, and playing baseball!
  • Space Traveler Sally Brown Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 9781534479715
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: S&Sch USA
    Blast off to space with Snoopy, Sally, and Charlie Brown in this Level 2 Ready-to-Read that celebrates a collaboration between Peanuts and NASA! Sally Brown is writing a report about Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. There's only one thing for Sally Brown to do: Become an astronaut, too! A special section at the back of the book includes nonfiction facts about famous female NASA astronauts!
  • Lucy. Speak Out! Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 9781449493554
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Andrews McMeel Publishing
    Move over, Charlie Brown! Lucy takes the spotlight in this latest collection of Peanuts comics for kids.
    In this delightful collection of classic Peanuts comics for younger readers, Lucy rallies her friends to speak out for equal rights for women. When she's not dedicated to social causes or dropping fly balls in the outfield, Lucy decides to write a biography of Beethoven, much to Schroeder's chagrin. Meanwhile, life in the Peanuts gang is as hilarious as always: Woodstock takes up farming, Peppermint Patty struggles to make the grade, and Charlie Brown suffers a mysterious illness that lands him in the hospital. You won't want to miss this latest edition of outstanding Peanuts fun.
  • Peanuts. Goodnight Snoopy. Level 1 Чарльз М. Шульц
    ISBN: 978-0-241-27969-4
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Ladybird

    Snoopy wants to go to sleep, but Woodstock is having a noisy party that's keeping him awake! Will Snoopy ever get to bed? Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and…

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