Claude Ponti
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Claude Ponti – лучшие книги

  • Hiznobyuti Claude Ponti
    ISBN: 9780914671909
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Archipelago Books
    From one of France's most celebrated children's writers, the story of an "ugly duckling" who leaves his family to journey through a fantastical world. A tender and playful portrait of what it means to be unique.

    When he is born, Hīsnobyūtī is not exactly handsome. In fact, his parents and siblings say, "He's no beauty!" They say it so often, Hīsnobyūtī assumes it is his name. Wherever he goes, only embarrassment and shame await him. Hīsnobyūtī hides himself away, working on his inventions, until one day he receives a message from the stars. After a fight with his family, Hīsnobyūtī decides to run away. On a beautiful adventure by himself, he learns the secrets of the universe: how to communicate with trees and birds, how to wake up the sun, and how to see himself for who he truly is - a hero! When he returns from his journey, Hīsnobyūtī's family rejoices and apologizes for not understanding how beautiful and important he was to them all along.