Victoria Charlton
  • 2 книги
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Victoria Charlton — новинки

  • Les enquêtes de Mackenzie : Et tombent les têtes Victoria Charlton
    ISBN: 9782761957632
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Les Éditions de l'Homme
    Язык: Французский
    Créatrice d'un populaire podcast de true crime, Mackenzie Martin s'est donné pour mission de retrouver les têtes cachées des victimes de Robert Sinclair Peters, un tueur en série exécuté avant d'avoir livré tous ses secrets. En compagnie d'Assia, sa productrice, et soutenue financièrement par Jonathan O'Connor, un richissime avocat de Montréal dont l'épouse a été assassinée par celui que l'on surnomme «le Rob S. Pierre de la Nouvelle-Angleterre», la jeune femme se rend au New Hampshire.

    De fausses pistes en indices, de bévues en revirements de situation, elle prend de plus en plus de risques, mettant en danger sa vie et celle de son amie pour faire progresser l'enquête. Châtiments divins, décapitations, machinations et démons intérieurs: la jeune journaliste viendra-t-elle à bout de cette affaire sans perdre elle-même la tête?
  • Snowdon on Russia Victoria Charlton
    ISBN: 5-88149-154-8
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Menatron Publications
    Язык: Русский
    "Snowdon on Russia" clearly demonstrates that Russia occupies a special place in the photographer's heart. From his first visit more than 20 years ago until today, Snowdon has not lost his curiosity about this vast land and still enjoys the sense of adventure that is part of the Russian experience.
    A great friend said of him, "He is a modern eccentric with an eccentric's absolute determination to have his own way which can goad people to the point of assassination, held back only by his charm which can halt a ravenous beast in its tracks."
    Snowdon is an extraordinary, hugely talented man. Having virtually no patience at all, he is fortunately, a man of great kindness with a mischievous sense of humour, none of which he acknowledges. All of these attributes were called upon as he travelled many thousands of miles criss-crossing the country in the preparation of this book.
    He has always shown consistent and remarkable versatility as a photographer, possessing great sensitivity and understanding and is undoubtedly the outstanding portrait photographer of his generation.
    "Snowdon on Russia" is a very personal view, one of startling clarity. A clear window on a facinating country as it is today". Victoria Charlton