Хелен Маккарти

Helen McCarthy

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Лучшие книги Хелен Маккарти

  • The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917 Джонатан Клементс
    ISBN: 1933330104
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Stone Bridge Press
    Язык: Русский

    Bigger and better! Our first edition rocked the anime world with its in-depth entries on anime famous and obscure and its superb index/film finder. Now this fantastic book is 40 percent larger-with all-new entries on hundreds of anime released after 2001, updates on older entries, and over fifty thousand words on anime creators (like Tezuka and Otomo) and genres ("Early Anime," "Science Fiction and Robots," etc.). An absolute must-have for every anime shelf!
  • A Brief History of Manga Хелен Маккарти
    Издательство: Ilex
    Manga - Japanese comics - are now ubiquitous, but how much do you actually know about the innovators, artists, writers and publishers of some of the most beloved comics in the world?

    A Brief History of Manga is the only concise volume of its kind to provide a snapshot of 150 years of this sequential art form. Lavishly illustrated, and stuffed with facts, figures and anecdotes on key manga - from Akira to Mazinger Z - and the creators behind them, the book boasts a unique quick reference timeline running throughout, with publication dates, important historical events and the births and deaths of the biggest names in manga art.
  • Double Lives: A History of Working Motherhood Хелен Маккарти
    ISBN: 1408870738
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A groundbreaking history of mothers who worked for pay that will change the way we think about gender, work and equality in modern Britain.

    In Britain today, three-quarters of mothers are in employment and paid work is an unremarkable feature of women's lives after childbirth. Yet a century ago, working mothers were in the minority, excluded altogether from many occupations, whilst their wage-earning was widely perceived as a social ill. In Double Lives, Helen McCarthy accounts for this remarkable transformation, whose consequences have been momentous for Britain's society and economy.

    Drawing upon a wealth of sources, McCarthy ranges from the smoking chimney-stacks of nineteenth-century Manchester to the shimmering skyscrapers of present-day Canary Wharf. She recovers the everyday worlds of working mothers and traces how women's desires for financial independence and lives beyond home and family were slowly recognised. McCarthy reveals the deep and complicated past of a phenomenon so often assumed to be a product of contemporary lifestyles and aspirations.

    This groundbreaking history forces us not only to re-evaluate the past, but to ask anew how current attitudes towards mothers in the workplace have developed and how far we have to go. Through vivid and powerful storytelling, Double Lives offers a social and cultural history for our times.