Chris Barker
  • 29 книг
  • 5 читателей
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Рецензии на книги — Chris Barker

4 февраля 2019 г. 13:04


4.5 Spoken in words

There is a famous poem by a Russian poet Sergey Yesenin, with the often-quoted line: "О любви в словах не говорят" – “Love is not spoken in words”. But obviously, it is. And if not for the words, pages and pages of them, finding their way across Europe in the tumult of 1940s, the world would have been one love poorer. At least two people – the son and granddaughter of Chris Baker and his dear Bessie – owe their birth to those words, which survived 75 years to resonate with hearts again. It’s a great pity, though, that most of Bessie’s early letters were lost. Apparently she was responsible for the initial spark; there was something in her turn of phrase that kept Chris yearning for more. Or perhaps we wouldn’t conceive it anyway; perhaps she sounded special for him only. You might want…

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