Judi James
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Judi James – лучшие книги

  • The You Code Judi James
    ISBN: 9780091929541
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Did you know that the way you eat your food will be sending subliminal messages out about your sexual habits? Or that the way you decorate your desk, could be helping your boss decide about that promotion or pay rise? We're all aware of the subtle messages of design and marketing but what about the signals you send out about yourself and your personality? The You Code is the book that answers all these questions, uncovering the hidden meaning behind the simplest of choices. Judi James, with co-writer and journalist James Moore, pulls no punches in her addictive and entertaining book which gets to the nub of who you really are, telling you more about yourself than you ever wanted to know, as well as providing an intriguing insight into the people around you. From your favourite TV programme to the type of coffee you drink, even down to the filling in your sandwich, The You Code is a must for anyone who wants to find out more about themselves and, more importantly, what everyone else thinks of them.
  • Sex at Work: A Survival Guide Judi James
    ISBN: 1858355702
    Язык: Русский