Tatebanko 20 октября 2014 г., 19:37 Пожаловаться The price of oil itself hovered around $20 a barrel for much of 1989, an improvement of roughly $5 a barrel over 1988. Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream H. G. Bissinger 0,0
Tatebanko 20 октября 2014 г., 19:36 Пожаловаться Any business in the oil patch was an enormous gamble, even when prices were sky high. Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream H. G. Bissinger 0,0
Tatebanko 23 января 2014 г., 00:27 Пожаловаться There's twelve hundred boys in Permian High School. You divide that by three and there's four hundred in every class. You guys are a very special breed. There are guys back there that are every bit as good as you are. But they were not able to stick it out for whatever reason. Football's not for everybody. But you guys… Развернуть Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream H. G. Bissinger 0,0