Дэвид Коттон – лучшие книги
- 10 произведений
- 76 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Market Leader: Pre-Intermediate: Course Book (+ 2 CD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781405881371, 978-1-4058-8137-1 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский Market Leader brings today's business issues straight into your classroom. Created with the Financial Times newspaper, Market Leader has Case Studies that really work, authentic articles from the FT and lots of additional components. Now with new editions and a new Advanced level, Market Leader is more in tune with today's business world than ever. -
Market Leader: Intermediate: Business English Course Book (+ DVD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781408236956, 978-1-4082-3695-6 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times.
The 3rd Edition Course Book includes:
- All new reading texts from the Financial Times® and other authentic sources.
- All new case studies with opinions on DVD-ROM from successful consultants who work in the real world of business.
- All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business, with interviews that can be viewed on the DVD-ROM.
- New 'Working Across Cultures' spreads.
- New Vocabulary Trainer. The DVD-ROM includes:
- Video interviews with business experts.
- All Course Book audio.
- New i-Glossary. -
Market Leader: Elementary Business English: Course Book (+ CD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781405881326, 978-1-40458-8132-6 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times(c), it bring business right into the classroom. All the Course Books have self-study CD-ROMS which include video material and interactive case studies. Challenge your students with 'Case Studies' that range from planning a project to choosing the best supplier. - Practise the skills needed to carry out real business tasks such as taking part in meetings; - Listening texts are based on interviews with real business people; - New Self-Study Multi-ROMs include a wide range of activities including interactive case studies and video. -
Market Leader: Pre-intermediate: Business English Course book (+ DVD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4082-3707-6 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Financial Times Язык: Русский Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times. -
Market Leader: Upper-Intermediate: Course Book (+ DVD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781408237090, 978-1-4082-3709-0 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited, Pearson Longman Язык: Русский The 3rd edition Course Book includes:
- All new reading texts from the Financial Times;
- All new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business;
- All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business;
- New "Business Across Cultures" spreads;
- New Vocabulary Trainer.
Language Leader (+ CD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4058-2688-4 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский Предлагаем вашему вниманию комплекс для изучения английского языка "Language Leader".
Средний уровень (Intermediate). -
Ключевые модели для саморазвития и управления персоналом. 75 моделей, которые должен знать каждый Дэвид Коттон
ISBN: 978-5-00101-061-6 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Лаборатория Знаний Язык: Русский В книге вы познакомитесь с объективным представлением основных моделей и инструментов, которые помогут вам развиваться в качестве менеджера, а также управлять другими людьми. Вы узнаете, что собой представляют эти инструменты, когда и как ими следует пользоваться, каковы их сильные стороны и подводные камни, на которые нужно обязательно обратить внимание.
Для менеджеров среднего и высшего звена, а также всех тех, кто интересуется вопросами менеджмента. -
New Language Leader. Advanced. Coursebook with MyEnglishLab Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4479-4816-2, 978-1-4479-6142-0 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Pearson New Language Leader - пятиуровневый курс английского языка, разработанный для молодежи и взрослых, уже владеющих базовыми навыками английского языка, и желающих углубить свои знания, языковые и коммуникативные навыки, навыки 21го века, а также подготовиться к сдаче экзаменов (CEFR A1 - C1).
Учебник состоит из 12 тематических модулей, каждый из которых включает разнообразные учебные материалы и упражнения, направленные на развитие языковых навыков, таких как чтение, аудирование, устная и письменная речь, грамматики и лексики, а также содержит раздел, предлагающий к рассмотрению различные жизненные ситуации, и помогающий студентам применить полученные знания на практике. Помимо этого, каждый модуль включает видеозаписи, содержащие подлинные интервью с настоящими профессионалами в различных сферах деятельности, которые делятся своим опытом с учащимися.
К этой версии учебника прилагается код доступа к платформе MyEnglishLab и ссылка для скачивания аудио- и видеоматериалов.
With a good balance of general and academic English, New Language Leader develops knowledge and skills that students need to learn and succeed in a globalised world. Contemporary topics stimulate discussions and develop critical thinking. Study skills and materials embedded in every unit offer your students a ready-made "how to succeed in my studies" toolkit. -
Ключевые модели для саморазвития и управления персоналом. 75 моделей, которые должен знать каждый менеджер Дэвид Коттон
ISBN: 978-5-00101-963-3 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Лаборатория Знаний Язык: Русский В книге вы познакомитесь с объективным представлением основных моделей и инструментов, которые помогут вам развиваться в качестве менеджера, а также управлять другими людьми. Вы узнаете, что собой представляют эти инструменты, когда и как ими следует пользоваться, каковы их сильные стороны и подводные камни, на которые нужно обязательно обратить внимание.
Для менеджеров среднего и высшего звена, а также всех тех, кто интересуется вопросами менеджмента.
В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн. -
Market Leader. Elementary. Flexi A + DVD + CD Дэвид Коттон
ISBN: 9781292126081 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Pearson Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers.
It has been developed in association with the Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issues and builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business. -
New Language Leader: Advanced: Coursebook Гарет Рис, Ian Lebeau, Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4479-6143-7 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский The Coursebook is divided into 12 units each with relevant sections, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. Exam practice is embedded at the end of each unit to prepare students for high-stakes tests like IELTS and PTE Academic. -
Market Leader. Upper Intermediate. Flexi B + DVD + CD Дэвид Коттон
ISBN: 9781292126159 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Pearson Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers.
It has been developed in association with the Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issues and builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business. -
Market Leader. Upper Intermediate. Coursebook with DVD-ROM and BEC Booklet Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781292098906 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Pearson Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world. -
New Language Leader: Intermediate: Coursebook Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781447961499, 978-1-4479-6149-9 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Pearson Education Язык: Русский New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world. -
New Language Leader: Upper Intermediate (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4479-4841-4 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Pearson Education Язык: Русский New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world. -
New Language Leader: Intermediate (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Pearson Education Язык: Русский With its combination of stimulating, informational content and systematic skills work, Language Leader is the ideal course to develop students' analytical and communicative skills. -
Language Leader: Upper Intermediate: Coursebook (+ CD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 9781405826891, 978-1-4058-2689-1 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Pearson Education Limited Язык: Русский With its combination of stimulating, informational content and systematic skills work, Language Leader is the ideal course to develop students' analytical and communicative excellence.
Language Leader is a general adult course that provides a thought-provoking and purposeful approach to learning English. With its engaging content and systematic skills work, it is the ideal course for students who want to express their ideas and develop their communicative abilities. It includes: - Motivating and informative texts which improve reading and listening skills; - Scenario lessons that focus on key language and work towards a final communicative task; - Systematic grammar and vocabulary practice with extensive recycling and frequent review units; - A strong focus on study skills encouraging independent learning; - A stimulating and comprehensive writing syllabus. -
Market Leader: Upper Intermediate: Business English Active Teach Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4082-5998-6 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Pearson Education Язык: Русский This Interactive Whiteboard software is the perfect classroom tool to bring lessons alive and motivate students. It offers the teacher all the Students' Book lessons, audio and video at the press of a button in the classroom as well as a wealth of additional resources to help prepare lessons, such as extra downloadable activities, tests and workshops to upgrade their teaching skills. -
Market Leader B1-B2: Intermediate: Active Teach Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 978-1-4082-5996-2 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Pearson Longman Язык: Русский Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast changing world of business. The 3rd Edition Coursebooks include new reading texts from the Financial Times and new case studies with opinions on DVD from successful consultants. The DVD-ROM also includes authentic video materials with printable worksheets and interviews with business experts.
The 3rd edition Course Book includes: - All new reading texts from the Financial Times - All new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business - All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business - New "Business Across Cultures" spreads - New Vocabulary Trainer -
Language Leader: Intermediate: Coursebook (+ CD-ROM) Дэвид Коттон, Дэвид Фэлвей, Саймон Кент
ISBN: 1-408-29851-1 Год издания: 2013 Язык: Русский The Language Leader Intermediate Coursebook has 12 units covering factual topics from advertising to engineering. After every 3 units there is a review spread which practices the language that has been taught.
It contains:
- Motivating and informative texts which improve reading and listening skills;
- Scenario lessons that focus on key language and work towards a final communicative task;
- Systematic grammar and vocabulary practice with extensive recycling and frequent review units;
- A strong focus on study skills encouraging independent learning;
- A stimulating and comprehensive writing syllabus The CD-ROM contains listening activities, grammar and vocabulary exercises, dictionary work and a writing section.
MyLanguageLeaderLab is a powerful online teaching and learning tool. It gives teachers and students unlimited access to course materials that are automatically marked to give instant feedback - anytime, anywhere. All activities are fully integrated with the popular adult English course Language Leader, which is known for its strong reading and writing syllabus, its focus on study skills and communicative methodology. For teachers: * An unparalleled combination of tools and resources to take online learning and support to new levels.
- A wealth of interactive activities which can be assigned as online homework and save teachers time;
- Easy assignment of activities according to your students' individual learning needs helps you to improve results.