Кори Тейлор

Corey Todd Taylor

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Новинки Кори Тейлора

  • Anthrax. Среди живых. Комикс Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-5-04-197932-4
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Эксмо, Комильфо
    Язык: Русский
    В 1987 году Anthrax выпустила исторический альбом, краеугольный камень хэви-метала и поп-культуры — Among The Living.

    И теперь Anthrax и Z2 предлагают по-новому исследовать его в этой антологии! Удивительные творческие команды выпустили комиксы по мотивам каждой песни. А также в сборник вошли дополнительные материалы и представление нового Нотмена, дизайном которого занимался Грег Никотеро («Ходячие мертвецы»).

    Отправляйтесь в тёмное путешествие в андеграунд Америки 87-го вместе с целой россыпью маститых творцов! Над книгой работали: Брайан Посен, Джерард Уэй, Дэрик Робертсон, Скотт Иэн, Кори Тейлор, Грант Моррисон, Брайан Азарелло, Рик Ремендер, Роб Зомби и многие другие
  • America 51 Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-0306825446
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Da Capo Press
    Язык: Английский
    A skewering of the American underbelly by the New York Times bestselling author of Seven Deadly Sins, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven, and You're Making Me Hate You

    The always-outspoken hard rock vocalist Corey Taylor begins America 51 with a reflection on what his itinerant youth and frequent worldwide travels with his multiplatinum bands Slipknot and Stone Sour have taught him about what it means to be an American in an increasingly unstable world. He examines the way America sees itself, specifically with regard to the propaganda surrounding America's origins (like a heavy-metal Howard Zinn), while also celebrating the quirks and behavior that make a true-blue American. Taylor likewise takes a look at how the world views us, and his findings should come as a surprise to no one. But behind Taylor's ranting and raving is a thoughtful and intelligent consideration, and even a sadness, of what America is compared to what it could and should be.

    Expertly balancing humor, outrage, and disbelief, Taylor examines the rotting core of America, evaluating everything from politics and race relations to modern family dynamics, millennials, and "man buns." No element of what constitutes America is safe from his adept and scathing eye. Continuing the wave of moral outrage begun in You're Making Me Hate You, Taylor flawlessly skewers contemporary America in his own signature style.
  • You're Making Me Hate You Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 9781473503014
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    In his first book, front man of Slipknot and Stone Sour, Corey Taylor took on the Seven Deadly Sins, pulling them apart to reveal all that is irrelevant and wrong about the vices in the modern world through his own uniquely hilarious yet ferocious style. But in Corey's eyes that's not all that is wrong with the world today...

    From bad music, fame and infomercials to raising kids, sex and airport security, You're Making Me Hate You is the result of a one-man mission to demonstrate the alarming rise in worldwide idiocy, buffoonery and out-and-out disregard for intelligent thought.

    Rant-filled but eloquent, shocking but intelligent, this is bestselling author Corey Taylor at his most Corey Taylor and he doesn't leave himself out either... turns out he's just as f***ing stupid as the rest of us, too.
  • You're Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-0306823589
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Da Capo Press
    Язык: Английский

    Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor's third book is a searingly hilarious trawl through the endless backwaters of human stupidity, by the bestselling author of Seven Deadly Sins and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven Corey Taylor has had it. Had it with the vagaries of human behavior and life in this postmodern digital blanked-out waiting room that passes for a world. Reality TV, awful music, terrible drivers, megamalls, airports, family reunions, bad fashion choices, other people's monstrous children, and badly-behaved "adult" human beings are warping life in the twenty-first century into an often-unbearable endurance…

  • Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 9781473502994
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    Corey Taylor has seen a lot of unbelievable things. The Grammy Award-winning singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour's curiosity has drawn him into situations that wouldve sent most people screaming scared and running for the hills. Coreys ballsy enough to go into the darkness and deal with the consequences though. As a result, hes seen ghosts up close and personal, whether it be while combing through an abandoned house in his native Iowa as a child or recording an album in the fabled Houdini Hollywood Hills mansion. Hes also got the memories (and scars) to prove it. For some reason, he cant seem to shake these spectral stories, and that brings us to this little tome right here...

    At the same time, being an erudite, tattooed, modern Renaissance Man, he never bought into the whole God thing. Simply put, hes seen ghosts, but he hasnt seen Jesus. Corey especially cant find a reason why people do the insane things they do in HIS name. Thats where everything really gets interesting.

    His second book, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven, compiles Coreys most intimate, incredible, and insane moments with the supernatural. His memories are as vivid as they are vicious. As he recounts these stories, he questions the validity of religious belief systems and two-thousand-year-old dogma. As always his rapid-fire writing, razor sharp sense of humour, unbridled honesty, and cosy anecdotes make quite the case for his point. You might end up believing him or not. Thats up to you, of course. Either way, youre in for a hell of ride.
  • A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven,or How I Made Peace with the Paranormal and Stigmatized Zealots and Cynics in the Process Corey Taylor
    ISBN: 978-0306821646
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Da Capo Press
    Язык: Английский
    In this book, Corey Taylor undertakes something never before attempted in the history of rock superstardom: he takes you with him as he journeys undercover through various ghostbusting groups who do their best to gather information and evidence about the existence of spirits. Some are more credible than others, and, frankly, some are completely insane, but all are observed with appropriate seriousness as Taylor attempts to better understand some of the spooky things that have happened to him in his life, especially that night at the Cold House.

    But that’s not all, folks. Taylor once again gives you a behind-the-scenes tour of his crazy life and the many beyond-the-grave events he’s encountered. (You’ll be shocked how often Slipknot has been invaded by the supernatural.) Taylor also touches on his religious background and how it led him to believe in much more than the Man in the Sky.
  • Забавный случай по дороге в Рай Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-0306821646
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Da Capo Press
    Языки: Английский, Русский
    Corey Taylor has seen a lot of unbelievable things. However, many of his most incredible experiences might just shock you. For much of his life, he has brushed up against the supernatural world and he's seen ghosts up close and personal-whether it be while combing an abandoned house in his native Iowa as a child or recording with Slipknot in the fabled "Houdini" Hollywood Hills mansion. He's also got the memories (and scars) to prove it.
  • Die sieben Todsünden Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 9783854453536
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Hannibal Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Über kaum eine Band wird so kontrovers diskutiert wie über die US-amerikanische Nu-Metal- und Alternative-Metal-Formation Slipknot. Der Name ist Programm: "Slipknot" ist das englische Wort für den Henkersknoten. In der Öffentlichkeit tritt die Band in einheitlichen Overalls auf, nur die gruseligen Gesichtsmasken sind individuell gestaltet. Die insgesamt neun Musiker sind von 0 bis 8 durchnummeriert, nur so sind sie bei ihren spektakulären Bühnenauftritten zu unterscheiden: 2006 gewann Slipknot einen Grammy für die beste Heavy-Metal-Performance. Das martialische Auftreten ist keinesfalls nur Fassade, es spiegelt auch den echten Lebenswandel der Band wider: Corey Taylor, Sänger und Frontmann der Band, trägt die Nummer "8". Er ist gleichzeitig auch Sänger und Gitarrist der Band Stone Sour, die - im Gegensatz zu Slipknot - eher melodischen Hardrock spielt und zuletzt 2010 bei "Rock am Ring" auftrat. Taylor ist berühmt für seine mitunter verstörende Bühnenshow. Er führt ein ausschweifendes Leben mit Alkohol, Medikamenten, Drogen und Sex. Mit wachsender Berühmtheit nahmen diese Exzesse immer weiter zu. In Taylors erstem Buch geht es um die vom Christentum gefürchteten "sieben Todsünden": Hochmut, Geiz, Wollust, Zorn, Völlerei, Neid und Feigheit. Corey Taylor beschreibt, wie er selbst zu diesen Sünden steht und wie er sie alle begangen hat. Er selbst hält diese Sünden für eine menschliche Schwäche, die jeder einmal durchleben muss. Eine spannende autobiografische Geschichte, die durch das Prisma der sieben Todsünden erzählt wird.
  • Seven Deadly Sins Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 9781448117093
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    'I was 22 years old, a hard-on with a pulse: wretched, vice-ridden, too much to burn and not enough minutes in a hour to do so'

    The action begins in West Des Moines, Iowa, where Corey Taylor, frontman of heavy metal bands Slipknot and Stone Sour, systematically set about committing each of the Seven Deadly Sins. He has picked fights with douche bags openly brandishing guns. He has set himself on fire at parties and woken up in dumpsters after cocaine binges. He lost his virginity at eleven. He got rich and famous and immersed himself in booze, women, and chaos until one day he realised, suddenly, that he didn't need any of that at all.

    Now updated with a brand new chapter, Seven Deadly Sins is a brutally honest look at 'a life that could have gone horribly wrong at any turn', and the soul-searching and self-discovery it took to set it right.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Settling the Argument Between Born Bad and Damaged Good Кори Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-0306819278
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Da Capo Press
    Язык: Английский
    For the first time, Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor speaks directly to his fans and shares his worldview about life as a sinner. And Taylor knows how to sin. As a small-town hero in the early '90s, he threw himself into a fierce-drinking, drug-abusing, hard-loving, live-for-the moment life. Soon Taylor's music exploded, and he found himself rich, wanted, and on the road. His new and ever-more extreme lifestyle had an unexpected effect, however; for the first time, he began to actively think about what it meant to sin and whether sinning could--or should--be recast in a different light. Seven Deadly Sins is Taylor's personal story, but it's also a larger discussion of what it means to be seen as either a "good" person or a "bad" one. Yes, Corey Taylor has broken the law and hurt people, but, if sin is what makes us human, how wrong can it be?