Сью Парминтер – лучшие книги
- 1 произведение
- 16 изданий на 2 языках
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Happy Earth: Teachers Book 2 Сью Парминтер, Билл Боулер
ISBN: 9780194732932, 978-0-19-473293-2 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Русский A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses. -
Happy Earth 1: Activity Book (+ CD-ROM) Сью Парминтер, Билл Боулер
ISBN: 978-0-19-473288-8 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Русский A new edition of Happy Earth, the best-selling, topic-based course that builds on early reading and writing, extending vocabulary and structures from the first years of English. By drawing on a wide range of factual information, it develops children's language skills and awareness of the world.
For the student:
- The Class Book features topic-based units with authentic materials, a multi-skill approach, skills review sections, cross-curricular 'Take-home' projects, an adventure story giving insight into the culture of different countries, and festival pages.
- The Activity Book provides vocabulary and grammar practice, a writing syllabus with real-life tasks and guided picture composition, pronunciation puzzles, spelling work, self-assessment, and a picture dictionary. It includes a MultiROM with vocabulary review games, songs, and activities in the style of Young Learners' Exams.
For the teacher:
- The Teacher's Book provides detailed notes on factual topics and cultural background, teaching ideas, extra games, unit tests and four revision tests.
- 3 Class Audio CDs with songs, chants, dialogues, stories, and audio for tests.
- Oxford iTools, with Digital Class Resources, a Worksheet Builder, and a Test Builder.
- A Teacher's Resource Pack, with 8 posters, and 2 Teacher's Resource Books with photocopiable masters for pair work and craft work. -
Happy Earth: Level 1: Teachers Book Сью Парминтер, Билл Боулер
ISBN: 9780194732864, 978-0-19-473286-4 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Русский Курс рекомендуется использовать после курсов Happy House и Happy Street.
Преимущества нового издания:
- Рабочая тетрадь с интерактивным диском для самостоятельной работы учащихся;
- Буклет материалов для оценки полученных знаний;
- 2 двухсторонних постера;
- Набор дополнительных материалов для преподавателя;
- Диск iTools для интерактивной доски с возможностью создавать собственные учебные материалы.
Ключевые характеристики:
- Для детей 9-11 лет, имеющих двухлетнюю подготовку к чтению и письму;
- Знакомство с окружающим миром через стихи, песни, комиксы;
- Четкое обозначение новых языковых структур, способствующее аналитическому усвоению грамматики;
- В каждом уровне - две пьесы для чтения вслух и разыгрывания по ролям;
- Большое разнообразие заданий на развитие навыков чтения;
- Ресурсный диск iTools для интерактивной доски с возможностью создания индивидуальных заданий и тестов;
- Книга для учителя: ксерокопируемые материалы для групп с различным уровнем знаний;
- Материал для подготовки к Кембриджским экзаменам (CYL). -
Happy Earth New Edition: Class Book 2 Сью Парминтер, Билл Боулер
ISBN: 978-0-19-473291-8 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Русский A new edition of Happy Earth, the best-selling, topic-based course that builds on early reading and writing, extending vocabulary and structures from the first years of English. By drawing on a wide range of factual information, it develops children's language skills and awareness of the world.
Class Book features topic-based units with authentic materials, a multi-skill approach, skills review sections, cross-curricular Take-home projects, an adventure story giving insight into the culture of different countries, and festival pages. -
Happy Earth: Class Book 1 Сью Парминтер, Билл Боулер
ISBN: 978-0-19-433846-2 Год издания: 2001 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Русский HAPPY EARTH is a two-level topic-based course for children who are ready to build on early reading and writing. It is suitable for use after Happy Street, and extends the vocabulary and structures from the first years of English. Through a wide range of factual information, it develops the children's language skills and awareness of the world.
Class Book
- Topic-based units with world information, animal fun, and fantasy.
- Reading texts with an authentic feel.
- Songs, chants, and "make-and-do" activities with a language focus.
- A puzzle adventure story, "Where on Earth?", giving a flavour of culture in different countries.
- 4 "Do you remember?" revision sections.
- 4 optional "Read all about it! " extended reading sections.
- 2 plays for acting in small groups.