Iwonna Dubicka
  • 24 книги
  • 1 читатель
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Iwonna Dubicka – лучшие книги

  • English for International Tourism: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-0-582-47989-0, 0-582-47989-4
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Longman
    Язык: Русский
    The multi-level series for students who need English for professional communication within the hotel and tourism industries.

    - Explore some of the world's top tourist destinations with material taken from Dorling Kindersley's acclaimed Eyewitness Travel Guides;
    - Bring the working world into the classroom with authentic material from companies such as British Airways, P&O Cruises and Alamo;
    - Build confidence in working in English with effective communication strategies for workplace situations such as giving advice, taking bookings and dealing with complaints.

    The Workbook reviews the language presented in the course, providing further practice and consolidation. It also features TOEIC style exercises which provide excellent preparation for the examination. A full answer key is included tor self-study.
  • English for International Tourism: Pre-intermediate Class Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-0582479883
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Longman
    Язык: Английский
    Bring the exciting world of tourism into your classroom with this three-level course which uses authentic materials, including Dorling Kindersleys Eyewitness Travel Guides
    - Brings the world of work into the classroom
    - Provides effective communication strategies for workplace situations
    - Develops language awareness through an integrated syllabus
  • Business Partner. B2+. Coursebook + MyEnglishLab Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292249001
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Pearson
    Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
    Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designed for students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.
    Each level is written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English to help learners evaluate their progress.
  • Business Partner. B2+. Coursebook Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292233574
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Pearson
    Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
    Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designed for students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.
    Each level is written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English to help learners evaluate their progress.
  • Business Partner. B2+. Coursebook and Interactive eBook with MyEnglishLab and Digital Resources Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292392998
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Pearson
    Business Partner предоставляет студентам практическую подготовку, необходимую для преодоления разрыва между аудиторией и миром труда. Курс помогает учащимся добиться ощутимого прогресса в изучении английского языка, одновременно повышая их шансы на трудоустройство.
    Business Partner не предполагает каких-либо знаний о рабочем месте и предназначен для студентов без опыта работы. В нем также содержится множество предложений и альтернативных способов использования материала для тех студентов, которые уже работают.
    Для каждого уровня составлена учебная программа, основанная на глобальной шкале целей изучения делового английского языка, чтобы помочь учащимся оценить свой прогресс.
    Учебник включает в себя: восемь разделов, содержащих по пять уроков в каждом, и соответствующие им тематические бизнес-семинары; обзорная глава в каждом разделе для повторения и закрепления изученного ранее материала; глоссарий ключевой деловой лексики.
    Эта версия учебника содержит доступ к платформе MyEnglishLab, включающей доступ к интерактивной рабочей тетради с автоматической оценкой для самостоятельной работы и доступ к цифровым ресурсам, таким как аудиозаписи и видеофайлы для работы с учебником, аудиозаписи для работы с рабочей тетрадью, дополнительные занятия и другие материалы.
    Так же к изданию прилагается код доступа к интерактивной электронной версии учебника.
    Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
    Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designed for students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.
    Each level is written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English to help learners evaluate their progress.
    Coursebook includes: eight units with five lessons each, eight case study business workshop lessons relating to each of the eight units, a review in each unit revises key language and grammar, pronunciation practice for each unit, detailed grammar reference, video and audio scripts, a glossary of key business vocabulary.
    Digital Resources (available on MyEnglishLab) includes: coursebook video clips and scripts, coursebook audio recordings and scripts, workbook audio recordings and scripts, extra coursebook activities (PDFs), interactive video activities and interactive grammar presentation and practice, reading bank, writing bank, functional language bank, My Self-Assessment for students to record their progress.
  • Business Partner. B1+. Coursebook Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292233550
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Pearson
    Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.
    Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designed for students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.
    Each level is written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English to help learners evaluate their progress.
  • Market Leader. Elementary. Coursebook + DVD-ROM + MyEnglishLab Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292134741
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pearson
    Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers.
    It has been developed in association with the Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issues and builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business.
  • Market Leader. Elementary. Coursebook + DVD Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781292134758
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pearson
    Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers.
    It has been developed in association with the Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issues and builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business.
  • Market Leader: C1-C2: Advanced (CD-ROM) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-1-4082-5994-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Pearson Education
    Язык: Русский
    It provides the Course Book in digital format and includes:
    - Course Book pages with zoom feature;
    - Video interviews and case study commentaries;
    - Class audio with time coded audio script;
    - Interactive Activities;
    - Phonetic chart ;
    - Teacher's notes and printable worksheets;
    - Help video to demonstrate functionality;
    - i-Glossary, Grammar Reference and Writing Files.
  • Market Leader: Advanced Business English Course Book (+ CD-ROM, 2 CD) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9781405881333
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pearson Education
    Язык: Английский
    Challenge your students with "Case Studies" that range from planning a project to choosing the best supplier . Practise the skills needed to carry out real business tasks such as taking part in meetings. Listening texts are based on interviews with real business people. New Self-Study CD-ROMs include a wide range of activities including interactive case studies and video.
  • English for International Tourism Pre-Intermediate (+ DVD-ROM) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-1-4479-2387-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pearson Education Limited
    Язык: Русский
    ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL TOURISM is a three-level series designed to meet the English language needs of professionals working in the tourism industry and students of tourism in further education. The course includes authentic material taken from Dorling Kindersley's acclaimed Eyewitness Travel Guides which explore some of the world's top tourist destinations.
    The series enables learners to:
    - develop language awareness;
    - acquire specialized tourism terminology;
    - build confidence in the professional skills needed for the tourist industry;
    - practise language skills in realistic Case Studies reflecting topical tourism issues.

    The DVD-ROM accompanying the Coursebook includes:
    - Travel DVDs with accompanying worksheets;
    - Audio files in MP3 format.
  • Market Leader: Advanced: Business English Course Book (+ DVD-ROM) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-1-4082-3703-8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Financial Times
    Язык: Русский
    The 3rd edition Course Book includes:
    - All new reading texts from the Financial Times;
    - All new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business;
    - All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business;
    - New 'Business Across Cultures' spreads.
  • Market Leader: Advanced Business English Teacher's Resource Book (+ CD-ROM) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 978-1-4058-4266-2, 1-4058-4347-0
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Pearson Education Limited
    Язык: Русский
    From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Following on from Market Leader Upper Intermediate, Market Leader Advanced is part of a distinctive, five-level business English course. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the Financial Times and other sources, the course offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide.
    Essential business content and skills: -
    Critical business issues of our time: topics include training, public/private partnerships, consultants, strategy and project management. -
    Case studies in each Course Book unit for real practice of key business skills.
    Choice and Flexibility.
    The wide range of components support teachers and offer choice and flexibility.
    The Teacher's Resource Book provides a general introduction to the course, detailed teaching notes, the business background to each unit, a Text bank of extra reading texts and a Resource Bank of photocopiable communication activities for classroom use.

    Формат: 21 см x 29,5 см.
  • Market Leader: Advanced Business English Course Book (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Iwonna Dubicka
    ISBN: 9780582895584
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Pearson Longman
    Язык: Русский
    From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tommorow's business leaders. Following on from 'Market Leader Upper Intermediate', 'Market Leader Advanced' is part of a distinctive, five-level business English course. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the Financial Times and other sources, the course offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide.