Тереза Авильская

Teresa de Ávila

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Лучшие книги Святой Терезы Авильской

  • Внутренний замок Святая Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 5-88403-032-0
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Истина и Жизнь
    Язык: Русский
    Самой значительной книгой Терезы стал «Внутренний замок». В этом мистическом трактате она изображает душу как замок с многочисленными комнатами, в центре которого находится Христос. Тот, кто преуспеет в жизни во Христе и в молитве, переходит из одной обители в другую, пока не пройдет, наконец, в самую сокровенную комнату. При этом каждому переходу из обители в обитель соответствует своя особая молитва.
  • Жизнь в молитве Святая Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 978-966-7698-50-8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Издательство Христианского Библейского Братства святого апостола Павла
    Язык: Русский
    Святая Тереза Авильская, монахиня Ордена кармелиток, на протяжении трех лет страдала тяжелой болезнью - ее ноги были парализованы. Но после таких испытаний жизнь Терезы наполнилась необычайной жаждой к Богу и молитве, жаждой, которая до сих пор побуждает людей переосмыслить свое духовное состояние.
    Произведение "Жизнь в молитве" - это призыв к нашим сердцам через молитву познать Господа глубже. "В таком молитвенном состоянии душа осознает, что Бог проводит свою работу без какого-либо давления на разум. Как замечательно видеть Господа таким добрым Садовником души!"
    Работы Терезы Авильской взывают к сердцам христиан живыми метафорами, тонко и непринужденно просвещая путь души. Произведения этой служительницы Божьей, как и вся ее жизнь, подтверждают, что каждый из нас может иметь Жизнь в молитве.
  • The Book of My Life (audiobook) Teresa de Ávila
    ISBN: 9781590308653
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Shambhala Audio
    Язык: Английский
    She was the last person anyone would have expected to become a nun, yet she became one of the most celebrated nuns of all time. She was a brilliant administrator when such vocations were virtually closed to women. And above all, she combined an astonishing proclivity for ecstatic union with God with down-to-earth practicality and good humor. Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582) is one of the most beloved of the Catholic saints. During the era of the Spanish Inquisition, Teresa wrote an account of the mystical experiences for which she had become famous. The result was this book—one of the great classics of spiritual autobiography.
    With this fresh, contemporary translation of The Book of My Life, Mirabai Starr brings the beloved Spanish mystic to life for a new generation. And in this audio edition, Tessa Bielecki delivers such an engaging reading of The Book of My Life that it seems as if we are listening to Teresa of Ávila herself.
    This audiobook also includes Teresa of Ávila’s “bookmark” prayer, sung in English and Spanish. This moving prayer was found in Teresa’s prayer book after her death, and it is another lingering display of her deep connection to the Divine.

    6 hours, abridged.
  • Santa Teresa de Jesus (Obras selectas series) Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 8484038823
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionThe classic works of literature contained in each of these volumes represent each author's best and most famous writings. A wonderful introduction to world literature, this finely crafted and affordable series offers the works of
  • Das Buch meines Lebens (Gesammelte Werke, Band 1) Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 978-3451052118
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Herder
    In ihrer Autobiographie gibt Teresa von Avila Einblick in ihren inneren Werdegang, ihre außerordentlichen geistigen Erfahrungen und ihren Weg in einer von Männern beherrschten Gesellschaft und Kirche.
  • The Way of Perfection Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 9780385065399
    Год издания: 1991
    Язык: Английский
    Of all of Teresa of Avila's works, The Way of Perfection is the most easily understood. Written at the height of the controversy surrounding the reforms Teresa instituted in the Carmelite order, it instructed the nuns in the practice of prayer. Teresa discusses the three essentials of a prayer-filled life -- fraternal love, detachment from material things, and true humility. Her counsels on these are the fruit of her practical experience. The book develops these ideas and takes up directly the matters of prayer and contemplation. Teresa gives various maxims for the practice of prayer and concludes the book with her masterful and impassioned version of the Lord's Prayer. "How is it that Thou canst give us so much with Thy first word?" she says of the "Our" at the beginning of that prayer.

    The simple and practical nature of this mystical classic will appeal to all who seek a life of wholeness.
  • The Life of Saint Teresa Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 0140440739
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский
    Born in the Castilian town of Avila in 1515, Teresa entered the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation when she was twenty-one. Tormented by illness, doubts and self-recrimination, she gradually came to recognize the power of prayer and contemplation - her spiritual enlightenment was intensified by many visions and mystical experiences, including the piercing of her heart by a spear of divine love. She went on to found seventeen Carmelite monasteries throughout Spain. Teresa always denied her own saintliness, however, saying in a letter: 'There is no suggestion of that nonsense about my supposed sanctity'. This frank account is one of the great stories of a religious life and a literary masterpiece - after "Don Quixote", it is Spain's most widely read prose classic.
  • The Interior Castle Тереза Авильская
    This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Interior Castle, or The Mansions, was written by St. Teresa of ?vila, the Spanish Discalced Carmelite nun and famed mystic, in 1577 as a guide for spiritual development through service and prayer. Inspired by her vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, she interpreted life as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God.
  • Saint Teresa of ?vila: Collected Works Тереза Авильская
    ISBN: 4066338119896
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Язык: Английский
    This book presents a compilation of the greatest works on spiritual development and life by St. Theresa of Avilla. As a reformer of the church doctrines, Theresa rethought the notion of spiritual development and created her own methodic of contemplative life that should lead to spiritual perfection. As a creator of the new order, she created these works to teach her followers of her methods, which consisted of meditation, spiritual quiet, the daily prayer, which should eventually lead to spiritual unity with the Creator. Each of the presented books had a significant impact on the development of Christian thought and belonged to the most important achievements of the Spanish literary heritage. This edition includes: "The Interior Castle" – is a guide to spiritual development through service and prayer. It is one of the leading books in the oeuvre of Saint Therese of Avilla and one of the most famous works in Spanish literature. The book was inspired by Theresa's vision of a soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle with seven mansions. She interpreted this dream as the spiritual journey through seven stages, after which a soul is united with God. "Way of Perfection" – is a spiritual instruction given by Theresa of Avila to the nuns of her new Order. She believed that spiritual perfection could be attained by overcoming four stages of prayer: meditation, quiet, repose of soul, and perfect union with God. According to Theresa, the last stage of spiritual development can often be equated to rapture. "The Life of St. Theresa of Avila" – In this book, she gives a warm and accessible account of her life, from childhood to the conflicts and crises she had, to her decision to enter a prayer life and become a spiritual leader and a passionate reformer of the church doctrines. Here, she talks about her education in sixteenth-century Spain, physical afflictions, and spiritual crises which led to visions and mystical encounters. She also gives lyrical descriptions of the ecstatic feelings she experienced during her raptures. Alongside Don Quixote, this book is a treasure of Spanish prose and one of the most outstanding achievements of the world's literature.
  • La vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús Тереза Авильская
    Язык: Испанский
    En este libro Teresa no solamente habla de su vida. Tiene un total de 40 capítulos. Del 1 al 10 trata de su biografía y su vida interior desde la infancia hasta la entrada en el convento, del 11 a 22 trata de los grados de oración, del 23 al 31 sobre la unión mística y del 37 al 40 sobre las mercedes que le ha hecho Dios