Дженнифер А. Нельсен

Jennifer A. Nielsen

  • 36 книг
  • 13 подписчиков
  • 249 читателей
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Лучшие книги Дженнифер А. Нельсен

  • Фальшивый принц Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 978-5-17-077012-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Пятнадцатилетний сирота Сейдж — воспитанник приюта, хозяйка которого ничуть не возражает, когда дети воруют: меньше кормить. Сейдж давно уже привык таскать что попало – и быстро-быстро улепетывать от разъяренных хозяев продуктовых лавок. Дерзкий, хутроумный и самовольный, Сейдж – головная боль воспитателей, если кого-нибудь из них можно так назвать. Однажды за ним в приют является знатный господин, наделенный властью. У Коннера еще трое таких, как Сейдж. И он намерен подвергнуть этих сирот тяжкому испытанию. Однажды они узнают, что их миссия – спасти королевство Картия, даже ценой жизни.

  • Игра предательницы Дженнифер А. Нильсен
    ISBN: 978-5-04-093160-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Шестнадцатилетняя Кестра Даллисор принадлежит к привилегированной семье, которая служит Лорду Эндрику – жестокому правителю Андоры. Однажды ночью девушку похищают повстанцы, желающие лишить власти ее отца и уничтожить безжалостного тирана. Кестра решает остановить мятежников, но, став частью их плана, она начинает понимать, что действительно происходит в королевстве. Теперь ей предстоит сделать выбор: спасти свою семью или освободить свою страну. Кестра никогда не будет готова к препятствиям, которые приготовила ей судьба, но она уже в игре, где нет победителей или проигравших, где никому нельзя доверять и единственный выход – победить…

  • Сбежавший король Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 978-5-17-085853-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Воспитанник приюта Сейдж с изумлением узнает, что на самом деле он — Джерон, король Картии. Но далеко не все рады возвращению законного правителя. Не прошло и месяца с тех пор, как он взошел на трон, а на него уже совершено покушение. Королевство полнится слухами о грядущей войне. Во дворце плетут интриги… И молодой король исчезает. Похищен или сбежал? Герой он или предатель? Сможет ли он когда-нибудь вернуться домой? И чем придется пожертвовать, чтобы спасти королевство? Продолжение бестселлера Дж. А. Нельсен «Фальшивый принц» — лучшей книги года по версии «Нью-Йорк Таймс»!

  • Mark of the Thief Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 9780545561556
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский

    When Nic, a slave in the mines outside of Rome, is forced to enter a sealed cavern containing the lost treasures of Julius Caesar, he finds much more than gold and gemstones: He discovers an ancient bulla, an amulet that belonged to the great Caesar and is filled with a magic once reserved for the Gods -- magic some Romans would kill for. Now, with the deadly power of the bulla pulsing through his veins, Nic is determined to become free. But instead, he finds himself at the center of a ruthless conspiracy to overthrow the emperor and spark the Praetor War, a battle to destroy Rome from within. Traitors and spies lurk at every turn, each…

  • The Shadow Throne: Book 3 of the Ascendance Trilogy Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 978-0545284189
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    War has come to Carthya. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when Jaron learns that King Vargan of Avenia has kidnapped Imogen in a plot to bring Carthya to its knees, Jaron knows it is up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission. But everything that can go wrong does.

    His friends are flung far and wide across Carthya and its neighboring lands. In a last-ditch effort to stave off what looks to be a devastating loss for the kingdom, Jaron undertakes what may be his last journey to save everything and everyone he loves. But even with his lightning-quick wit, Jaron cannot forestall the terrible danger that descends on him and his country. Along the way, will he lose what matters most? And in the end, who will sit on Carthya's throne?
  • A Night Divided Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 0545682428, 9780545682428
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen comes a stunning thriller about a girl who must escape to freedom after the Berlin Wall divides her family between east and west.

    With the rise of the Berlin Wall, twelve-year-old Gerta finds her family divided overnight. She, her mother, and her brother Fritz live on the eastern side, controlled by the Soviets. Her father and middle brother, who had gone west in search of work, cannot return home. Gerta knows it is dangerous to watch the wall, to think forbidden thoughts of freedom, yet she can't help herself. She sees the East German soldiers with their guns trained on their own citizens; she, her family, her neighbors and friends are prisoners in their own city.

    But one day, while on her way to school, Gerta spots her father on a viewing platform on the western side, pantomiming a peculiar dance. Then, when she receives a mysterious drawing, Gerta puts two and two together and concludes that her father wants Gerta and Fritz to tunnel beneath the wall, out of East Berlin. However, if they are caught, the consequences will be deadly. No one can be trusted. Will Gerta and her family find their way to freedom?
  • Битвы за престол (комплект из 5 книг) (сборник) Кэтрин Фишер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-093251-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Вашему вниманию предлагается комплект из 5 книг серии "Битвы за престол".
  • The Deceiver's Heart Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338045413
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский

    Kestra Dallisor has finally gained possession of the Olden Blade. With the dagger in her control, she attempts to destroy the tyrannical Lord Endrick. But when Kestra fails, the king strips her of her memory, and leaves her weak and uncertain, bound to obey him. Heartbroken, Simon is desperate to return Kestra to the rebel she was, but refuses to use magic to heal her. With untrusting Coracks and Halderians threatening to capture and kill her, and war looming on the horizon, Kestra and Simon will have to learn to trust each other again if they have any hope of surviving. But can a heart once broken ever be healed?

  • Rescue Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338621013
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Scholastic Inc.
    Six hundred and fifty-seven days ago, Meg Kenyon's father left their home in France to fight for the Allies in World War II, and that was the last time Meg saw him. Recently, she heard he was being held prisoner by the Nazis, a terrible sentence from which Meg fears he'll never return. All she has left of him are the codes he placed in a jar for her to decipher, an affectionate game the two of them shared. But the codes are running low, and soon there'll be nothing left of Papa for Meg to hold on to at all.
    Suddenly, an impossible chance to save her father falls into Meg's lap. After following a trail of blood in the snow, Meggie finds an injured British spy hiding in her grandmother's barn. Captain Stewart tells her that a family of German refugees must be guided across Nazi-occupied France to neutral Spain, whereupon one of them has promised to free Meg's father. Captain Stewart was meant to take that family on their journey, but too injured to complete the task himself, he offers it to Meg, along with a final code from Papa to help complete the mission - perhaps the most important, and most difficult, riddle she's received yet.
    As the Nazis flood Meg's village in fierce pursuit, she accepts the duty and begins the trek across France. Leading strangers through treacherous territory, Meg faces danger and uncertainty at every turn, all the while struggling to crack her father's code. The message, as she unravels it, reveals secrets costly enough to risk the mission and even her own life. Can Meg solve the puzzle, rescue the family, and save her father?
  • Iceberg Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338795028
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    The thrilling story of a young girl who stows away onboard the Titanic and as she explores, attempting to find answers to her many questions about the ship, suddenly finds herself caught up in the desperate struggle to survive after it strikes an iceberg.

    Hazel Rothbury is traveling all alone from her home in England aboard the celebrated ship Titanic. Following the untimely death of her father, Hazel’s mother is sending her to the US to work in a factory, so that she might send money back home to help her family make ends meet.

    But Hazel harbors a secret dream: She wants to be a journalist, and she just knows that if she can write and sell a story about the Titanic's maiden voyage, she could earn enough money to support her family and not have to go to a sweatshop. When Hazel discovers that mother didn’t send her with enough money for a ticket, she decides she must stow away onboard the storied ship.

    With the help of a porter named Charlie and a sweet first-class passenger named Sylvia, Hazel explores the opulent ship in secret, but a haunting mystery quickly finds her. The danger only intensifies when calamity strikes, and readers will be caught up in the terror and suspense alongside Hazel as she fights to save her friends and herself.

    Bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen weaves an extraordinary tapestry of survival and disaster in this magnificent thriller.
  • Rescue Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338620993
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Six hundred and fifty-seven days ago, Meg Kenyon's father left their home in France to fight for the Allies in World War II, and that was the last time Meg saw him. Recently, she heard he was being held prisoner by the Nazis, a terrible sentence from which Meg fears he'll never return. All she has left of him are the codes he placed in a jar for her to decipher, an affectionate game the two of them shared. But the codes are running low, and soon there'll be nothing left of Papa for Meg to hold on to at all.

    Suddenly, an impossible chance to save her father falls into Meg's lap. After following a trail of blood in the snow, Meggie finds an injured British spy hiding in her grandmother's barn. Captain Stewart tells her that a family of German refugees must be guided across Nazi-occupied France to neutral Spain, whereupon one of them has promised to free Meg's father. Captain Stewart was meant to take that family on their journey, but too injured to complete the task himself, he offers it to Meg, along with a final code from Papa to help complete the mission -- perhaps the most important, and most difficult, riddle she's received yet.

    As the Nazis flood Meg's village in fierce pursuit, she accepts the duty and begins the trek across France. Leading strangers through treacherous territory, Meg faces danger and uncertainty at every turn, all the while struggling to crack her father's code. The message, as she unravels it, reveals secrets costly enough to risk the mission and even her own life. Can Meg solve the puzzle, rescue the family, and save her father?
  • The Warriors Curse Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 978-1-338-04546-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Scholastic
    The stunning third book in Jennifer A. Nielsen's New York Times bestselling Traitor's Game series! Simon and Kestra are hurtling down paths ever farther from each other as the battle for control of Antora rages. Simon, newly king of the Halderians, is pressed on all sides by royal duties. Harlyn Mindell is his betrothed and intended queen, but Simon can't give up hope for a life with Kestra. Kestra, exiled, feels her magic growing -- and despite everyone's warnings, she knows she must embrace it. That power is the key to the kingdom's future. Both still strive to defeat the evil Lord Endrick, but danger awaits them on the murky road forward. And is a common enemy enough to help them survive -- or to carry them back to each other? Jennifer A. Nielsen delivers breathtaking twists and shocking revelations in an epic and action-packed third installment of The Traitor's Game.
  • Rise of the Wolf Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 9780545562041
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский

    A powerful amulet. A vengeful goddess. A deadly quest. Nic may have escaped enslavement in the mines outside of Rome, but his troubles are far from over. The Praetor War—the battle to destroy Rome from within—is in full force, and Nic is caught in the crossfire. The secretive Praetors are determined to unlock a powerful amulet—one sure to bring the empire to its knees. Worse, the Praetors believe Nic holds the key to finding this amulet, and they will stop at nothing to steal it, even if that means harming the people Nic holds most dear. When the Praetors capture Nic’s mother, Nic knows he must do anything to save her. He challenges…

  • The Warrior's Curse Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338045451
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Scholastic Inc.
    The stunning third book in Jennifer A. Nielsen's New York Times bestselling Traitor's Game series!
    Simon and Kestra are hurtling down paths ever farther from each other as the battle for control of Antora rages.
    Simon, newly king of the Halderians, is pressed on all sides by royal duties. Harlyn Mindell is his betrothed and intended queen, but Simon can't give up hope for a life with Kestra.
    Kestra, exiled, feels her magic growing - and despite everyone's warnings, she knows she must embrace it. That power is the key to the kingdom's future.
    Both still strive to defeat the evil Lord Endrick, but danger awaits them on the murky road forward. And is a common enemy enough to help them survive - or to carry them back to each other?
    Jennifer A. Nielsen delivers breathtaking twists and shocking revelations in an epic and action-packed third installment of The Traitor's Game.
  • The Deceiver's Heart Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338045420
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Scholastic Inc.
    In this sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game, Kestra Dallisor has finally gained possession of the Olden Blade. With the dagger in her control, she attempts to destroy the tyrannical Lord Endrick. But when Kestra fails, the king strips her of her memory, and leaves her weak and uncertain, bound to obey him. Heartbroken, Simon is desperate to return Kestra to the rebel she was, but refuses to use magic to heal her. With untrusting Coracks and Halderians threatening to capture and kill her, and war looming on the horizon, Kestra and Simon will have to learn to trust each other again if they have any hope of surviving. But can a heart once broken ever be healed?
    The Deceiver's Heart marks a stunning return to Jennifer A. Nielsen's gorgeously rendered world of Antora and all its treachery and magic.
  • The Traitor's Game Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 9781338045383
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Scholastic Inc.
    Nothing is as it seems in the kingdom of Antora. Kestra Dallisor has spent three years in exile in the Lava Fields, but that won't stop her from being drawn back into her father's palace politics. He's the right hand man of the cruel king, Lord Endrick, which makes Kestra a valuable bargaining chip. A group of rebels knows this all too well - and they snatch Kestra from her carriage as she reluctantly travels home. The kidnappers want her to retrieve the lost Olden Blade, the only object that can destroy the immortal king, but Kestra is not the obedient captive they expected. Simon, one of her kidnappers, will have his hands full as Kestra tries to foil their plot, by force, cunning, or any means necessary. As motives shift and secrets emerge, both will have to decide what - and who - it is they're fighting for.
    Jennifer A. Nielsen introduces us to an unforgettable new heroine in this epic tale of treachery and intrigue, love and deceit.
  • Horizon Book 2 Deadzone Дженнифер А. Нельсен
    ISBN: 978-1-338-12144-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Scholastic
    The survivors have made it out of the jungle, but they may be sorry they ever left when they stumble upon a whole new ecosystem, populated with entirely new threats.And the greatest threat of all may come from within. Because one of the kids is changing...The epic series begun by #1 New York Times bestseller Scott Westerfeld only gets bigger and bolder under the frenzied imagination of bestselling, critically acclaimed author Jennifer A. Nielsen!
  • Wrath of the Storm Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 9780545562072
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский

    Trouble has a way of seeking out Nicolas Calva, and it's not likely to leave him alone any time soon. With Caesar's magic bulla, the Malice of Mars, and the possibility of a Jupiter Stone in play, all the powers of Rome are circling Nic. He'll have to maneuver his way through scheming government officials and reawakened magical beasts to save the Empire. Can he manage to keep his friends and family safe, claim his own freedom once and for all, and rescue the Empire -- before the magic gets the better of him? With twists and turns on every page, critically acclaimed author Jennifer Nielsen weaves an epic, action-packed conclusion to her…

  • Elliot and the Last Underworld War Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 140224021X
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
    Язык: Английский
    As King of the Brownies, Elliot has battled Goblins, tricked Pixies, and trapped a Demon. But now, that Demon has escaped and he's ready for revenge. Elliot will face a challenge unlike anything he's seen before. The Last Underworld War is about to begin.
  • Elliot and the Pixie Plot Jennifer A. Nielsen
    ISBN: 1402240201
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
    Язык: Английский
    An entire floor of St. Phobics Hospital for Really Scared Children has been set aside just for readers of this book. You may wish to take a minute before you start reading and reserve yourself a bed there.

    As you read, you may begin to understand myctophobia (mic-tofo- be-a), or the fear of darkness. However, do not expect this book to help you with arachibutyrophobia (a-rak-i-something-be-a), the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

    If you can't get yourself to St. Phobics, then get every lamp, flashlight, and lantern you can find and drag them into your bedroom. Turn them all on. You'll need them until you're certain there is nothing lurking in the dark.

    At least, that's what Elliot wishes he had done.
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