Джонатан Эдвардс – лучшие книги
- 14 произведений
- 15 изданий на 4 языках
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Грешники в руках разгневанного Бога Джонатан Эдвардс
Язык: Русский Проповедь Джонатана Эдвардса «Грешники в руках разгневанного Бога» – это, вероятно, самая знаменитая проповедь в истории Америки. Проповедь была прочитана в Энфилде, Коннектикут, 8 июля 1741 года на пике Первого великого пробуждения. Это типичная пуританская «пробуждающая проповедь», которая предупреждает о суде, нависшем над неверующими людьми. Она также гласит о милосердии Бога, который сохраняет Своих врагов от немедленного низвержения в ад. Один из важных для Эдвардса моментов состоял в том, чтобы каждый человек прочувствовал его проповедь, так что он тщательно подбирал слова, чтобы его слушатели воспринимали эту тему именно как реальность. Для достижения этой цели он в своих объяснениях наряду с библейским учением использовал яркие образы. В результате этой проповеди слушатели пережили драматическое пробуждение. -
Религиозные чувства Джонатан Эдвардс
Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Come Over and Help Organization, Ins В данном труде Джонатан Эдварде показывает различия между истинной и ложной верой, а также он подчеркивает, насколько важно сделать все возможное, чтобы ясно распознать, в чем заключается истинная вера, и утвердиться в этом.
Для широкого круга читателей. -
Советы новообращенным Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 978-985-454-334-5 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Евангелие и Реформация Заканчивая свое университетское образование, Джонатан Эдвардс принял семьдесят твердых намерений, которых придерживался всю свою жизнь. Спустя двадцать лет он написал письмо юной Деборе Хэзервэй, жившей в соседнем городе, наставляя ее в вопросах христианской жизни.
Эти два произведения, неоднократно переиздававшиеся в восемнадцатом и девятнадцатом веках, предлагаю читателю глубоко библейские советы. Они так же актуальны сегодня, как и три столетия назад, и во многом превосходят современные книги о том, как быстро и просто устроить свою духовную жизнь. -
Свобода воли Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 978-966-2089-85-1 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Виссон Впервые изданный на русском языке трактат выдающегося американского теолога и проповедника эпохи Великого пробуждения Джонатана Эдвардса(1703-1758) посвящен вопросу свободы воли, который волновал философов и богословов во все времена и остается предметом споров и в наши дни. -
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9788027247561 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Английский This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. «Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God» combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of the scripture. It is Edwards' most famous written work, is a fitting representation of his preaching style, and is widely studied by Christians and historians, providing a glimpse into the theology of the Great Awakening of c. 1730–1755. The sermon emphasizes the belief that Hell is a real place. Edwards hoped that the imagery and language of his sermon would awaken audiences to the horrific reality that he believed awaited them should they continue without calling on Christ to be saved. The underlying point is that God has given humanity a chance to confess their sins. Edwards says that it is the mere will of God that keeps wicked men from the depths of Hell. This act of restraint has given humanity a chance to mend their ways and return to Christ. -
The Life and Diary of David Brainerd Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9781420950625 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский A major influence on the domestic and foreign missionary movement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, «The Life and Diary of David Brainerd» is Jonathan Edwards’ biography of David Brainerd. David Brainerd was an 18th century colonial American missionary. During the last five years of his lifetime, which was tragically cut short by tuberculosis at the age of twenty-nine, he traveled over three thousand miles on horseback in order to spread the word of the bible to the native peoples of America. Brainerd’s life was one of hardship. Orphaned at the age of fourteen, Brainerd suffered from a deep depression that was at times immobilizing. The tuberculosis that killed him which is believed to have been contracted some seven years earlier while he was a student at Yale was only made worse by the harsh wilderness lifestyle that his missionary work demanded. Jonathan Edwards substantially edited his diary for publication and published it posthumously in 1749; ever since it has been a source of inspiration for Christian missionaries the world over. -
Religious Affections Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9781420971514 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский Written in 1746, “Religious Affections” is the widely influential work by Jonathan Edwards, one of America’s most important religious leaders and theologians. Edwards was a significant force in the rise of religious devotion in the United States in the 1730s known as the First Great Awakening and became a popular American revivalist preacher. His “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is one of the most famous sermons ever given and remains a widely read classic of American literature. In “Religious Affections”, Edwards examines how a true conversion to Christianity occurs and sets out in detail how to test if one is converted in earnest. Edwards argues that while both emotion and intellect are involved when a person converts, it is the grace of Christ that allows one to truly awaken to the Christian faith. The “Religious Affections” referenced in the title are described by Edwards as the fruit of the Spirit and it is from these fruits, with love being the chief among them, that all other Christian graces and virtues grow. Edwards’ powerful treatise remains an essential and informative read for all divinity students and devout Christians seeking a better understanding of their faith. -
Los afectos religiosos Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9781629461229 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Испанский El pastor Jonathan Edwards, el te?logo m?s destacado de las Am?ricas, escribi? el «Ensayo Sobre los Afectos Religiosos» en tiempo del Primer Gran Despertamiento de las Am?ricas, que tambi?n fue conocido en Inglaterra como el Avivamiento Evang?lico. ?l predicaba una serie de sermones en 1742-1743 tratando el tema de c?mo distinguir entre la experiencia religiosa que es verdadera y la que es falsa. El ensayo vino del texto de estos sermones redactados para publicaci?n en 1746, y es redactado y traducido aqu? para el espa?ol. &t;br/&t; ?Qu? problemas pudiera haber evitado la Iglesia si los cristianos se hubieran pegado a lo que dicen las Escrituras en cuanto a la experiencia verdadera de la salvaci?n! -
Charity and Its Fruits Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9781420971491 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский “Charity and Its Fruits” is a collection of sermons by Jonathan Edwards, one of America’s most important religious leaders and theologians. Edwards was a significant force in the rise of religious devotion in the United States in the 1730s known as the First Great Awakening and became a popular American revivalist preacher. His “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is one of the most famous sermons ever given and remains a widely read classic of American literature. “Charity and Its Fruits” is one of Edwards’ earlier collections of sermons and the works are concerned with the topics of charity, Christian love, and devotion to God. These inspiring and comforting sermons show what is possible when the faithful act with a charitable spirit rather than with an envious or selfish one. Edwards preached a life of humility, good deeds, and quiet devotion. His discussion of 1 Corinthians 13 remains one of the most powerful ever written. “Charity and Its Fruits” is a reassuring and accessible introduction to one of America’s most famous religious figures. -
Freedom of the Will Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9781420903836 Издательство: Ingram Язык: Английский A Christian evangelical preacher during the early 1700's, during the First Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards is considered one of America's most important and original philosophical theologians. His polemic work «Freedom of the Will» refutes the notion that humans have complete free will over the choices they make. Instead, Edwards claims that will is driven by human desire. In Edwards' beliefs, people are sinners at heart. They do not naturally follow God's wish for their future. However, the preacher says that there is a way for humans to «regain» their will; they must wholly believe in God's path for them. Understanding God's plans and accepting them allows someone to choose their own way. They can make a conscious effort to choose the best path for their life. Edwards took his beliefs to heart and followed what he thought was God's plan for his own life and in so doing helped to start a religious revival in America. He also is credited with starting the New Light Calvinist movement, which was comprised of a group of his closest followers and ministers. To this day his work continues to be admired and commemorated by countless churches, colleges, writers, and theologians. -
The Excellency of Christ Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 4064066426453 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Английский "The Excellency of Christ" by Jonathan Edwards. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format. -
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God & Other Sermons Джонатан Эдвардс
ISBN: 9788026896470 Издательство: Bookwire