Дж. Стерлинг

J. Sterling

  • 6 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 305 читателей
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 116
4 138
3 94
2 25
1 21

Лучшие книги Джей Стерлинг

  • The Perfect Game J. Sterling
    ISBN: 147822553X, 9781478225539
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Create Space
    Язык: Английский

    He's a game she never intended to play. And she's the game changer he never knew he needed. The Perfect Game tells the story of college juniors, Cassie Andrews & Jack Carter. When Cassie meets rising baseball hopeful Jack, she is determined to steer clear of him and his typical cocky attitude. But Jack has other things on his mind... like getting Cassie to give him the time of day. They're both damaged, filled with mistrust and guarded before they find one another (and themselves) in this emotional journey about love and forgiveness. Strap yourselves for a ride that will not only break your heart, but put it back together.…

  • The Game Changer J. Sterling
    ISBN: 1477808663, 9781477808665
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский

    Jack appeared at my door last night after six months of no communication wearing a Mets jersey and holding a dozen red roses. He told me he was sorry, that he loved me, and that he would earn my trust again. It took everything in me to not fall apart at the mere sight of him. I wanted to take him back into my life, but I needed to know that this time it would be forever… In J. Sterling’s highly anticipated follow-up to her USA Today bestselling novel The Perfect Game, Jack and Cassie quickly realize that their new lifestyle can often be cruel and unforgiving. Their happiness is put to the test as the past is never truly far…

  • The Sweetest Game J. Sterling
    ISBN: 978-1492940005
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    “It’s one hell of a sledgehammer to the chest when your baseball career comes to an end. It’s like you finally realize that baseball never loved you back. All the sleepless nights, the hours spent at the gym trying to stay fit, the conditioning, the training, the mental preparation, the holidays missed, the birthdays passed, the memories you didn’t get to make with your family … all for what? It’s not like baseball lost any sleep over you. She didn’t stay awake for nights on end, trying to figure out how to make you a better player. She didn’t care. Baseball’s a business. A sport. A game. And as much as my entire life has been wrapped up in…

  • Заклятые враги Дж. Стерлинг
    Язык: Русский

    «Джеймс Руссо — враг №1. Ненависть к нему у меня в крови.

    Наши семьи воюют на протяжении многих поколений, и этому жестокому соперничеству не видно конца. Все, чего я когда-либо хотела, это сделать вино, но одна ночь с Джеймсом будет стоить мне всего.

    Он не должен привлекать меня... но это так. Я определенно не должна хотеть спать с ним... но я хочу. Стоит ли следовать зову сердца, рискуя потерять виноградник и наследие? Потому что в моей семье нет большего предательства, чем спать с врагом.

  • The Other Game Джей Стрелинг
    Год издания: 2015
    From NEW YORK TIMES best-selling author J. Sterling, we dive headfirst back into the epic love story that started it all, The Perfect Game, but this time from Dean Carter’s point of view.

    Freshman Dean Carter is the younger brother of campus hotshot Jack. Abandoned by their parents when they were young, Dean and Jack have a bond that most brothers only wish for. As Jack follows his dream of becoming a professional baseball player, he falls in love along the way with aspiring photographer Cassie Andrews. We see Jack get the girl—then lose the girl—and we follow his painful journey through it all via the eyes of his adoring younger brother, Dean.

    With never-before-seen scenes and fresh new dialogue, Dean’s point of view is an emotional journey through relationships and the trials that test them. This isn’t the same old love story…but you will still fall. Let the gang steal your heart all over again in The Other Game.
  • Seeing Stars Джей Стрелинг
    Год издания: 2014
    Walker Rhodes is a hot singing sensation who never settles down, spends too much money gambling and gets in trouble on the daily- at least if you believe all the tabloids.

    Madison Myers is a hard working talent agent assistant thrust into the spotlight one day after Walker pulls her on stage during one of his concerts. She tries to stay away from him, but he keeps chasing her. She is strong in her resolve and he is relentless in his pursuit. The question is... WHY?!?!

    Tabloid Headline Reads: Walker Rhodes pulls woman on stage during LA concert and serenades her with stars in his eyes and we watched as the sparks flew! But just who is this mystery woman who has stolen Walker's heart? And will she be the one to finally tie down our favorite womanizing gambler?
  • Breaking Stars Джей Стрелинг
    Год издания: 2015
    An actress since she was fourteen years old, Paige Lockwood finds herself craving a little normalcy after a scandal rocks her otherwise predictable world. With everyone in her life attempting to control her, she takes matters into her own hands and leaves town without so much as a plan or a destination.

    But the destination finds her as car trouble forces Paige to settle down in a small Southern town as she waits for repairs. There she meets the handsome, albeit standoffish, Tatum Montgomery, and both of their lives are forever altered as they learn that sometimes when you aren't looking for love, it finds you anyway.

    But the real question is: Can you hold on to it when you're from two completely different worlds?