Келли Барнхилл

Kelly Barnhill

  • 12 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 490 читателей
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Лучшие книги Келли Барнхилл

  • Девочка, которая пила лунный свет Келли Барнхилл
    ISBN: 978-5-00074-208-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Карьера Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Жители Протектората каждый год приносят по одному младенцу в лес и оставляют его на поляне в качестве подношения ведьме, которая живет в местном лесу. Они верят, что эта жертва защищает их дома и семьи, защищает весь город от ведьминых злых чар. Но у ведьмы, которая действительно живет в лесу и которую зовут Сян, доброе сердце. Ее друзья - мудрый болотный кошмар Глерк, которому столько же лет, сколько миру, и у которого поэтическая натура, и славный малюсенький дракончик Фириан, который умещается в кармане. Каждый год Сян спасает брошенных в лесу младенцев и подыскивает им в городах, что стоят по другую сторону леса, добрые семьи, которые…

  • Великанша и сироты Келли Барнхилл
    ISBN: 978-5-00074-323-2
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Карьера Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Жил да был городок под названием Камень-в-Лощине. Славное местечко! Но однажды всё изменилось и беды пошли чередой: обрушившиеся на город пожары, наводнения и прочие бедствия лишили горожан библиотеки, школы и парка... Вся надежда лишь на мэра — он ведь так блестящ и умен, и если не он, то кто? К тому же он прославленный охотник на драконов — по крайней мере, в его присутствии драконы и носа не кажут.

    И вот однажды из сиротского приюта пропадает ребенок. Мэр города говорит с горожанами, и вот уже все глаза устремлены на Великаншу, живущую по соседству. Но сироты знают, что она ни при чем: ведь на самом деле Великанша добра и не раз в тайне помогала жителям города.

    Но как рассказать о правде тем, кто не желает слушать?

    Где искать настоящего злодея?

    И при чем здесь драконы?
  • Iron Hearted Violet Kelly Barnhill
    ISBN: 978-0-316-05675-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Русский
    The end of their world begins with a story. This one.
    In most fairy tales, princesses are beautiful, dragons are terrifying, and stories are harmless. This isn't most fairy tales.
    Princess Violet is plain, reckless, and quite possibly too clever for her own good. Particularly when it comes to telling stories. One day she and her best friend, Demetrius, stumble upon a hidden room and find a peculiar book. A forbidden book. It tells a story of an evil being - called the Nybbas - imprisoned in their world. The story cannot be true - not really. But then the whispers start. Violet and Demetrius, along with an ancient, scarred dragon, may hold the key to the Nybbas's triumph... or its demise. It all depends on how they tell the story. After all, stories make their own rules.
    Iron Hearted Violet is a story of a princess unlike any other. It is a story of the last dragon in existence, deathly afraid of its own reflection. Above all, it is a story about the power of stories, our belief in them, and how one enchanted tale changed the course of an entire kingdom.
  • The Crane Husband Келли Барнхилл
    Язык: Английский
    “Mothers fly away like migrating birds. This is why farmers have daughters. ” A fifteen-year-old teenager is the backbone of her small Midwestern family, budgeting the household finances and raising her younger brother while her mom, a talented artist, weaves beautiful tapestries. For six years, it’s been just the three of them—her mom has brought home guests at times, but none have ever stayed. Yet when her mom brings home a six-foot tall crane with a menacing air, the girl is powerless to prevent her mom letting the intruder into her heart, and her children’s lives. Utterly enchanted and numb to his sharp edges, her mom abandons the world around her to weave the masterpiece the crane demands. In this stunning contemporary retelling of “The Crane Wife” by the Newbery Medal-winning author of The Girl Who Drank the Moon , one fiercely pragmatic teen forced to grow up faster than was fair will do whatever it takes to protect her family—and change the story.
  • The Witch's Boy Kelly Barnhill
    ISBN: 978-1616203511
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
    Язык: Английский
    The wrong boy will save your life, and you will save his.

    When Ned and his identical twin brother tumble from their raft into a raging river, only Ned survives. Villagers are convinced the wrong boy lived. But when a Bandit King comes to steal the magic Ned’s mother, a witch, is meant to protect, it’s Ned who safeguards the magic and summons the strength to protect his family and community.

    Meanwhile, across the enchanted forest that borders Ned’s village lives Áine, the resourceful and pragmatic daughter of the Bandit King, who is haunted by her mother’s last wordsto her: “The wrong boy will save your life and you will save his.” When Áine’s and Ned’s paths cross, can they trust each other long enough to stop the war that’s about to boil over between their two kingdoms?
  • When Women Were Dragons Kelly Barnhill
    ISBN: 9780385548229, 0385548222
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Doubleday Books
    Язык: Английский
    Learn about the Mass Dragoning of 1955 in which 300,000 women spontaneously transform into dragons...and change the world.

    Alex Green is a young girl in a world much like ours. But this version of 1950's America is characterized by a significant event: The Mass Dragoning of 1955, when hundreds of thousands of ordinary wives and mothers sprouted wings, scales and talons, left a trail of fiery destruction in their path, and took to the skies. Seemingly for good. Was it their choice? What will become of those left behind? Why did Alex's beloved Aunt Marla transform but her mother did not? Alex doesn't know. It's taboo to speak of, even more so than her crush on Sonja, her schoolmate.

    Forced into silence, Alex nevertheless must face the consequences of dragons: a mother more protective than ever; a father growing increasingly distant; the upsetting insistence that her aunt never even existed; and a new "sister" obsessed with dragons far beyond propriety. Through loss, rage, and self-discovery, this story follows Alex's journey as she deals with the events leading up to and beyond the Mass Dragoning, and her connection with the phenomenon itself.
  • Плач по Габриэль, святой покровительнице лекарей, шлюх и добрых воров Келли Барнхилл
    Язык: Русский
    Габриэль Белайн было десять лет, когда она ушла из дома и попала на пиратский корабль. В тринадцать она стала штурманом, в в пятнадцать — капитаном — грозой властей и работорговцев...
  • The Mostly True Story of Jack Kelly Barnhill
    ISBN: 978-0316056724
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Русский
    Enter a world where magic bubbles just below the surface. . . .When Jack is sent to Hazelwood, Iowa, to live with his strange aunt and uncle, he expects a summer of boredom. Little does he know that the people of Hazelwood have been waiting for him for quite a long time.When he arrives, three astonishing things happen: First, he makes friends -- not imaginary friends but actual friends. Second, he is beaten up by the town bully; the bullies at home always ignored him. Third, the richest man in town begins to plot Jack's imminent, and hopefully painful, demise. It's up to Jack to figure out why suddenly everyone cares so much about him. Back home he was practically, well, invisible.The Mostly True Story of Jack is an eerie tale of magic, friendship, and sacrifice. It's about things broken and things put back together. Above all, it's about finding a place to belong.