Джери Уэстерсон

Jeri Westerson

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Джери Уэстерсон – лучшие книги

  • Затаившаяся змея Джери Уэстерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-071693-7, 978-5-271-33690-4, 978-5-226-03620-0
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, ВКТ
    Язык: Русский
    Когда-то сэр Криспин Гест входил в число самых блистательных рыцарей Англии. Теперь, нищий, оскорбленный и обесчещенный, он расследует преступления, совершенные в купеческих и ремесленнических кварталах Лондона....
    Новое дело Криспина с самого начала кажется странным - девчонка-подросток по имени Грейс признается в убийстве человека. То, что она невиновата, становится ясно сразу: жертву - тайного гонца короля Франции - застрелили из лука, причем явно действовал профессионал. Но почему его убили?
    Гест начинает расследование, но с каждым шагом он все большей опасности подвергает не только себя, но и прекрасную Лайвит, оказавшуюся невольной свидетельницей преступления, - девушку, пробудившую в его сердце неистовую, пламенную страсть...
  • Spiteful Bones Джери Уэстерсон
    ISBN: 9780727889997
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    The restoration of a crumbling manor house leaves Crispin Guest grappling with a troubling discovery in this entertaining medieval noir mystery.

    Restoring his recently inherited family home is a daunting enough task for young lawyer Nigellus Cobmartin without the addition of any unwelcome discoveries. But when workmen turning the crumbling manor house into a grand home for Nigellus and his companion, John Rykener, uncover a skeleton bound, tied and hidden in the wall - and holding the precious relic that went missing from his father's estate nearly twenty years ago - Nigellus immediately calls on London tracker Crispin Guest for help.

    Whose bones are they, and why was the valuable relic buried with the thief? Crispin and Jack are drawn into a mystery of dark secrets, family scandal and old grudges as they attempt to find the truth behind a load of old bones.
  • The Deadliest Sin Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 9780727889713
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    Crispin Guest is summoned to a London priory to unmask a merciless killer. Can he discover who is committing the deadliest of sins?

    1399, London. A drink at the Boar's Tusk takes an unexpected turn for Crispin Guest, Tracker of London, and his apprentice, Jack Tucker, when a messenger claims the prioress at St. Frideswide wants to hire him to investigate murders at the priory. Two of Prioress Drueta's nuns have been killed in a way that signifies two of the Seven Deadly Sins, and she's at her wits end.

    Meanwhile, trouble is brewing outside of London when the exiled Henry Bolingbroke, the new Duke of Lancaster, returns to England's shores with an army to take back his inheritance. Crispin is caught between solving the crimes at St. Frideswide's Priory, and making a choice once more whether to stand with King Richard or commit treason again.
  • Sword of Shadows Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 9780727889218
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Severn House Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    A quest to find the ancient sword Excalibur quickly turns into a hunt for a determined killer for Crispin Guest.

    London, 1396. A trip to the swordsmith shop for Crispin Guest, Tracker of London, and his apprentice Jack Tucker takes an unexpected turn when Crispin crosses paths with Carantok Teague, a Cornish treasure hunter. Carantok has a map he is convinced will lead him to the sword of Excalibur - a magnificent relic dating back to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - and he wants Crispin to help him find it.

    Travelling to Tintagel Castle in Cornwall with Carantok and Jack, Crispin is soon reunited with an old flame as he attempts to locate the legendary sword. But does Excalibur really exist, or is he on an impossible quest? When a body is discovered, Crispin's search for treasure suddenly turns into a hunt for a dangerous killer.
  • Traitor's Codex Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 9780727888754
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    An ancient and mysterious book leads Crispin Guest into a deadly maze in this latest medieval noir mystery.

    Crispin Guest, Tracker of London, is enjoying his ale in the Boar's Tusk tavern - until a stranger leaves a mysterious wrapped bundle on his table, telling him, "You'll know what to do." Inside is an ancient leather-bound book written in an unrecognizable language. Accompanied by his apprentice, Jack Tucker, Crispin takes the unknown codex to a hidden rabbi, where they make a shocking discovery: it is the Gospel of Judas from the Holy Land, and its contents challenge the very doctrine of Christianity itself.

    Crispin is soon drawn into a deadly maze involving murder, living saints, and lethal henchmen. Why was he given the blasphemous book, and what should he do with it? A series of horrific events confirm his fears that there are powerful men who want it - and who will stop at nothing to see it destroyed.
  • Season of Blood Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 0727887475, 978-0727887474
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    A missing Holy Relic. A mysterious and beautiful woman. Two murdered monks: Crispin Guest tackles his most intriguing investigation to date.

    1390. Hailes Abbey, Gloucestershire, England. Two monks lie murdered, their Holy Blood relic stolen: a relic that is said to run liquid for the sinless and remain stubbornly dry for the sinner. Unwilling to become involved in a bitter dispute between a country monastery and Westminster Abbey, the disgraced former knight Crispin Guest attempts to return the relic to Hailes where it belongs, but somehow it keeps returning to his hands no matter what.

    As he tries to shield a former nemesis from a charge of murder while becoming entangled with a mysterious and beautiful woman caught between Church politics and the dangerous intrigues of King Richard's court, Crispin begins to suspect that someone at Westminster is conspiring with the assassins. Can the Blood of Christ point to the killer?
  • The Deepest Grave Джери Уэстерсон
    ISBN: 9780727887948
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    London, 1392. Strange mischief is afoot at St Modwen's Church. Are corpses stalking the graveyard at night, disturbing graves, and dragging coffins? When a fearful Father Bulthius begs Crispin Guest for his help, he agrees to investigate with his apprentice, Jack Tucker, intrigued by the horrific tales.
    Meanwhile, an urgent summons arrives from Crispin's former love, Philippa Walcote. Her seven-year-old son, Christopher, has been accused of murder and of attempting to steal a family relic - the missing relic of St Modwen. Who is behind the gruesome occurrences in the graveyard? Is Christopher guilty of murder? Crispin faces a desperate race against time to solve the strange goings-on at St Modwen's and prove a child's innocence.
  • The Silence of Stones Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 0727885626, 978-0727885623
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    London, 1388. When the mythical Stone of Destiny is stolen from the throne of England in Westminster Abbey, Crispin Guest, the Tracker, witnesses the dramatic disappearance for himself. After the disastrous civil strife of the last two years, he knows well that King Richard II now fears that the populace will take it as a sign to side with Richard’s rebellious barons. The king can little afford for his authority to be any more undermined, especially after the English army suffers a crushing defeat against a Scottish uprising. Desperate, Richard turns to Crispin to find the missing Stone. And to ensure that he will do the deed, the king imprisons Jack Tucker and orders Crispin to find the Stone before Parliament convenes in three days’ time – or Jack will hang for treason …
  • A Maiden Weeping Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 0727886215, 978-0727886217
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    When Crispin Guest finds himself trapped in circumstances outside his control, he must rely on the wits of his young apprentice, Jack Tucker, to do the rescuing.
    Crispin awakens in a strange bed after a night of passion when he finds a woman dead, murdered. Drunk, Crispin scarcely remembers the night before. Did he kill her? But when other young women turn up dead under similar circumstances, he knows there is a deadly stalker loose in London. Could it have to do with the mysterious Tears of the Virgin Mary kept under lock and key by a close-lipped widow, a relic that a rival family would kill to get their hands on? What does this relic, that forces empathy on all those surrounding it, have to do with murder for hire?
    With Crispin shackled and imprisoned by the immutable sheriffs who would just as soon see him hang than get to the real truth, Jack hits the ground running and procures the help of a fresh young lawyer to help them solve the crime.
  • Cup of Blood Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 1497476127, 978-1497476127
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    When a corpse turns up at his favorite tavern, Crispin begins an inquiry, but the dead man turns out to be a Knight Templar, an order thought to be extinct for 75 years, charged with protecting a certain religious relic which is now missing. Before he can investigate, Crispin is abducted by shadowy men who are said to be minions of the French anti-pope. Further complicating matters are two women: one from court with an enticing proposition, and another from Crispin’s past, dredging up long-forgotten emotions he would rather have left behind. And as if all that weren’t enough, a cunning young cutpurse by the name of Jack Tucker has insinuated himself into Crispin’s already difficult life. The deeper Crispin probes into the murder, the more it looks like the handiwork of an old friend turned adversary. With enemies from all sides, Crispin has his hands full in more than murder.
  • Shadow of the Alchemist Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 1250000300, 978-1250000309
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Once a Knight of the Realm, Crispin Guest was stripped of his title and his lands and must now earn his meager living through his wits. With the help of his young apprentice, reformed thief Jack Tucker, Guest is known to certain populations as The Tracker, the man who can find anything—for a price. It is for that reason that Guest is sought out by Nicholas Flamel, an absent-minded alchemist. Both Flamel’s wife and his apprentice are missing, and he wants Guest to find them and bring them home.

    Before he can even begin looking, Guest discovers that Flamel’s house has been ransacked. Then Flamel’s assistant turns up—dead, hanging from the rafters with a note pinned to his chest by a dagger. It is a ransom note that promises the safe return of his wife in exchange for the Philosopher’s Stone, which is reputed to turn lead into gold and create the elixir of life. And the kidnappers aren’t the only ones after it. From the highest nobility to Flamel’s fellow alchemists, everyone is seeking the stone for themselves. Guest must rescue the missing wife and find the stone before it falls into unworthy hands, in Jeri Westerson's Shadow of the Alchemist.
  • Blood Lance Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 9781469222202
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский
    In late 14th-century London, disgraced former knight Crispin Guest spies a body hurtling from the uppermost reaches of London Bridge. Crispin’s attempted rescue fails, however, and the man - an armorer with a shop on the bridge - dies. While whispers in the street claim that it was a suicide, Crispin is unconvinced. He discovers that the armorer had promised Sir Thomas Saunfayl something that would make him unbeatable in battle. Sir Thomas, a friend from Crispin’s former life, believes that the item was in fact the Spear of Longinus - the spear that pierced the side of Christ on the cross - which is believed to make those who possess it invincible.

    Complicating matters is another old friend, Geoffrey Chaucer, who is suddenly eager to help Crispin find the missing spear...and locate Sir Thomas, who must face a trial by combat to determine whether he lives or dies. Desperate to help, Crispin, along with his faithful apprentice, Jack Tucker, hunt for the spear while dodging the various powerful factions determined to have it for themselves. Through danger and trials, Crispin finds that the safety of England may have landed solely in his hands.
  • Blood Lance Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 1250000181, 978-1250000187
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Crispin Guest, returning home after a late night, sees a body hurtling from the uppermost reaches of the London Bridge. Guest's attempted rescue fails, however, and the man—an armourer with a shop on the bridge—is dead. While whispers in the street claim that it was a suicide, Guest—known in certain London circles as The Tracker for his skill in solving puzzles—is unconvinced. What Guest uncovers is that the armourer had promised Sir Thomas Saunfayl, a friend from Guest's former life, that he would provide him something that would make him unbeatable in battle, something for which he'd paid a small fortune. Sir Thomas believes that the item was in fact the Spear of Longinus—the spear that pierced the side of Christ on the cross—which is believed to make those who possess it invincible.

    Complicating matters is another old friend, Geoffrey Chaucer, who suddenly comes to London and is anxious to help Guest find the missing spear, about which he seems to know a bit too much. With various forces anxious to find the spear, the life of Sir Thomas in danger and perhaps the very safety of England hangs in the balance, Guest and his apprentice Jack Tucker must navigate some very perilous waters if they are to survive.
  • Troubled Bones Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 0312621639, 978-0312621636
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Disgraced knight Crispin Guest gets himself into some serious trouble in London and as a result is forced to accept an assignment far out of town. The Archbishop of Canterbury has specifically requested Guest to investigate a threat against the bones of saint and martyr Thomas a Beckett, which are on display in the cathedral in Canterbury. The archbishop has received letters threatening the safety of the artifacts, and he wants Guest to protect them and uncover whoever is after them.

    When he arrives at Canterbury, Guest is accosted by an old acquaintance from court – one Geoffrey Chaucer – and is surrounded by a group in town on a pilgrimage. Trapped amongst the pilgrims (who were, quite possibly, the model for Chaucer’s famous story cycle), looking for a murderer, a hidden heretic and a solution to the riddle that will allow him to go back home, Crispin Guest finds his considerable wit and intellect taxed to its very limit.
  • The Demon's Parchment Jeri Westerson
    ISBN: 0312621043, 978-0312621049
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    In fourteenth century London, Crispin Guest is a disgraced knight convicted of treason and stripped of his land, title and his honor. He has become known as the “Tracker”—a man who can find anything, can solve any puzzle and, with the help of his apprentice, Jack Tucker, an orphaned street urchin with a thief ’s touch—will do so for a price. But this time, even Crispin is wary of taking on his most recent client. Jacob of Provencal is a Jewish physician at the King’s court, even though all Jews were expelled from England nearly a century before. Jacob wants Crispin to find stolen parchments that might be behind the recent, ongoing, gruesome murders of young boys, parchments that someone might have used to bring forth a demon which now stalks the streets and alleys of London.
  • Вуаль лжи Джери Уэстерсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-069727-4, 978-5-271-31073-7, 978-5-226-03052-9
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, ВКТ
    Язык: Русский
    Когда-то сэр Криспин Гест входил в число самых блистательных рыцарей Англии. Теперь, оскорбленный и обесчещенный, по просьбе купцов и богатых ремесленников он ведет слежку за неверными женами и проворовавшимися подмастерьями.
    Вот и предложение знатного торговца Николаса Уолкота - найти любовника его красавицы жены Филиппы - Криспин поначалу расценивает как возможность заработать.
    Однако все выходит не так. Николас Уолкот убит при загадочных обстоятельствах, и сейчас гибель грозит, похоже, уже самой Филиппе - женщине, пробудившей в сердце рыцаря жгучую, пламенную страсть...