Лайза Аппиньянези

Lisa Appignanesi

  • 10 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 40 читателей
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Лайза Аппиньянези - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • The Cabaret Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 978-0300105803
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Yale University Press
    Язык: Английский
    This captivating book presents a uniquely comprehensive cultural history of cabaret, where the most radical of artists, poets, writers, musicians, and theater directors have gathered since 1881. Lisa Appignanesi takes us to the original cabaret—the smoke-filled rooms of the Chat Noir in Paris that served as a meeting place for the avant-garde and a laboratory of subversion against the establishment. She then follows the journey of the cabaret across Europe and to the United States, tracing each development in cabaret history to the present day.
    This much revised and updated edition of Appignanesi’s classic work is enriched with materials that have become more accessible in the post-Soviet era. It also features a variety of new illustrations from both East and West. The book provides a lively look at all aspects of cabaret, where art and entertainment join to mock and provoke, and where radical artistic, literary, and political ideas have found expression for more than 120 years.
  • Appignanesi : Memory and Desire Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 978-0525934035
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd
    This daring debut novel explores the depths of the erotic psyche, telling the tale of a beautiful woman, the complex web of truths and lies that make up her life, and the outrageous act whose consequences will echo through several generations and span over two continents. "A saga of passion and heartbreak that will keep you guessing . . . superbly plotted".--Cosmopolitan.
  • Mad, Bad and Sad: Women and the Mind Doctors Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 0393066630
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: W. W. Norton & Company
    Язык: Русский

    A brave and brilliantly researched intellectual history of the relationship between women and mental illness since 1800.

    This is the story of how we have understood extreme states of mind over the last two hundred years and how we coceive of them today, from the depression suffered by Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to the mental anguish and addictions of iconic beauties Zelda Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe. From Mary Lamb, sister of Charles, who in the throes of a nervous breakdown trned on her mother with a kitchen knife, to Freud, Jung, and Lacan, who developed the new women-centered therapies, Lisa Appignanesi's research traces how more and more of the inner lives and emotions of women have become a matter for medics and therapist. Here too is the story of how over the years symptoms and diagnoses have developed together to create fashions in illness and how treatments have succeeded or sometimes failed. Mad, Bad, and Sad takes us on a fascinating journey through the fragile, extrordinary human mind. 5 illustrations.
  • Mad, Bad And Sad – Women and the Mind Doctors Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 9780393066630
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: W. W. Norton & Company
    Язык: Английский
    This is the story of how we have understood extreme states of mind over the last two hundred years and how we conceive of them today, from the depression suffered by Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to the mental anguish and addictions of iconic beauties Zelda Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe. From Mary Lamb, sister of Charles, who in the throes of a nervous breakdown turned on her mother with a kitchen knife, to Freud, Jung, and Lacan, who developed the new women-centered therapies, Lisa Appignanesi’s research traces how more and more of the inner lives and emotions of women have become a matter for medics and therapists. Here too is the story of how over the years symptoms and diagnoses have developed together to create fashions in illness and how treatments have succeeded or sometimes failed. Mad, Bad, and Sad takes us on a fascinating journey through the fragile, extraordinary human mind.
  • Sacred Ends (Belle Epoque Trilogy) Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 978-1909807587
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Arcadia Books
    Язык: Английский
    ‘Appignanesi’s knowledge of the politics and culture of the era shines’ Publishers Weekly Paris, 1990. Comte de Landois has ordered his wife Marguerite to travel from Paris, to join him in the Loire Valley. Her journey into the pastoral quiet is shattered by the appearance of a dead man on the railway tracks. Who is he? And why does Marguerite’s young travelling companion pale when she sees him? When the Comte presents Marguerite with an adopted baby, and his sudden friendship with local clerics imposes new rules and regulations on her behaviour, things start to take a sinister and troubling turn. The sister of her young companion goes missing and Marguerite calls in Chief Inspector Durand to help hunt her down. Together, they begin to unravel a tangled world of small-town secrets, disturbing obsessions and unholy loves. Intriguing, chilling and lyrical, Sacred Ends is a rich and complex page-turner of a thriller that brings the Belle Époque to life before soaring to its astonishing conclusion. ‘A song for the Belle Époque … lyrical, emotive and wild all at the same time’ TripFiction ‘Her examination of human psychology has a forensic intensity’ Barry Forshaw, CrimeTime
  • The Dead of Winter Lisa Appignanesi
    ISBN: 1552781224
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: McArthur & Company
    Язык: Английский
    Appignanesi has crafted a classic tale of suspense perhaps one of the finest you'll ever read in its genre...a lyrical page turner and a rare creation. The Ottawa Citizen"
  • Losing The Dead Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 0099273470, 9780099273479
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    Lisa Appignanesi was born Elsbieta Borenztejn in Poland. Unlike other holocaust memoirs. Hers is the story of how the nucleus of a family survived outside the camps. Beyond the ghetto and eventually made it to the new world . where Lisa's mother found that her years of masquerading as an Aryan stood her in great stead in anti-semitic post-war Catholic Quebec. As her mother's memory fails. Lisa finds her self trying to unravel the truth about her family. searching not only for signs of her mother's lost other - a Jewish Schindler character. making money and saving Jews in Warsaw - but also for the truth about how her parents managed to survive. and for her own birth certificate. It's above all the compelling story of one woman's determination not to go under. and the story of her father. who learned to make himself invisible a...
  • Mad, Bad and Sad – A History of Women and the Mind Doctors Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 9780393335439
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    This is the story of how we have understood extreme states of mind over the last two hundred years and how we conceive of them today, from the depression suffered by Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to the mental anguish and addictions of iconic beauties Zelda Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe. From Mary Lamb, sister of Charles, who in the throes of a nervous breakdown turned on her mother with a kitchen knife, to Freud, Jung, and Lacan, who developed the new women-centered therapies, Lisa Appignanesi’s research traces how more and more of the inner lives and emotions of women have become a matter for medics and therapists. Here too is the story of how over the years symptoms and diagnoses have developed together to create fashions in illness and how treatments have succeeded or sometimes failed. Mad, Bad, and Sad takes us on a fascinating journey through the fragile, extraordinary human mind.
  • Кабаре Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 978-5-86793-774-4
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Новое литературное обозрение
    Язык: Русский
    Книга Лизы Аппиньянези - история модернистского кабаре, из которого вышли многие художники, писатели, музыканты, театральные режиссеры. История "Черного кота", где Клод Дебюсси размахивал ложкой, дирижируя хором завсегдатаев; "Проворного кролика", в котором кутили Пикассо и Аполлинер; петербургской "Бродячей собаки"; "Красной изюминки", которую открыл Брехт; антинацистской цюрихской "Перечницы" и великого множества других кабаре.
  • Память и желание (комплект из 2 книг) Лайза Аппиньянези
    ISBN: 5-85585-178-8
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Лайза Аппиньянези родилась и провела детство в Польше, жила во Франции и Канаде, в настоящее время живет в Великобритании.
    Роман "Память и желание", напечатанный огромными тиражами и завоевавший признание читателей во многих англоязычных странах, впервые издается на русском языке.
    "Память и желание" - это сага о всепоглощающей страсти и несбывшихся надеждах; это роман о хитросплетениях судеб и событий. Он охватывает несколько десятилетий жизни героев и переносит читателей из предвоенного Парижа и разоренной войной Польши во дворцы современной Италии, в благополучную Швейцарию и на другой континент - в Америку наших дней.
    До последних страниц книги читатели с напряженным вниманием следят за жизнью семьи главной героини Сильви Ковальской, пытаясь угадать развязку драматической и таинственной истории...