Саманта Янг

Samantha Young

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  • Jutro będziesz mój Саманта Янг
    Язык: Польский
    Posiadłość Ardnoch jest bezpieczną przystanią sławnych i bogatych. Dla ludzi spoza wyższych sfer jest niedostępna i równie tajemnicza, co jej właściciel, były gwiazdor Hollywood Lachlan Adair. Teraz spokojnej rezydencji grozi wielki skandal. Policjantka Robyn Penhaligon przyjeżdża do Szkocji, chcąc odnowić kontakt z ojcem, który wiele lat temu odszedł, aby w pełni poświęcić się pracy prywatnego ochroniarza. Odnalezienie go okazuje się jednak dużo trudniejsze, niż myślała. Przy okazji poszukiwań Robyn poznaje celebrytę, Lachlana Adaira. To właśnie on zatrudnił jej ojca i odebrał jej go na dobre. Każde kolejne spotkanie tylko potwierdza jej dotychczasową opinię na temat mężczyzny – Lachlan jest despotyczny i zarozumiały. Jego pewność siebie jest jednak jednocześnie irytująca i pociągająca, a Robyn coraz trudniej oprzeć się pokusie. Kobieta chętnie wyjechałaby z Ardnoch, zanim ulegnie urokowi swojego wroga. Jednak gdy jej ojciec staje się celem osoby zagrażającej mieszkańcom prestiżowej rezydencji, policjantka postanawia zrobić wszystko, aby zapewnić mu bezpieczeństwo. Rozpoczynając prywatne śledztwo, w sprawie niepokojących wydarzeń, musi jednak liczyć się z tym, że od teraz Lachlan będzie jej towarzyszył niemal na każdym kroku, a ogień, który się między nimi tli, może zapłonąć na dobre. Czy Lachlanowi uda się uciec przed przeszłością, która może zniszczyć mu życie? A może bardziej powinien się obawiać wroga ukrywającego się tuż obok niego?
  • The One Real Thing Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9781101991671
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    The New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street is back with the first in a sexy new romance series set in a small town on the Delaware coastline.

    Welcome to Hartwell, a quiet seaside escape where uncovering old secrets could lead one woman to discover the meaning of a love that lasts…

    While Doctor Jessica Huntington engages with the inmates at the women’s correctional facility where she works, she’s always careful to avoid emotional attachments in her personal life. Loss and betrayal taught her that lesson long ago. But when she comes across a set of old love letters in the prison’s library and visits the picturesque town of Hartwell to deliver them to their intended recipient, she finds herself unable to resist the town’s charm—and her attraction to the sexy owner of a local bar proves equally hard to deny.

    Since his divorce from his unfaithful ex-wife, Cooper Lawson has focused on what really matters: his family and the boardwalk pub they’ve owned for generations. But the first time Jessica steps into his bar, Cooper is beyond tempted to risk his heart on her.

    Yet as their attraction grows hotter and Jessica remains stubbornly closed off, he begins to realize it will take more than just passion to convince her there’s only one real thing in life worth fighting for….
  • Every Little Thing Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 9781101991695
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    Bailey Hartwell has many reasons to feel content—her successful business, a close circle of friends, and her steady boyfriend…even if their romance feels staid after ten years without a serious commitment. The only challenge in her life comes in the form of sexy businessman Vaughn Tremaine. She thinks the ex-New Yorker acts superior and that he considers her a small-town nobody. But when Bailey’s blindsided by a betrayal, she’s shocked to discover Vaughn is actually a decent guy.

    Vaughn admires Bailey’s free spirit, independence, and loyalty. As his passion for her has grown, his antagonism toward her has only worsened. Every little thing Bailey does seduces him. But when Vaughn’s painful emotional past makes him walk away in fear he will hurt her, it opens an old wound in Bailey, and she uncharacteristically retreats.

    Once Vaughn begins to realize he’s made the biggest mistake of his life, he has no choice but to fight like he’s never fought before to convince Bailey that the love they’ve found together only comes around once in a lifetime.
  • On Hart’s Boardwalk Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 9780451490186
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: InterMix
    Язык: Английский
    Nate and Liv have a great life together but they miss the spontaneity and freedom they enjoyed early on in their romance. Careers and their children have inevitably kept them busy, so when Nate discovers Liv is feeling disconnected from him, he plans an anniversary trip to the idyllic seaside town of Hartwell, Delaware. There he hopes they will have the opportunity they’ve been craving—a chance to reinvent themselves and fall in love all over again.

    With each new day comes a new adventure, from wedding crashing at the five-star boardwalk hotel to pretending they are two strangers having a chance encounter at the boardwalk bar. In the midst of this daring, sexually charged game of romantic rediscovery, Nate and Liv discover the only constant they need is each other.
  • Things We Never Said Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 9780463548295
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Samantha Young
    Язык: Английский
    Local metalsmith and gift shop owner, Dahlia McGuire, likes her quiet life in Hartwell, Delaware. It’s the perfect place to hide from her family and the tragic events that led to their estrangement. However, when her father, the person she loves most in the world, needs her Dahlia has no choice but to return to Boston to face her ghosts. One of those happens to be her ex-boyfriend’s best friend, Michael Sullivan. The man she was never supposed to fall in love with.

    Michael Sullivan has never forgotten Dahlia McGuire. Some might say he’s never gotten over her. For years he lived with the anger of her desertion, and now, newly-divorced, he’s finally ready to move on. That proves impossible when Dahlia returns to Boston and reawakens their explosive connection. Despite everything, Michael wants her back, but Dahlia can’t seem to let go of the tangled emotions of the past. When she flees home to Hartwell, Michael follows, determined to do everything in his power to convince her they belong together.

    However, when the unthinkable hits the quiet seaside town, Michael finds himself trying to unravel more than the mystery of Dahlia’s broken heart. It’s time for truths left unsaid to finally be spoken or Michael and Dahlia might find themselves torn apart forever…
  • The Truest Thing Саманта Янг
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times Bestselling Author Samantha Young returns to Hart's Boardwalk in this emotional new story about taking chances and finding redemption... Nine years ago, Emery Saunders moved to Hartwell to start her life over as a bookstore owner. Her inability to trust people made it hard for her to find a place in the small community until Jessica Lawson moved to town and befriended the shy beauty. But there was one person in Hartwell who tried to befriend Emery long before Jessica arrived... Jack Devlin has his secrets. One of them is that he fell hard for Emery the moment she appeared in Hartwell. Another is that his father blackmailed him into covering up a dark family tragedy. It forced Jack to sever his relationships to protect the people he cared about. Yet, staying away from Emery has not been easy throughout the years and he hasn't always succeeded. When Jack's mixed signals hurt Emery once again, she puts him out of her heart for good. Until the Devlin family secret is finally revealed, freeing Jack from his father's machinations. What Jack wants more than anything is to repair his relationships, starting with Emery. However, Emery isn't ready to forgive and Jack's not ready to give up. And when the town's latest scandal ties Jack and Emery together, Jack is not above using their new reality to prove to Emery once and for all that their love is worthy of the legend of Hart's Boardwalk.
  • Żyj szybko, kochaj głęboko Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9788380531383
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Burda Książki
    Язык: Польский
    Czy można przyjaźnić się z kimś, kto był miłością twojego życia?

    Ona była najfajniejszą dziewczyną w mieście, on właśnie się sprowadził z rodzicami i szybko zdążył złamać niejedno serce.

    Charley i Jake. Zakochali się w sobie niemal od pierwszego wejrzenia. Byli dla siebie stworzeni, snuli wielkie plany. Aż do tamtego feralnego dnia...

    Na urodzinowym przyjęciu byłego chłopaka Charley dochodzi do tragedii. Niektórzy zrzucają winę na Jake'a. Po tym zdarzeniu chłopak zrywa związek i razem z rodziną wyjeżdża na zawsze z miasta.

    Dała mu wszystko, każdą cząstkę siebie. A on... od niej odszedł.

    Przez kolejne cztery lata Charley stara się zapomnieć o Jake'u, ale los postanawia z niej zażartować. Dziewczyna wyjeżdża na studia do Szkocji, a tam na imprezie trafia na Jake'a i jego dziewczynę. Zranione serce daje znać o sobie z ogromną siłą. Mimo że Charley stara się unikać dawnego ukochanego jak ognia, on cały czas próbuje się do niej zbliżyć.

    Ale czy można zaufać komuś, kto wcześniej tak bardzo zranił?

    Żyj szybko, kochaj głęboko to książka o miłości niewinnej i szalonej. Takiej, o której się marzy i tak naprawdę nigdy nie zapomina.
  • Out of the Shallows Samantha Young
    ISBN: 978-1497448148
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Charley and Jake’s story concludes in Out of the Shallows…

    Somehow, after everything they’ve been through, Jake Caplin and Charley Redford made their way back to one another. But finding each other and staying together are two completely different things.

    When Charley’s world is flipped upside down, she begins to question the choices and decisions she’s made since her arrival in Edinburgh, and in an effort to grip onto what she holds most dear she believes she must sacrifice her love for Jake.

    Returning to the States for her senior year, Charley struggles to find peace and happiness. While everyone else seems to be finding themselves in college, Charley is terrified that, along with almost everything else that’s important to her, she’s lost herself.

    While friends and family deal with their own tumultuous lives, there is one person resolved to uncover the reason behind Charley’s sudden defection and unhappiness. Refusing to give up without a fight, Jake believes he is the only one who can truly understand what Charley is going through, and this time he’s determined to prove he’s there for her no matter what obstacles are thrown in their way.

    However, as Charley strives to make it through the biggest personal journey of her life thus far, there is no guarantee that the woman she is becoming will still need Jake as much as the girl she once was did...
  • Smokeless Fire Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 1466297689
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский

    When eighteen year old Ari Johnson is transported from her bedroom into the chilling realm of Mount Qaf - home to the terrifying and mercurial Jinn - she learns a truth that rocks her very world. Suddenly her anxiety over college and her broken friendship with Charlie seem like small change compared to the war she now finds herself stuck in the middle of. Her unease isn’t lessened any by the hot guardian, Jai, who won’t stop following her around everywhere - a Jinn whose loyalty Ari hates to question but must. She has no idea who she can trust.

    When the truth burns through her life in its determination to turn it to ashes, Ari will have to battle with ancient deadly creatures, epic family drama and heart-wrenching romantic entanglements.
  • Scorched Skies Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 2475017929
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский

    The White King has crossed the line, sounded the horn, sent out the wolves.

    When blood is shed and life is lost the reality of Ari’s position as both hunter and prey finally sets in. It seems her father will stop at nothing to force her will to his own and distracted by Charlie’s latest mistake and her seemingly misguided attraction to Jai, Ari never thought to fear anyone else but the Jinn King.

    Blindsided and attacked, Ari learns a new wolf has joined the hunt. A dark sorcerer believes he knows a way to bleed the power of the Seal and wield it as his own, and he is even less patient than The White King.

    The War for the Seal has only just begun… and it’s time for Ari to turn it on its head.
    It’s time for Ari to stop acting like the hunted.

    It’s time for Ari to become the hunter.
  • Borrowed Ember Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 1477617019
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский
    Everything in Ari’s life until this point has been borrowed. Her human life with a man who wasn't her real father. A love for a boy who needed more than her to be strong. Kisses with a Jinn who refused to do anything but lend them out in moments of weakness. And even her resolve, which seemed to fail her whenever she needed it most. But Ari is done borrowing. She finally feels strong enough to make hunting Jinn not just a hobby to get her through her dismal situation, but to make hunting a permanent and necessary career. Her friendship with Charlie might finally make it onto real and steady ground if only she can save him from the trial on Mount Qaf. And her love for Jai could be eternal, if only she could gain control over the darkness of the Seal within her. Ari believes all of this is doable. That finally she will truly own the relationships in her life and to a certain extent have ownership over her future. But none of that matters when it isn't up to her… …For high in the emerald mountains of Mount Qaf, the Sultan Azazil has been keeping secrets. Even from the Jinn Kings. Secrets that will change everything… and bring Ari to the crashing realization that once again… … she’s borrowed something that will never truly belong to her. Something that is desperate to be unleashed. Something that could destroy them all.
  • Darkness Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 1484158490, 9781484158494
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Ari Johnson wishes adjusting to living with her boyfriend was her only source of excitement and anxiety.
    She wishes a lot of things.
    But then wishing was what got her here in the first place.

    Ari chose to be a Guild Hunter. She wanted to hunt dangerous Jinn and destroy them before they could harm innocent people. But now that Ari is a member of The Guild, she finds herself in the impossible position of hunting her ex-best friend – human-turned-dangerous sorcerer, Charlie Creagh. As Ari struggles to come to terms with her duty, an ancient Jinn and his companion want revenge on her for using the command of the Seal against them; the White King refuses to give up on his quest to resurrect Lilif, and Asmodeus isn’t done toying with her.

    When Ari can take no more, rushing to the Sultan Azazil’s side to demand of him the favor he owes her, the events she sets in motion will not only alter everyone’s lives, it will kindle a darkness that will shake the realms to their very core.
  • War of Hearts Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 1916174019, 9781916174016
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Samantha Young
    Язык: Английский
    Thea Quinn has no idea what she is. All she knows is that her abilities have been a plague upon her life since she was a child. After years of suffering at the hands of a megalomaniac, Thea escaped and has been on the run ever since.

    The leadership and protection of his pack are of the utmost importance to Conall MacLennan, Alpha and Chief of Clan MacLennan, the last werewolf pack in Scotland. Which is why watching his sister slowly die of a lycanthropic disease is emotional torture. When Conall is approached by a businessman who offers a cure for his sister in exchange for the use of Conall’s rare tracking ability, Conall forges an unbreakable contract with him. He has to find and retrieve the key to the cure: dangerous murderer, Thea Quinn.

    Thea’s attempts to evade the ruthless werewolf are not only thwarted by the Alpha, but by outside dangers. With no choice but to rely on one another for survival, truths are revealed, intensifying a passionate connection they both fight to resist. At war with themselves and each other, Conall and Thea’s journey to Scotland forces them to face a heartrending choice between love and betrayal.
  • На улице нашей любви Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07145-2
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джосселин Батлер молода, хороша собой и весьма состоятельна, но ей причиняют жестокие мучения воспоминания о прошлом: когда Джосселин было всего 14 лет, ее горячо любимые родители и обожаемая младшая сестренка погибли в автокатастрофе. Теперь Джосселин сторонится прочных связей, боится сближаться с людьми, так как считает, что потом все равно потеряет близкого человека и будет страдать. Но однажды она встречает мужчину, к которому испытывает непреодолимое физическое влечение. Однако Брэден Кармайкл тоже отягощен воспоминаниями о прошлом, поэтому он предлагает ей сделку: никаких обязанностей и никаких привязанностей, а просто…

  • Рождество на Дублинской улице Саманта Янг
    Язык: Русский

    Перевод: Ана Овсянникова

    Рассказ о первом Рождестве, проведенном Джоселин и Брэденом вместе.

  • Хэллоин на Дублинской улице Саманта Янг
    Язык: Русский

    Перевод: : Группа Сильвия Дэй|Саманта Янг На улице нашей любви # 1.2

    Веселая история о праздновании Хэллоуина парочки Брэден-Джосс.

  • Until Fountain Bridge Samantha Young
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: InterMix
    Язык: Английский

    From the New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street and Down London Road comes a new novella about finding love in familiar places… Ellie has been in love with Adam Sutherland for as long as she can remember. What started as a childhood crush on her older brother’s best friend soon bloomed into full-blown infatuation. Unfortunately, it also meant full-blown heartache, as Adam refused to fall for Braden’s little sister. But it took a crisis to make Adam realize he’s wasted too much time denying his feelings for her. Unwilling to waste a second more, he decided to make Ellie his, no matter the consequences. Now…

  • Город моей любви Саманта Янг
    ISBN: 978-5-389-10346-7
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джоанна Уокер привыкла всегда брать ответственность на себя. Но однажды она познакомилась с человеком, который заставил ее изменить этому правилу… Всю жизнь Джоанна заботилась о своей семье, особенно о младшем брате Коуле. Отец их бросил, а матери-алкоголичке было наплевать на детей. Девушка старалась поступать так, как было лучше для ее брата. Она и в кавалеры выбирала себе тех, кто был симпатичен брату, да к тому же мог поддержать их материально. Джоанна твердо знала, что она хочет, до тех пор, пока не встретила человека, который раскрыл ей глаза, что ей на самом деле нужно…

  • Calle Jamaica Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9788490703021
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: B De Bolsillo
    Язык: Испанский
    A pesar de su comportamiento extrovertido, Olivia se siente exasperantemente insegura con los hombres; por lo general, ni siquiera es capaz de encontrar el valor necesario para acercarse a alguien que le gusta. Sin embargo, trasladarse a Edimburgo ha supuesto empezar de nuevo y, despues de sentirse atraida por un sexy estudiante de posgrado, decide que ya es hora de dejar de lado sus miedos e ir en busca de lo que quiere.
    Nate Sawyer es un seductor guapisimo que nunca se compromete, pero con sus amigos intimos es sumamente leal. Asi pues, cuando Olivia acude a el para contarle sus penas, Nate se ofrece a ayudarla a mostrarse mas segura en sus relaciones con el sexo opuesto.
    La educacion en seduccion pronto deja de ser un favor entre amigos para convertirse en un intenso y acalorado romance... hasta que el pasado y los problemas de Nate a la hora de comprometerse hacen acto de presencia y Olivia termina desconsolada. Cuando Nate se de cuenta de que ha cometido el mayor error de su vida, tendra que esforzarse mas que nunca para reconquistar a su mejor amiga, si no quiere perderla para siempre…
  • Castle Hill Samantha Young
    ISBN: 9780698156371
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Group (USA)
    Язык: Английский

    Braden Carmichael never imagined he’d fall as hard and as fast as he did for Jocelyn Butler. He also could not have anticipated how difficult it would be to convince her to give in to love. But now that he has her, he’s never letting go. He’s got it all planned—the passionate proposal, the dream wedding, the sexy Hawaiian honeymoon—even the perfect family they’ll start. After trying to flee from her painful past, Joss is finally allowing herself to embrace the future. But when things start moving faster than she anticipated, she finds herself panicking over something Braden can’t understand. After everything they’ve been through, Joss is…

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