Эмма Кеннеди

Elizabeth Emma Williams

  • 11 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 29 читателей
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Эмма Кеннеди – лучшие книги

  • Дело о замороженных сердцах. Приключения Вилмы Тендерфут Эмма Кеннеди
    ISBN: 978-5-271-40456-6
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    Вилма Тендерфут - сиротка из приюта, мечтающая стать помощницей всемирно известного, солидного детектива Теодора П.Гудмана. Цель этой несносной девчонки - узнать, кто же ее родители и единственная зацепка - это багажная бирка, доставшаяся ей в "наследство". Но меньше всего мистер Гудман нуждается в маленькой и невезучей девчонке, набивающейся к нему в ученицы, особенно, когда у нее есть несносный бигль Пикл, который постоянно съедает все улики!
    "Вилма Тендерфут и дело о замороженных сердцах" - это лишь первая история о приключениях непоседливой сиротки. Вскоре Вы узнаете о других детективных расследованиях юной сыщицы.
  • Shoes for Anthony Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 978-1250090966
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Thomas Dunne Books
    Язык: Английский
    This 1944 World War Two drama tells the story of Anthony, a boy living in a deprived Welsh village, anticipating the arrival of American troops. Suddenly, a German plane crashes into the village mountain. A Polish prisoner-of-war survives and is brought into the community where he builds a close relationship with Anthony. Later, the villagers discover one of the Germans on the plane has survived and is still on the mountain.

    Joyous, thrilling, and nostalgic, Emma Kennedy’s Shoes For Anthony will have you wiping your eyes one moment and beaming from ear-to-ear the next. This is a small gem of a novel that reviewers (and readers) will cherish.
  • Tent, the Bucket and Me Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 9781473503731
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Random House AudioBooks
    Язык: Английский
    For the '70s child, summer holidays didn't mean the joy of CentreParcs or the sophistication of a Tuscan villa. They meant being crammed into a car with Grandma and heading to the coast. With just a tent for a home and a bucket for the necessities, we would set off on new adventures each year stoically resolving to enjoy ourselves.

    For Emma Kennedy, and her mum and dad, disaster always came along for the ride no matter where they went. Whether it was being swept away by a force 10 gale on the Welsh coast or suffering copious amounts of food poisoning on a brave trip to the south of France, family holidays always left them battered and bruised. But they never gave up.

    Emma's memoir, The Tent, The Bucket and Me, is a painfully funny reminder of just what it was like to spend your summer holidays cold, damp but with sand between your toes.
  • I Left My Tent in San Francisco Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 978-0091935962
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    It's 1989, and Emma and her best friend Dee head to the USA to make their fortune. But completely inept and virtually unemployable, they discover that they can't even get a job in McDonald's.

    Forced to travel from California to New York with only pennies in their pockets, they bounce from scrape to scrape, surviving on their wits and the kindness of strangers. Bad luck and misfortune throw everything their way - snakes, earthquakes, black magic and incontinent dogs. They even get kidnapped by a sex-crazed midget in a Ferrari. This never happened to Jack Kerouac.

    A startlingly honest and ridiculously funny book, I Left My Tent in San Francisco tells the miraculous story of how the hapless pair made it back alive to tell the disastrous tale.
  • Wilma Tenderfoot: the Case of the Fatal Phantom Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 9780142426098
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Puffin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Wilma chases down ghosts and hidden treasure in her third endearing mystery

    Mystery is afoot when Wilma and her dog, Pickle, snuffle up a mummified body holding an ancient-looking key at Blackheart Mansion, home of the wealthiest family on Cooper Island. When it is revealed that the body belongs to a long-lost ancestor, Bludsten Blackheart, the family fights over Bludsten's key and races to find the treasure it unlocks--rumored to be guarded by a fatal phantom. And just when things reach fever pitch, Wilma discovers another clue about who her parents may be.

    In turns heartfelt, hilarious, and mysterious, Wilma's newest adventure is sure to please the budding detective in all of us.
  • Wilma Tenderfoot and the Case of the Rascal's Revenge Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 9780330535236
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
    Язык: Английский
    Wilma Tenderfoot and her beloved beagle, Pickle, are on their most cracking case yet! The whole of Cooper Island is under threat, Mr Goodman has more on his plate than even he can handle, and Wilma is on the cusp of solving the conundrum of her birthright. But things always get worse before they get better!
  • Wilma Tenderfoot and the Case of the Putrid Poison Emma Kennedy
    ISBN: 9780330469524
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
    Язык: Английский
    A cunning disguise. Some stinky seaweed. And a dastardly villain on the loose ...sounds like another case for Wilma Tenderfoot! Wilma Tenderfoot, the feisty and determined assistant to the greatest living detective, Theodore P. Goodman, is faced with a peculiar, and pongy, case to crack. Cooper Island's vaudeville theatre becomes centre stage for a murderous menace, as one by one the actors are fatally poisoned. Can Wilma, along with her faithful hound and dazzling dancing partner, Pickle, discover the fiend's identity ...before the final curtain falls for Wilma herself?
  • The Tent, the Bucket and Me Эмма Кеннеди
    ISBN: 9780091926793
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Pack your suitcases, we're off! A hilarious Seventies childhood memoir of utterly disastrous family camping trips, now the inspiration for the major BBC series The Kennedys.
    Emma Kennedy's hilarious memoir of wet and windy family trips, Now Adapted For The Major BBC One Series The Kennedys.
    For the 70s child, summer holidays didn't mean the joy of CentreParcs or the sophistication of a Tuscan villa. They meant being crammed into a car with Grandma and heading to the coast. With just a tent for a home and a bucket for the necessities, we would set off on new adventures each year stoically resolving to enjoy ourselves.
    For Emma Kennedy, and her mum and dad, disaster always came along for the ride no matter where they went. Whether it was being swept away by a force ten gale on the Welsh coast or suffering copious amounts of food poisoning on a brave trip to the south of France, family holidays always left them battered and bruised.
    But they never gave up. Emma's memoir, The Tent, The Bucket and Me, is a painfully funny reminder of just what it was like to spend your summer holidays cold, damp but with sand between your toes.