Ричард Касл

Richard Castle

  • 37 книг
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Лучшие книги Ричард Касл

  • Невыносимая жара Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 978-5-4453-0693-1
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Команда А
    Язык: Русский

    Долгожданная премьера книги по известному телесериалу «Касл».Один из самых известных зарубежных сериалов в России!Более 3 миллионов фанатов на «Facebook»!Свыше 80 тысяч фанатов «ВКонтакте»!Главный герой фильма Ричард Касл пишет остросюжетные романы, принимает участие в полицейских расследованиях и… является автором книги, которую вы держите в руках. На ее страницах действуют знакомые по сериалу персонажи, а в центре повествования оказывается сексуальная и решительная Никки Хит, которая ведет запутанное дело о смерти строительного магната. Бандиты и преуспевающие бизнесмены, у каждого из которых имелся не один мотив для убийства, отстаивают…

  • Обнаженная жара Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 978-5-4453-0211-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Лениздат
    Язык: Русский

    Вторая книга серии! Долгожданная новинка для всех поклонников популярнейшего детективного сериала "Castle", самого рейтингового сериала телеканала ABC и одного из самых известных зарубежных сериалов в России! Главный герой фильма, писатель Ричард Касл, представляет новую книгу о Никки Хит, блестящем детективе из убойного отдела. На этот раз Хит достается дело о гибели знаменитой журналистки, ведущей колонки сплетен в популярной нью-йоркской газете. Это расследование вовлекает Никки Хит в череду громких скандалов, связанных со знаменитостями, но что еще хуже - вновь сталкивает с бывшим возлюбленным, репортером Джеймсоном Руком. После…

  • Непобедимая жара Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 978-5-4453-0265-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Лениздат, Команда А
    Язык: Русский

    Многочисленных поклонников детективного сериала "Castle", самого рейтингового сериала телеканала ABC и одного из самых известных зарубежных сериалов в России, ждет новая встреча с полюбившимися героями в захватывающем романе "Непобедимая жара" от мастера остросюжетной прозы Ричарда Касла! Загадочное убийство приходского священника, совершенное в одном из нью-йоркских садомазохистских притонов, вовлекает Никки Хит в опасную игру, где замешаны крупный наркоторговец, агент ЦРУ и важный чиновник Департамента полиции. Подобравшись слишком близко к разгадке, Никки теряет поддержку коллег и может рассчитывать только на журналиста Джеймсона…

  • Жестокая жара Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 978-5-4453-0431-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Лениздат, Команда А
    Язык: Русский

    Новый увлекательный роман Ричарда Касла ЖЕСТОКАЯ ЖАРА станет приятным сюрпризом для всех поклонников детективного сериала "Castle", самого рейтингового сериала телеканала ABC и одного из самых известных зарубежных сериалов в России! Очередное преступление погружает детектива Никки Хит в настоящий лабиринт тайн, пугающих и мрачных. Труп неизвестной женщины, обнаруженный в чемодане в грузовике-рефрижераторе, оказывается непостижимым образом связанным со смертью матери Хит. Это нераскрытое убийство более десяти лет терзало Никки и теперь наконец она получает ключ к разгадке. Вместе со своим возлюбленным, журналистом Джеймсоном Руком, Хит…

  • Смертельная жара Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 978-5-4453-1047-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Лениздат
    Язык: Русский

    Для поклонников популярного сериала и всех любителей остросюжетной литературы! Главный герой фильма Ричард Касл пишет остросюжетные романы, принимает участие в полицейских расследованиях и… является автором книги, которую вы держите в руках. Книги серии - это не новеллизация сериала, а оригинальные захватывающие детективы, приправленные фирменным юмором Ричарда Касла. Вас ждут знакомые персонажи и новые сюжетные повороты.

  • Raging Heat Richard Castle
    ISBN: 978-1484716359
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский

    In New York Times Bestselling author Richard Castle's newest novel, an illegal immigrant falls from the sky and NYPD Homicide Detective Nikki Heat's investigation into his death quickly captures the imagination of her boyfriend the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Jameson Rook. When he decides to work the case with Heat as his next big story, Nikki is at first happy to have him ride along. Yes, she must endure Rook's usual wild conspiracy speculations and adolescent wisecracks, but after reuniting following his recent assignment abroad, she's glad for the entertainment, the chance to bounce ideas, and just to be close to him again and…

  • Driving Heat Richard Castle
    ISBN: 978-1401324827
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский

    Richard Castle, New York Times mega-bestselling mystery writer and star of ABC's hit primetime show Castle is back. In the seventh novel of his popular Nikki Heat series, the NYPD's top homicide detective has been promoted to captain just in time to face a thrilling case with a very personal twist. Captain Heat's fianc , Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Jameson Rook, is deep in an investigation. Professionally for Heat, Rook's meddling in the case compromises her new job. Privately, it becomes an early test of their engagement when Rook becomes a distraction at best, and an obstacle at worst, as their parallel lives not only cross, but…

  • A Raging Storm Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 9781401304676
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Kingswell
  • A Brewing Storm Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 1401304664
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Kingswell

    When Derrick Storm needed to leave the CIA, he couldn't just retire. He had to fake his own death. So when his former boss calls in an old favor that will bring Storm out of early retirement and back to Washington to investigate a high-profile kidnapping, he knows there must be more at stake than the life of a Senator's son. Working alongside, but not exactly with, bombshell FBI investigator April Showers, Storm must make sense of a confusing flurry of ransom notes and a complicated web of personal relationships and international politics. He'll get to the bottom of the kidnapping, but the storm is still brewing

  • High Heat Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 1484781503
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский

    An ISIS-style beheading of a journalist, carried out by a New York City group pledging fealty to that rogue state, becomes more than just another case for NYPD Captain Nikki Heat when the killers announce their next target: her husband, magazine writer Jameson Rook. Meanwhile, Heat is haunted by a fleeting glimpse of someone she swears is her mother... a woman who has been dead for nearly twenty years.

  • Storm Front Richard Castle
    ISBN: 978-0-7868-9147-43
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: ABC Studios

    With the help of a beautiful and mysterious foreign agent--with whom Storm is becoming romantically and professionally entangled--he discovers that Volkov's treachery has embroiled a wealthy hedge-fund manager and a U.S. senator. In a heated race against time, Storm chases Volkov's shadow from Paris, to the lair of a computer genius in Iowa, to the streets of Manhattan, then through a bullet-riddled car chase on the New Jersey Turnpike. In the process, Storm uncovers a plot that could destroy the global economy--unleashing untold chaos--which only he can stop.

  • A Bloody Storm: A Derrick Storm Short Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 9781401304683
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский
    The final piece of the Derrick Storm trilogy from #1 New York Times bestselling author Richard Castle, available exclusively as an eBook short. Derrick Storm is back—this time, with a crack team of ghost CIA operatives. These former agents have all faked their own deaths and now work for the CIA on a strictly secret basis, taking on dangerous and illegal jobs the agency may not officially carry out. They're headed to the Molguzar mountains to look for sixty-billion dollars worth of gold hidden by the KGB before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and taking a perilous detour to rescue FBI agent April Showers from a sociopath torturer. But Storm's loyalties are put to the test as the mission begins to unravel into a bloody mountaintop showdown, and he and Showers must find out the hard way that their assignment may not be what they thought it was...
  • Uncanny X-Force, Volume 4: The Dark Angel Saga, Book 2 Марк Брукс
    ISBN: 9780785158875
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    Having traveled to the Age of Apocalypse, X-Force team up with the Amazing X-Men for the final push against Apocalypse's heir, in a bettle Royale that will force Wolverine to make the hardest choice of his life. One world must die! Plus: someone has wiped out a small town in Northern Montana and in its place a new alien landscape has grown. What is Tabula Rasa? Can Fantomex and Deadpool work together to survive its harsh terrains long enough to unlock its mystery? Then: the fate of the entire world rests on Deadpool's shoulders! A new Death is born! Refugee mutants from the Age of Apocalypse descend on our world! Can the Merc with a Mouth hold off long enough for X-Force to regroup? Is there any hope of staving off the Age of Archangel? Not if Iceman and the Blob have their say. Monsters of doom and glory, Rick Remender (Venom, Punisher), Jerome Opena (Punisher, Moon Knight) and legendary colorist Dean White (Avengers) reunite to serve up another boss bowl of breakneck action in the hottest book on the stands!
  • Crashing Heat Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 1368040527
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский
    Marriage. It's a double-edged sword, or at least it is for Nikki Heat. Her husband, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jameson Rook, infuriates her in a way no one else in her entire life has ever done. He also takes her to heights of pleasure she has never experienced. But most of all, she loves the man with all her heart and she'd do anything to protect him. Which is just what she had done not so long ago. It had almost cost them everything.

    Now, Rook is given the honor to be a visiting professor at his alma mater, and he can't pass up the opportunity to mentor bourgeoning writers at his former award-winning college newspaper. Shortly after his arrival on campus, a female reporter for the paper is found dead, naked, in Rook's bed.

    Dealing with betrayal from any man is not Nikki's style. She and Jameson have had plenty of conflicts during their complicated relationship, but none like this. Is her husband keeping secrets of his own, or can she really trust him? In order to find out, Nikki gives Jameson the benefit of the doubt and digs into Jameson's theory of a secret society within a secret society. What she finds puts her investigative skills, and her marriage, to the test.
  • Heat Storm Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 1484787862
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Английский
    Nikki Heat and Derrick Storm, New York Times bestselling author Richard Castle's most enduring and beloved characters, team up for the first time to save Nikki's mother, Cynthia, who has been in hiding (and presumed dead) for 17 years. Standing in their way is a nefarious group of Chinese businessmen known as the Shanghai Seven, who have the resources-and ruthlessness-to stop them.
  • Wild Storm Ричард Касл
    ISBN: 9781783294305
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Derrick Storm has never faced anything like this before. Airliners are dropping from the sky, shot down by a terrifying futuristic weapon. The intelligence community is blindsided and scrambling for answers. The media is calling it another 9/11. But the terrorists have aimed their weapon at the one man who can't be brought down: Derrick Storm. After saving his own plane from certain doom, Storm is enlisted by the CIA to track down the force responsible for t
  • Wild Storm: A Derrick Storm Thriller Richard Castle
    ISBN: 978-148471638-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Kingswell
    Язык: Русский
    Derrick Storm, the guy the CIA calls on when it wants something investigated domestically, is thirty-three thousand feet in the air, returningfrom a rock climbing vacation in the Swiss Alps, when the plane spirals into anose-dive. Storm uses his climbing gear to tether himself to the wing andheroically save the plane and all the people on board. Sadly, Storm isnot available to come to the aid of the three other planes that have crashedunder similar circumstances, killing everyone on board. Interestingly, many of the victims arepowerful people in politics, business and religious groups.
    The always elusive Jedidiah Jones, leader of the National ClandestineService that has no name, calls on Storm to investigate. Storm determines that an unknown extremisthas secured enough of the rare earth element promethium to create a laser withthe power to shoot down planes from the ground. The problem swiftlybecomes a global one as four more planes crash in the Arabia Desert.
    Details, intuition and courage lead Storm to Monaco, Panama City and Egypt as he meets beautiful women, rides angry camels and rescues innocentvictims in his valiant effort to track down the maniacal mind behind the terrorism.
  • Castle. A Calm Before Storm Richard Castle
    ISBN: 9780785168195
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    The adaptations based on the hit ABC show Castle continue as Derrick Storm's gruesome discovery draws him into an internati onal spectacle! Who is the Fear? What does he want with Derrick? And why is Derrick's father next on his hit list? As the international situation in New York continues to degrade, Derrick reaches out to the one person who may be able to help him: his former handler, Clara Strike. But even if she responds, will she be with him or against him? With the city of Moscow teetering on the verge of a meltdown, Derrick faces the Fear in final battle. Can he prevent World War III - and fi nally avenge his mother? Don't miss the espionage thriller that has comic-book and Castle fans raving!
  • Castle. Deadly Storm Richard Castle
    ISBN: 9780785153290
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    CASTLE fans rejoice! For the first time anywhere, CASTLE's titular hero Derrick Storm comes to life in the pages of this all-new graphic novel. This "adaptation" of Derrick Storm's first novel adventure takes our hero from the gritty world of the private eye all the way to the globe-hopping intrigue of the CIA. Eisner Award-winning Marvel Architect Brian Bendis and red hot Osborn writer Kelly Sue DeConnick worked closely with CASTLE creator Andrew Marlowe to create the one thing millions of CASTLE fans have been asking for: Their first real Derrick Storm adventure. A wall-to-wall, gritty, witty, globe-hopping detective thrill ride for fans of the hit TV show starring Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic, as well as fans of darn good comic books.
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