Брайан Холл

Brian Hall

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
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Брайан Холл – лучшие книги

  • Бортовые содержания и оптимизация стратегии горных работ Брайан Холл
    ISBN: 978-5-04-117437-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Российские читатели с выходом этой книги впервые получают возможность подробно ознакомиться с развитием теории бортового содержания и горных стратегий, что, к сожалению, пока не пользуется должным вниманием в России. Между тем, именно такие подходы наиболее востребованы в современном профессиональном сообществе. Книга будет полезной ведущим специалистам инжиниринговых организаций и горнодобывающих компаний, а также ученым, занимающимся оптимизацией горных систем, аспирантам и студентам горных вузов.
  • High Risk: Climbing to Extinction Брайан Холл
    ISBN: 191320782X
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Sandstone Press Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    Through the seventies and into the mid-eighties a cohort of young climbers challenged the siege mentality of their seniors on high mountains in the Greater Ranges with fast moving, lightweight expeditions run on a shoestring. Brian Hall was one of them and, in High Risk, he describes their daring adventures and the counterculture they lived within, their rivalries and relationships, and the terrible price many of them paid. When all was done, they had raised the standards of mountaineering by changing its style and ethics.
  • I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company: A Novel of Lewis and Clark Брайан Холл
    ISBN: 0142003719
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    "Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's expedition to the Pacific Ocean and back in the early nineteenth century is the most famous journey in American history. But its very fame has obscured its oddness. Its public image of discovery and triumphant return has veiled its private stories of longing and loss, of self-discovery and mutual ignorances, of good luck and mischance and fortunate misunderstanding."

    "Rather than concentrate exclusively on the expedition, Brian Hall has chosen to focus on emblematic moments through the whole range of the lives of its participants. Ever present as a backdrop is the violent collision of white and Native American cultures, and the broader tragedy of the inability of any human being to truly understand what lies in the heart of another."

    Hall has written the novel in four competing voices. The primary one is that of Lewis, the troubled and mercurial figure who found that it was impossible to enter paradise without having it crumble around him. Hall brings this enigmatic character to life as no historian ever has. A second voice is that of the Shoshone girl-captive Sacagawea, interpretor on the expedition, whose short life of disruption and displacement mirrored the times in which she lived. Other perspectives are provided by William Clark and by Toussaint Charbonneau, the French fur trader who took Sacagawea as his wife.
  • The Impossible Country: A Journey Through the Last Days of Yugoslavia Брайан Холл
    ISBN: 9780140249231
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    This is a privileged glimpse of the former Yugoslavia from within, one that gets behind journalistic accounts to present the intimate hatreds, prejudices, aspirations, and fears of its citizens. American journalist Brian Hall spent the spring and summer of 1991 traveling through Yugoslavia, even as the nation was crumbling in his footsteps. Having arrived a week after the catalytic May 2 massacre at Borovo Selo, he watched as political solutions were abandoned with dizzying speed, and as Yugoslavia's various ethnicities, which had managed to reach a point of tolerant coexistence, tipped into the violence of civil war. Hall, one of the last foreigners to travel unhindered through the region, has captured the voices of both the prominent and the unknown, from Serbian demagogue Slobodan Milosevic and Bosnian leader Alija Izetbegovic to a wide variety of everyday Serbs, Croats, and Muslims: "real people, likeable people," as he says, who have been pushed by rumor and propaganda into carrying out one of the most intense and brutal ethnic conflicts in world history. At the same time, he provides the indispensable historical background, showing how the country called Yugoslavia was cobbled together after World War I, tracing the "ethnic cleansing" practices that have marked the area for centuries, and explaining why every attempt at political compromise has met with such suspicion and resistance. With a sharp eye and flawless ear, Brian Hall has caught a unique moment in history in a book that is superbly researched, beautifully written, funny, fascinating, and poignant.