Энн Кливз

Ann Cleeves

  • 84 книги
  • 30 подписчиков
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Лучшие книги Энн Кливз

  • Немые голоса Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-04-118991-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Жизнь инспектора Веры Стенхоуп не может быть спокойной даже вне работы. В сауне местного спортзала, куда она приходит отвлечься, работа снова ее настигает: рядом лежит труп женщины с синяками на шее. Интересно, Вера хоть когда-нибудь видела людей, которые умерли спокойно? От нового расследования у Веры бурлит кровь. Смерть еще никогда не заставляла ее чувствовать себя такой живой. Но в прошлом жертвы кроется тайна, которая затрагивает и жизнь инспектора. Осторожно, Вера Стенхоуп, ты ищешь человека, способного на страшное ради сокрытия своих преступлений...
  • Рассказывая сказки Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-04-115986-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Десять лет прошло с тех пор, как Джини Лонг обвинили в убийстве пятнадцатилетней Эбигейл Мэнтел. А теперь обитатели йоркширской деревни Элвет с ужасом узнают, что появились новые улики, свидетельствующие о невиновности Джини. Значит, убийца Эбигейл все еще на свободе. Для Эммы Беннетт это открытие означает возвращение воспоминаний о жизнерадостной подруге – и о жутком зимнем дне, когда она обнаружила ее тело, лежащее в холодной канаве. Инспектор Вера Стэнхоуп начинает новое расследование в прибрежной деревне, и ее жители вынуждены вернуться в то время, о котором они надеялись забыть. Напряжение нарастает. Но чего они боятся больше – убийцы…

  • Скрытые глубины Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-04-118889-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Очередное жаркое лето на побережье Нортумберленда. Джули Армстронг возвращается домой после вечерней прогулки и обнаруживает, что ее сын убит. Люка задушили, положили в наполненную ванну и украсили дикими цветами. Эта стилизованная сцена убийства заинтриговала инспектора Веру Стэнхоуп и ее команду. Но они должны действовать быстро, чтобы найти таинственного маньяка. А пока местные жители вынуждены делиться своими самыми темными тайнами с детективом, убийца наблюдает и ждет. Возможно, он успеет спрятать еще одно тело в красивые темные глубины... Энн Кливз — настоящая находка для любопытных и внимательных читателей, которые хотят…

  • Вороново крыло Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-644-1
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Классический детектив, вот только не английский, а шотландский. Энн Кливз — последовательница самого успешного шотландского детективщика Йена Рэнкина. Она сплетает детективный сюжет с психологической историей и помещает все это в загадочный шотландсий пейзаж. "Вороново крыло" — это не просто шотландский детектив, а шетландский, ведь история разворачивается на одном из Шетландских островов. Холодное январское утро, заснеженные Шетланды. Монохромный бледный пейзаж нарушает лишь одно яркое пятно, над которым кружат вороны. На промерзшей земле лежит тело молодой девушки… На острове никогда не происходило серьезных преступлений, и…

  • Ловушка для ворона Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-04-109195-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "Ловушка для ворона" Энн Кливз – ещё одна книга в копилку классики английского детектива. Однако, в отличие от многих коллег по жанру, в этом произведении Энн Кливз больше всего интересует не только само преступление и процедура разоблачения убийцы, но и подробный анализ событий, приведших к катастрофе. В центре внимания писательницы три очень не похожие друг на друга женщины – Рэйчел, Энн и Грейс. Им сложно найти общий язык, но они вынуждены провести несколько недель в одном доме на зеленых холмах и ветреных пустошах Северной Англии, проверяя местность, предназначенную для разработки, на наличие редких экземпляров растений и…

  • Комната из стекла Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-5-04-180085-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    В уединенном Доме писателей на побережье Нортумберленда проводится курс для начинающих авторов "Литературное вскрытие: Как писать короткий детективный рассказ". Целую неделю участники будут оттачивать свое мастерство и продумывать безупречный сценарий убийства. Неудивительно, что однажды вечером на балконе находят тело одного из преподавателей с застывшей гримасой ужаса на лице. Практически у каждого в доме имелась причина желать смерти Тони Фердинанду, но только Джоанну Тобин видели с ножом в руке рядом с убитым. По счастливой случайности, она – близкая соседка и подруга инспектора Веры Стенхоуп, которой уже давненько не приходилось…

  • White Nights Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 1447274458, 9781447274452
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский

    The electrifying follow up to the award-winning Raven Black Raven Black received crime fiction’s highest monetary honor, the Duncan Lawrie Dagger Award. Now Detective Jimmy Perez is back in an electrifying sequel. It’s midsummer in the Shetland Islands, the time of the white nights, when birds sing at midnight and the sun never sets. Artist Bella Sinclair throws an elaborate party to launch an exhibition of her work at The Herring House, a gallery on the beach. The party ends in farce when one the guests, a mysterious Englishman, bursts into tears and claims not to know who he is or where he’s come from. The following day the…

  • Harbour Street Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 023076018X, 9780230760189
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Harbour Street is the sixth book in Ann Cleeves' Vera Stanhope series - now the major ITV detective drama Vera, starring Brenda Blethyn.

    As the snow falls thickly on Newcastle, the shouts and laughter of Christmas revellers break the muffled silence. Detective Joe Ashworth and his daughter Jessie are swept along in the jostling crowd onto the Metro.

    But when the train is stopped due to the bad weather, and the other passengers fade into the swirling snow, Jessie notices that an old lady hasn't left the train: Margaret Krukowski has been fatally stabbed as she sat on the crowded train. Why would anyone want to harm this reserved, elegant lady?

    Arriving at the scene, DI Vera Stanhope is relieved to have an excuse to escape the holiday festivities. As she stands on the silent, snow-covered station platform, Vera feels a familiar buzz of anticipation, sensing that this will be a complex and unusual case. Soon Vera and Joe are on their way to the south Northumberland town of Mardle, where Margaret lived, to begin their inquiry.

    Then, just days later, a second woman is murdered. Vera knows that to find the key to this new killing she needs to understand what had been troubling Margaret so much before she died - before another life is lost. Retracing Margaret's final steps, Vera finds herself searching deep into the hidden past of this seemingly innocent neighbourhood, led by clues that keep revolving around one street . . .

    Why are the residents of Harbour Street so reluctant to speak?

    Also available in the Vera Stanhope series are The Crow Trap, Telling Tales, Hidden Depths, The Glass Room and The Moth Catcher.
  • Red Bones Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 1447274466, 9781447274469
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan
    Язык: Английский
    When an elderly woman is shot in what appears to be a tragic accident, Shetland detective Jimmy Perez is called to investigate the mystery.

    The sparse landscape and the emptiness of the sea have bred a fierce and secretive people. As Jimmy looks to the islanders for answers, he finds instead two feuding families whose envy, greed and bitterness have lasted generations.

    Then there’s another murder and, as the spring weather shrouds the island in claustrophobic mists, Jimmy must dig up old secrets to stop a new killer from striking again...
  • The Long Call Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-1-5098-8960-0
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Русский
    In North Devon, where the rivers Taw and Torridge converge and run into the sea, Detective Matthew Venn stands outside the church as his father’s funeral takes place. The day Matthew turned his back on the strict evangelical community in which he grew up, he lost his family too.
    Now he’s back, not just to mourn his father at a distance, but to take charge of his first major case in the Two Rivers region; a complex place not quite as idyllic as tourists suppose.
    A body has been found on the beach near to Matthew’s new home: a man with the tattoo of an albatross on his neck, stabbed to death.
    Finding the killer is Venn’s only focus, and his team’s investigation will take him straight back into the community he left behind, and the deadly secrets that lurk there.
  • Too Good To Be True Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 1509806113, 9781509806119
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Pan
    Язык: Английский
    Too Good To Be True is a gripping Quick Read from Ann Cleeves, featuring Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez from the bestselling Shetland series.

    When young teacher Anna Blackwell is found dead in her home, the police think her death was suicide or a tragic accident. After all, Stonebridge is a quiet country village in the Scottish Borders, where murders just don't happen.

    But Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez soon arrives from far-away Shetland when his ex-wife, Sarah, asks him to look into the case. The local gossips are saying that her new husband, Tom, was having an affair with Anna. Could Tom have been involved with her death? Sarah refuses to believe it - but needs proof.

    Anna had been a teacher. She must have loved kids. Would she kill herself knowing there was nobody to look after her daughter? She had seemed happier than ever before she died. And to Perez, this suggests not suicide, but murder...
  • The Moth Catcher Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 1447278283, 9781447278283
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский

    This case was different from anything Vera had ever worked before. Two bodies, connected but not lying together. And nothing made her feel as alive as murder. Life seems perfect in Valley Farm, a quiet community in Northumberland. Then a shocking discovery shatters the silence. The owners of a big country house have employed a house-sitter, a young ecologist named Patrick, to look after the place while they're away. But Patrick is found dead by the side of the lane into the valley - a beautiful, lonely place to die. DI Vera Stanhope arrives on the scene, with her detectives Holly and Joe. When they look round the attic of the big…

  • The Heron's Cry Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 125020447X, 9781250204479
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ann Cleeves--New York Times bestselling and award-winning author of the Vera and Shetland series, both of which are hit TV shows--returns with the extraordinary follow-up to The Long Call, in the Two Rivers series, soon to be a major TV series too.

    North Devon is enjoying a rare hot summer with tourists flocking to its coastline. Detective Matthew Venn is called out to a rural crime scene at the home of a group of artists. What he finds is an elaborately staged murder--Dr Nigel Yeo has been fatally stabbed with a shard of one of his glassblower daughter's broken vases.

    Dr Yeo seems an unlikely murder victim. He's a good man, a public servant, beloved by his daughter. Matthew is unnerved, though, to find that she is a close friend of Jonathan, his husband.

    Then another body is found--killed in a similar way. Matthew soon finds himself treading carefully through the lies that fester at the heart of his community and a case that is dangerously close to home.

    DI Matthew Venn returns in The Heron's Cry, in Ann Cleeves powerful next novel, proving once again that she is a master of her craft.
  • Wild Fire Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 978-1-5290-5025-7
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Русский
    Shetland: Welcoming. Wild. Remote.
    Drawn in by the reputation of the islands, a new English family move to the area, eager to give their autistic son a better life. But when a young nanny’s body is found hanging in the barn of their home, rumours of her affair with the husband begin to spread like wild fire.
    With suspicion raining down on the family, DI Jimmy Perez is called in to investigate. For him it will mean returning to the islands of his on-off lover and boss Willow Reeves, who will run the case.
    Perez is already facing the most disturbing investigation of his career, when Willow drops a bombshell that will change his life forever. Is he ready for what is to come?
  • Blue Lightning Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 1447274474, 9781447274476
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan
    Язык: Английский

    Blue Lightning is the fourth book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series featuring Detective Jimmy Perez. With the autumn storms raging, Fair Isle feels cut off from the rest of the world. Trapped, tension is high and tempers become frayed. Enough to drive someone to murder . . . A woman's body is discovered at the renowned Fair Isles bird observatory, with feathers threaded through her hair. The islanders react with fear and anger. Detective Jimmy Perez has no support from the mainland and must investigate the old-fashioned way. He soon realizes that this is no crime of passion - but a murder of cold and calculated intention. There's no way…

  • Dead Water Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 1447202082, 9781447202080
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pan
    Язык: Английский

    Ann Cleeves returns to her critically acclaimed Shetland Island series with this stunning mystery featuring Inspector Jimmy Perez, who readers will remember from Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones, and Blue Lightning. When the body of a journalist is found, Detective Inspector Willow Reeves is drafted from outside to head up the investigation. Inspector Jimmy Perez has been out of the loop, but his local knowledge is needed in this case, and he decides to help Willow. The dead journalist had left the islands years before to pursue his writing career. In his wake, he left a scandal involving a young girl. When Willow and Jimmy dig deeper,…

  • The Rising Tide Энн Кливз
    ISBN: 1250204534
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    For fifty years a group of friends have been meeting regularly for reunions on Holy Island, celebrating the school trip where they met, and the friend that they lost to the rising causeway tide five years later. Now, when one of them is found hanged, Vera is called in. Learning that the dead man had recently been fired after misconduct allegations, Vera knows she must discover what the friends are hiding, and whether the events of many years before could have led to murder then, and now . . .

    But with the tide rising, secrets long-hidden are finding their way to the surface, and Vera and the team may find themselves in more danger than they could have believed possible . . .
  • The Seagull Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 1447278348, 9781447278344
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский

    A visit to her local prison brings DI Vera Stanhope face to face with an old enemy: former detective superintendent, and now inmate, John Brace. Brace was convicted of corruption and involvement in the death of a gamekeeper - and Vera played a key part in his downfall. Now, Brace promises Vera information about the disappearance of Robbie Marshall, a notorious wheeler-dealer who disappeared in the mid-nineties, if she will look out for his daughter and grandchildren. He tells her that Marshall is dead, and that his body is buried close to St Mary's Island in Whitley Bay. However, when a search team investigates, officers find not one…

  • Cold Earth Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 1250107385, 9781250107381
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский

    In the dark days of a Shetland winter, torrential rain triggers a landslide that crosses the main Lerwick-Sumburgh road and sweeps down to the sea. At the burial of his old friend Magnus Tait, Jimmy Perez watches the flood of mud and peaty water smash through a croft house in its path. Everyone thinks the croft is uninhabited, but in the wreckage he finds the body of a dark-haired woman wearing a red silk dress. In his mind, she shares his Mediterranean ancestry and soon he becomes obsessed with tracing her identity. Then it emerges that she was already dead before the landslide hit the house. Perez knows he must find out who she was,…

  • The Darkest Evening Ann Cleeves
    ISBN: 125020450X, 9781250204509
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский

    On the first snowy night of winter, Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope sets off for her home in the hills. Though the road is familiar, she misses a turning and soon becomes lost and disorientated. A car has skidded off the narrow road in front of her, its door left open, and she stops to help. There is no driver to be seen, so Vera assumes that the owner has gone to find help. But a cry calls her back: a toddler is strapped in the back seat. Vera takes the child and, driving on, she arrives at a place she knows well. Brockburn is a large, grand house in the wilds of Northumberland, now a little shabby and run down. It’s also where her…

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