Луис Окинклос

Louis Auchincloss

  • 7 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 1 читатель
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Лучшие книги Луиса Окинклоса

  • The Embezzler Louis Auchincloss
    Год издания: 1967
    Издательство: A Dell Book
    Язык: Английский
    The Embezzler, first written in 1966, uses conflicting narrative voices and viewpoints to illuminate the fabled dimensions of American economic history as it was then understood. Inspired by the documented facts of the Wall Street fraud case that led the United States government to take control of the American stock market, Auchincloss then describes the case and its main players with credibility and skill, reinventing the facts of this historical event with skill. Given the financial crisis of 2008, and similar fraudulent schemes that have been exposed since, this is must reading.
    The Embezzler tells the life story of Guy Prime, who was born into wealth, enjoyed his youth, and eventually ended up in prison after he tried to secure loans against money he did not have and his embezzlements were revealed. Whatever the reasons for his gradual lapse into crime and his eventual disgrace, Guy Prime remains one of Louis Auchincloss's most engaging characters. Guy's gravest flaw appears not to be greed but rather a chronic tendency to misread human character. The story itself is told from three different viewpoints and narrators. Auchincloss's multi-narrator technique allows the reader to have a vivid sense of what transpired. This is classic Auchincloss, on
  • East Side Story : A Novel Louis Auchincloss
    ISBN: 0618452443
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description"Louis Auchincloss has an enveloping story to tell and a perfect, understated knowledge of those who inhabit it," said the New York Times of The Scarlet Letters. The same can be said of Auchincloss's new novel, a tour de force that
  • The Rector of Justin Louis Auchincloss
    ISBN: 978-0618224890
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Regarded as one of Louis Auchincloss's most accomplished novels, THE RECTOR OF JUSTIN centers on Frank Prescott, the founder of an exclusive school for boys. Eighty years of his life unfold through the observations of six narrators, each with a unique perspective on the man, his motivations, and the roots of his triumphs and failings.
  • The House of Five Talents Louis Auchincloss
    ISBN: 9997406575
    Год издания: 1960
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    Язык: Английский
    Auchincloss is known for his closely observed portraits of old New York and New England society. Among his books are the multi-generational sagas The House of Five Talents (1960), Portrait in Brownstone (1962), and East Side Story (2004).
  • Pursuit of the Prodigal Louis Auchincloss
    Год издания: 1959
    Издательство: Houghton Mifflin Company
    Язык: Английский
    In Pursuit of the Prodigal Louis Auchincloss tells the story of a rebel, a mature man born to wealth, social position, and the influence they guarantee, who forsakes his wife and children, quits the comfortable world of Parmelee Cove, the family estate on Long Island, spurns the family law firm, even the family money, to seek what love and glory life has for him with his wits and merit—as a man and not an institution.