Джон Хардинг

John Harding

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Лучшие книги Джона Хардинга

  • Флоренс и Джайлс Джон Хардинг
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Рипол-классик
    Язык: Русский

    1891 год, Новая Англия. Двенадцатилетняя сирота Флоренс живет с младшим братом Джайлсом в уединенном и практически заброшенном особняке. Их дядю мало заботит воспитание детей, а для племянницы он и вовсе запретил нанимать учителя. Он уверен, что девочка не умеет ни читать, ни писать... Но предоставленная самой себе Флоренс тайком глотает книгу за книгой, часами пропадая в холодной тишине огромной библиотеки наедине с Шекспиром, Вальтером Скоттом, Диккенсом и Эдгаром По. Она придумывает собственный язык, которым и рассказывает свою историю. После загадочной трагибели первой гувернантки опекун не стал обременять себя излишне придирчивым…

  • The Girl Who Couldn't Read John Harding
    ISBN: 978-0-00-732425-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: The Borough Press
    Язык: Английский

    A man calling himself Doctor John Shepherd arrives at an isolated women’s mental hospital to begin work as assistant to the owner Dr Morgan. As Shepherd struggles to conceal his own dark secrets, he finds the asylum has plenty of its own. Who is the woman who wanders the corridors by night with murderous intent? Why does the chief nurse hate him? And why is he not allowed to visit the hospital’s top floor? Shocked by Morgan’s harsh treatment of the patients, and intrigued by one of them, Jane Dove, a strange amnesiac girl who is fascinated by books but cannot read, Shepherd embarks upon an experiment to help her. As he attempts to solve the…

  • Florence and Giles John Harding
    ISBN: 978-0-00-731504-8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Blue Door

    1891. In a crumbling New England mansion, 12-year-old orphan Florence and her younger brother Giles are neglected by their guardian uncle. Banned from reading, Florence devours books in secret, and twists words and phrases into a language uniquely her own. After the violent dead of the children’s first governess, a second arrives. Florence becomes convinced she is vengeful and malevolent spirit who means to do Giles harm. Against a powerful enemy, with no adult to turn for help, Florence will need all her intelligence and ingenuity to save Giles and preserve her private world. This is her chilling tale....

  • What We Did on Our Holiday John Harding
    ISBN: 978-0552773881
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Thirty-somethings Nick and Laura have been married for 10 years and things aren't going well. She senses her biological clock ticking away and wants children while he doesn't. Not because he doesn't like children but because he feels a child would be just one responsibility too many. Nick's problem is his parents. He's devoted to them of course, but sometimes even he finds his patience wearing a little thin which in turn brings on the guilt. But they are rather a handful. They're conservative, highly eccentric and increasingly infirm. His Mum's so enormously overweight that her heart's now a bit dicky and she is certainly no longer up to looking after Dad by herself. He's got Parkinson's Disease - not the shaking kind, as Mum's always reminding people - but he's unable to do even the simplest task himself and needs constant care and attention. Nick knows the time has come to take the matter in hand but things need to be handled carefully. And so he and Laura take them to Malta for what they hope will be a happy final family holiday. Nick thinks his only problem is going to be avoiding Laura's amorous advances but this particular island turns out to be a sun-kissed cupboard with more than its fair share of skeletons...Tackling a taboo subject with sensitivity, understanding, great affection and good humour, "What We Did On Our Holiday" is a remarkably uplifting, moving and reassuring novel about a time in our lives when it seems roles are reversed and we find ourselves looking after the very people we'd always assumed would be there to look after us.
  • While the Sun Shines John Harding
    ISBN: 978-0552999663
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Transworld Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    About to hit 50, obsessed with sex, cocaine-fueled, and gripped by a crippling fear of death, Professor Michael Cole is finding life a bit of a struggle. He knows the time has come to act his age—the question is how. It's when he's caught in the act of adultery by his grandmother that Michael truly begins to see the writing on the wall. After all, she's been dead for 25 years.