Майкл Бенсон

Michael Benson

  • 8 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 35 читателей
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Майкл Бенсон - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Mas alla : La vision de las sondas Interplanetarias Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 8495939762
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description From the thousands of digital images collected by NASA's unmanned probes since the 1960s, those bound in this volume are nothing less than works of art, selected for their beauty as much as their subject matter. The resulting
  • Cosmigraphics: Picturing Space Through Time Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 978-1419713873
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harry N. Abrams
    Язык: Английский
    Michael Benson tells the thrilling story of the discovery and description of the universe in a new way. Selecting artful and profound illustrations and maps, many hidden away in the world’s great science libraries and virtually unknown today, he chronicles more than 1,000 years of humanity’s ever-expanding understanding of the size and shape of space itself. He shows how the invention of the telescope inspired visions of unimaginably distant places and explains why today we turn to supercomputer simulations to reveal deeper truths about space-time.

    Cosmigraphics explores the visual side of our great­est imaginative achievement as a species: the unveiling of a vast universe that is largely invisible to our senses. It will be a revelation to space-struck Earthlings, art lovers, and readers interested in the history of science, the visualization of information, graphic design, and mapping.
  • Космическая Одиссея 2001. Как Стэнли Кубрик и Артур Кларк создавали культовый фильм Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-096255-6
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    В далеком 1968 году фильм "Космическая Одиссея 2001 года", снятый молодым и никому не известным режиссером Стэнли Кубриком, был достаточно прохладно встречен критиками. Они сходились на том, что фильму не хватает сильного главного героя, вокруг которого шло бы повествование, и диалогов, а самые авторитетные критики и вовсе сочли его непонятным и неинтересным. Несмотря на это зрители выстроились в очередь перед кинотеатрами, и спустя несколько лет фильм заслужил статус классики жанра, на которую впоследствии равнялись такие режиссеры, как Стивен Спилберг, Джордж Лукас, Ридли Скотт и Джеймс Кэмерон. Эта книга - дань уважения фильму, который…

  • Watch Mommy Die Майкл Бенсон
    In The Hands Of A Sadist. . . First, he bound and beat his girlfriend, a 43-year-old librarian. Then he went after her teenaged daughter–warning her, «Scream and I will kill you both»–before knocking her unconscious. When the teenager awoke, he proceded to rape her. And in a final horrifying act of depravity, he forced the girl to watch as he slit her mother's throat. But the killing didn't stop there. . . In The Crosshairs Of A Killer. . . Stephen Stanko was described as «a perfect gentleman» who «seemed so pleasant. . .and so normal.» But behind Stanko's mild-mannered appearance, round spectacles, and quiet intelligence was a coldblooded ex-convict who kept a grisly scrapbook on serial killers–and convinced everyone he was a nice guy–until he killed and killed again. On The Trail Of A Psycho. . . A well-orchestrated manhunt caught up with Stanko, who tried to get away with his crimes by pleading insanity. But the jury saw through his ruse and the ruthless killer was sentenced to death. Case Seen On 48 Hours Includes 16 Pages of Shocking Photos
  • A Killer's Touch Майкл Бенсон
    A PRETTY YOUNG WOMAN . . . Denise Amber Lee was a 21-year-old happily married mother of two little boys. She had her whole life ahead of her. . .until an intruder broke into her Florida home. Within a few short hours she was savagely terrorized, murdered, and buried naked in a shallow grave near a desolate swamp. A DEPRAVED KILLER . . . Michael King, a 38-year-old out-of-work plumber, was a ticking time bomb. For years, neighbors called the police on King, complaining that, among other things, he'd thrown battery acid in their pool and slashed their tires. Denise's fate was far worse. In a horrifying act of cruelty, King bound her with duct tape, raped her repeatedly, then shot her dead. A TRAGIC FAILURE. . . Incredibly, Denise managed to call 911 twice during her abduction. Eyewitnesses and her distraught husband also called, but a slow, inefficient system tragically failed her. As a result, Florida passed the Denise Lee Law, setting voluntary standards for 911 systems. King was sentenced to death. But for Denise and her loving family, it was too late.Includes 16 Pages of Shocking Photos
  • Betrayal In Blood Майкл Бенсон
    Her Cheating Heart "Mommy…won't be with us anymore." That's what attorney Kevin C. Bryant, 45, told his two young sons in the spring of 2003. At the time, blonde, pretty, 26-year-old Tabatha Bryant was alive and well in an upscale suburb of Rochester, New York. But that was about to change–because Bryant knew his wife was cheating–and he intended to end the affair by ending her life. On June 14, 2003, he called 911 to report Tabatha slain by an unknown intruder who'd shot her in the eye with a .22 and repeatedly stabbed her in the neck and upper body. His Evil Plan A drug bust led to Cassidy Green's confession that she'd driven the getaway car. She fingered boyfriend Cyril Winebrenner as the killer. He and Kevin Bryant were buddies who'd regularly gone on cocaine-fueled sex binges with hookers. Astoundingly, Winebrenner was also Tabatha's half-brother–but Bryant's $5,000 had convinced him that money is thicker than blood. In a trial that shook «Country Club Row,» prosecutors would present evidence and testimonies that revealed ever more sordid details, leading to final justice for the lawyer who tried to get away with murder…
  • A Knife in the Heart Майкл Бенсон
    Difficult to put down. . .. This is one that I highly recommend.
    – True Crime Book Reviews on Watch Mommy Die Die For Love Sarah Ludemann was new to love. The Pinellas, Florida, 17-year old was a late bloomer. When she fell for a boy she was blind to the world of sex, drugs and drama swirling around her. Soon, Sarah had a bitter enemy in 18-year-old waitress Rachel Wade; both girls were head-over-heels with a cocky two-timer named Joshua Camacho. On a warm spring night, their passions erupted into violence. A knife flashed under the streetlights. When the fight was over one girl was dead and the other charged with murder. In an emotion-packed courtroom the whole story took shape–a troubling tale of conflicting lives, tangled sexual affairs, and the high price of having the right feelings for the wrong guy. . ."Brisk pacing. . .shocking details." – Publishers Weekly on The Burn Farm Includes dramatic photos.
  • The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America Майкл Бенсон
    Enemies On American Soil The shocking agenda of an organization more dangerous to America than any terrorist group. Inspired by FDR, funded by the USA, and safely sheltered on America's hallowed soil, the United Nations was conceived as a neutral, global peacekeeping body. Yet, from almost the day of its genesis, the UN betrayed the nation that empowers and protects it, allowing anti-American thieves and tyrants to corrupt its mandate and its operations. In this breathtaking expos?, Michael Benson connects far-flung facets of UN history and policy to illustrate a startling point: America is not only harboring its own worst enemy, it is also financing it with taxpayer dollars, bankrolling its own downfall. Among the revelations in this often terrifying book, Benson shows:  • How the United Nations is developing its own One World Army, in order to enforce their will on a global scale. • How a State Department study specifically proposed giving the UN taxing power and, ultimately, control of the world. • How the United Nations called for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has «allowed» the United States the «privilege» of building a huge trade deficit. • How the UN condemns Israel and empowers Hamas and other terrorist groups–the UN's gift to the free world. • How the UN embraces America-hating dictators like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi while condemning America's allies. Informed by the historical record and the commentary of America's best conservative thinkers, this book paints a stark portrait of this treacherous cabal that gives «neutrality» a bad name.
  • Killer Twins Майкл Бенсон
    They Looked Alike. . . Robert Bruce Spahalski and Stephen Spahalski were identical twins. Same hair, same eyes, same thirst for blood. Stephen was the first brother to kill–by viciously bashing in storeowner Ronald Ripley's head with a hammer. Acted Alike. . . Unlike Stephen, Robert didn't stop with just one victim. With the cord of an iron, Robert strangled prostitute Morraine Armstrong while having sex. With his bare hands, he choked his girlfriend Adrian Berger. He brutally bludgeoned to death businessman Charles Grande. Even his friend Vivian Irizarry didn't escape his lurid killing spree. Robert ultimately confessed to the four murders in vivid detail. But police suspected there were many more. And Slaughtered Alike. . . The twins' twisted story became even more bizarre as the true nature of their sick psyches came to light. In these pages, Robert Spahalski reveals for the first time the horrific details of his life and crimes in a disturbing look at the inner workings of a homicidal mind… Includes 16 Pages of Shocking Photos
  • Подводные лодки Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 5-17-038469-6, 5-271-14512-3, 0-02-864471-9
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    Подлодки и их команды до сих пор остаются загадками. Как и многомачтовые военные суда, которые царили на море Б век паруса, подлодки сочетают в себе все последние технические достижения человечества. Компактные и самодостаточные, управляемые высокопрофессиональными командами, они являются воплощением современных достижений. Как устроены эти таинственные корабли, как они проектируются и управляются, и почему некоторые добровольно соглашаются провести часть жизни на борту такого судна ? Эта уникальная и увлекательная книга дает простые отвегы на эти и другие вопросы и расскажет о множестве тайн, которые скрывают в себе подводные лодки.
  • Современный Китай Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 5-17-035517-3, 5-271-13511-X, 0-02-864386-0
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    Данная книга знакомит с истоками современного (после падения империи) Китая: его историей и философией, которые оказали огромное влияние на характер и мировосприятие китайцев. В книге рассказывается также о китайском экономическом чуде 1980-х гг.,
  • Тайные общества, секты и культы Майкл Бенсон
    ISBN: 966-343-351-5
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Книжный клуб
    Язык: Русский
    Сколько существует человечество, столько существуют тайные общества. Некоторые из них посвятили себя добру, но другие преследуют намного более мрачные цели. Единственное, что их объединяет, - это тайна, окутывающая их деятельность. Эта книга расскажет вам о более чем 150 тайных обществах мира, соблюдающих наибольшую секретность. И вам не нужно будет знать условное рукопожатие или изучать тайный код. Писатель Майкл Бенсон широко распахнет перед вами доселе запертые двери, обнажая внутреннюю суть подпольных групп, начиная от иллюминатов и заканчивая триадами или 'Новым мировым порядком'.

    В этой книге вы прочтете: Франкмасоны - самое загадочное из тайных обществ. Что на самом деле происходит, когда элита делового мира съезжается на сверхсекретные ежегодные встречи. 'Клуб Львов' соблюдает секретность, чтобы служить обществу. Настоящая цель Комитета Трехсот и их сенсационные связи с 'Новым мировым порядком'. Как старейшая в Индии криминальная группировка, туги, связала воедино религию и убийства. Загадочная история рыцарей-тамплиеров и их главных врагов - асассинов. Группа 'Череп и Кости', действующая при Йельском университете, является чем угодно, но только не обычным студенческим братством.